Thomas Chae, Lieutenant Colonel, U.S. Army; Professor of Military Science
Department of Military Science and Leadership
303 Girard Blvd NE, Suite 235
MSC06 3515
1 University of New Mexico
Albuquerque, NM 87131-0001
(505) 277-2250

Thomas Chae, Major, U.S. Army; B.S., United States Military Academy; M.B.A., Webster University

Assistant Professors
John Coburn, First Lieutenant, U.S. Army; B.A., The Citadel
Derrick Duer, Sergeant First Class, U.S. Army
Luis Gonzalez, Master Sergeant, U.S. Army
Eric Regensberg, Sergeant First Class, U.S. Army
Erik Sevigny, B.S., University of New Hampshire; M.A., Webster University
Michael Trinkle, Captain, U.S. Army; B.A., Eastern Illinois University; M.S. Walden University

Minor Study Requirements

  • Minor in Military Studies

The minor in Military Studies (Army Option) is available to students in the Army ROTC program.

Awarding of minor in Military Science is contingent upon receiving a commission in the Army, Army National Guard or Army Reserves. The minor is administered by the Department of Military Science and Leadership. 

The minor requires 25 credit hours, all of which must be in upper-division Military Science and Leadership (MLSL) or alternate courses approved by the Department of Military Science and Leadership. A grade of “C” or better must be obtained for each course.

Army ROTC Commissioning Program

The military science and leadership program leads to a commission as an officer in the Active Army, Army Reserve, or Army National Guard. Inherent in course content and methodology are opportunities for the student to develop his or her capacities to lead and manage efficiently, to think creatively, and to speak and write effectively. The program consists of four parts: the student’s academic major, non-departmental courses of value to the military service, courses in military science and leadership, and a five-week Advanced Camp.

Students may enter the Army ROTC from any high school, college or university. Transfer students with ROTC background may receive credit for previous ROTC experience.

Following successful completion of the Army ROTC program, each individual is commissioned as a second lieutenant in the United States Army, Army Reserve, or Army National Guard. Full pay and benefits begin upon initial assignment.

The Army Military Science Department offers a four-year program divided into two parts: the Basic Course and Advanced Course. Selected students may qualify for the two-year program with prior military service or successful completion of a four-week Leadership Training Course. Financial assistance, monthly stipends, and scholarships are available for qualified individuals.

Processing of new students for the four-year program is accomplished during registration for the fall or spring semesters. Undergraduate or graduate students applying for the two-year program should process as early as a possible in the school year prior to the following term in which they wish to enter the Advanced Course. Specifics may be obtained by contacting the Army ROTC Department.

Four-Year Option

Qualified freshman may enroll in military science and leadership classes following normal college registration procedures. The student enrolls in the Basic Course for the first two years. Prior to enrolling in the last two years of the program, the Advanced Course, the student must meet Army ROTC qualification standards and requirements. In addition, all Army ROTC Advanced Course students must complete a five-week summer Advanced Camp in Fort Knox, KY between their third and fourth years.

Two-Year Option

Entry into the Advanced Course is based upon the individual student’s eligibility. Applicants must meet Army ROTC qualification standards and requirements. Students entering the two-year option must have some form of Basic Course credit. This can be prior or current military service in the Army, Army Reserve, or Army National Guard. Students may also meet eligibility requirements by attending the Basic Camp in Fort Knox, KY. Military experience in other branches of service or high school JROTC experience are addressed on a case by case basis.

NOTE: The two-year option is available to both undergraduate and graduate students.

