Classical Studies

Undergraduate Program

Monica S. Cyrino, Ortega Hall 347B

Lorenzo F. Garcia, Jr., Ortega Hall 351C

Luke A. Gorton, Humanities 457

Osman Umurhan, Ortega Hall 315B

College of Arts and Sciences and Classical Studies Major Undergraduate Admission Requirements

A minimum of 26 credit hours; 23 credit hours must be in courses acceptable toward graduation.

A cumulative grade point average of at least 2.00 on all work.

  • Transfer students must have a 2.00 transfer GPA.
  • Continuing UNM students must have a 2.00 institutional GPA.

Demonstrated academic achievement by satisfying the following:

  • Completion of General Education Curriculum: Communication.
  • Completion of General Education Curriculum: Mathematics and Statistics.
  • Completion of General Education Curriculum: Second Language.

Completion of Classical Studies major admission coursework with grade of "C" or better:

  • GREK 1120 or LATN 1120.

Degree Offered

  • Bachelor of Arts in Classical Studies (B.A.)
    Concentrations: Civilization; Languages.

Major Study Requirements

The student majoring in Classical Studies choose one of two concentrations, depending on the wish to take a broader spectrum of courses relating to the ancient world (Civilization concentration) or focus in Greek and Latin (Languages concentration). Those students wishing to pursue graduate study in the Classics are advised to choose the Languages concentration. Course substitutions must be approved in advance by the major advisor.

Concentration in Civilization

1. GREK or LATN above 200 6
2. CLST 2110 or 2120 3
3. CLST *333 or *334 3
4. ARTH above 200 in a course which includes the ancient world 3
5. CLST above 200 6
6. Nine credit hours from the following: 9
  CLST 1110
  ARTH 2110, 315, 323
  PHIL 2220, 2225
  RELG 1126, *463
  Any other Classical Studies course above 200
  Any other History course above 200 which includes the ancient world
  A Comparative Literature course above 200 which includes the ancient world
  Total 30

Concentration in Languages

1. A.   Latin Emphasis
    i. LATN above 200 12
    ii. GREK above 200 9
  B.   Greek Emphasis
    i. GREK above 200 12
    ii. LATN above 200 9
2.     CLST above 200 6
3.     Three credit hours from the courses named in number 6 of the Civilization concentration above. 3
      Total 30

Minor Study Requirements

1. (GREK 2110 and GREK 2120) or (LATN 2110 and LATN 2120) 6
2. CLST above 200 6
3. Six credit hours from the following: 6
  CLST 1110
  CLST above 300
  ARTH courses above 200 which include the ancient world
  PHIL courses above 200 which include the ancient world
Total 18


CLST 1110 [107]. Greek Mythology. (3)

CLST 2110 [204]. Greek Civilization. (3)

CLST 2120 [205]. Roman Civilization. (3)

CLST 314. The Classical Tradition I. (3)

CLST 315. The Classical Tradition II. (3)

CLST 319. Sex and Gender in Ancient Religion. (3)

CLST 320. Magic in Ancient Religion. (3)

CLST 321. Apocalypse in the Ancient World. (3)

CLST *333. Topics in Latin Literature and Culture in Translation. (3, no limit Δ)

CLST *334. Topics in Greek Literature and Culture in Translation. (3, no limit Δ)

CLST 497. Undergraduate Problems. (1-6 to a maximum of 9 Δ)

CLST 498. Reading and Research for Honors. (3)

CLST 499. Honors Essay. (3)

CLST 500. Theory and Methodology of Classical Studies. (3)


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