Departmental Requirements

Basic Course Freshman
MLSL 101/101L Introduction to Leadership I/Lab
MLSL 102/102L Introduction to Leadership II/Lab
Basic Course Sophomore
MLSL 201/201L Foundation of Tactical Leadership I/Lab
MLSL 202/202L Foundation of Tactical Leadership II/Lab
  Note: for selected students, basic course requirements may also be satisfied with 225 or with credit for prior military service. Consult the military science advisor for details.
Advanced Course Junior/Graduate Student
MLSL *301/*301L Adaptive Tactical Leadership/Lab
MLSL *302/*302L Leadership in Changing Environments/Lab
MLSL *350 Advanced Leadership Seminar
Advanced Course Senior/Graduate Student
MLSL *401/*401L Developing Adaptive Leaders/Lab
MLSL *402/*402L Leadership in a Complex World/Lab
  Note: for selected students, Advanced Course requirements may also be satisfied with *325/*425. Consult the military science advisor for details.

Non-Departmental Requirements

The following areas must be successfully completed to meet Professional Military Education (PME) requirements. Consult the military science advisor for specific courses.

  • Military History
  • Enhanced Skills Training Program (ESTP)

Additional Information

Financial Opportunities

The Army ROTC department provides uniforms for contracted cadets and Advanced Course students and textbooks for Army ROTC Basic Course students. Students who qualify may receive an Army ROTC scholarship which pays full tuition, laboratory fees, books and a monthly allowance throughout the academic period that the scholarship is in effect. Scholarships are available for four, three and one-half, three, two and one-half, and two year periods. Students must meet academic, physical, and scholarship age requirements. To retain this scholarship, the student must continue to meet Army ROTC retention standards. Students can elect to apply their scholarship towards room and board.

Room and Board Scholarships

Army ROTC offers private room and board scholarships up to four years to any ROTC basic or advanced course student. Students may receive both the Army ROTC Scholarships and the on campus Room and Board Scholarship simultaneously.

Simultaneous Membership Program

The Simultaneous Membership Program (SMP) is a volunteer officer training program that allows Army Reserve and Army National Guard enlisted members to also participate in Army ROTC. Upon completion of Army Basic Combat Training, a Reserve Component soldier who is an academic sophomore, junior, or graduate student, can join Army ROTC and earn a commission as an officer in either the Army, Army Reserve, or Army National Guard. The Army Reserve or Army National Guard may offer special financial incentives, to include two year scholarships, to SMP cadets. SMP cadets are not subject to deployment with their respective units for the duration of their participation in the SMP program.


MLSL 101. Introduction to Leadership I. (1)

MLSL 101L. Introduction to Leadership Lab I. (1)

MLSL 102. Introduction to Leadership II. (1)

MLSL 102L. Introduction to Leadership Lab II. (1)

MLSL 201. Foundations of Tactical Leadership I. (2)

MLSL 201L. Foundations of Tactical Leadership Lab I. (1)

MLSL 202. Foundations of Tactical Leadership II. (2)

MLSL 202L. Foundations of Tactical Leadership Lab II. (1)

MLSL 225. Directed Studies. (1-3 to a maximum of 6 Δ)

MLSL 229. Military Fitness I. (1, may be repeated three times Δ)

MLSL 230. Military Fitness II. (1, may be repeated three times Δ)

MLSL *301. Adaptive Tactical Leadership. (3)

MLSL *301L. Adaptive Tactical Leadership Lab. (1)

MLSL *302. Leadership in Changing Environments. (3)

MLSL *302L. Leadership in Changing Environments Lab. (1)

MLSL 303. Military History of the United States. (3)

MLSL *325. Advanced Directed Studies. (1-4, may be repeated twice Δ)

MLSL *350. Advanced Leadership Seminar. (6)

MLSL *401. Developing Adaptive Leaders. (3)

MLSL *401L. Developing Adaptive Leaders Lab. (1)

MLSL *402. Leadership in a Complex World. (3)

MLSL *402L. Leadership in a Complex World Lab. (1)

MLSL *425. Practicum. (1-4, may be repeated twice Δ)

MLSL 429. Military Fitness III. (1, may be repeated three times Δ)

MLSL 430. Military Fitness IV. (1, may be repeated three times Δ)

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Office of the Registrar

MSC11 6325
1 University of New Mexico
Albuquerque, NM 87131

Phone: (505) 277-8900
Fax: (505) 277-6809

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