Undergraduate Program

Major Study Undergraduate Advisor
(505) 277-5041

College of Arts and Sciences and Department of Geography and Environmental Studies Undergraduate Admission Requirements

A minimum of 26 credit hours; 23 credit hours must be in courses acceptable toward graduation.

A cumulative grade point average of at least 2.00 on all work.

  • Transfer students must have a 2.00 transfer GPA.
  • Continuing UNM students must have a 2.00 institutional GPA.

Demonstrated academic achievement by satisfying the following:

  • Completion of General Education Curriculum: Communication.
  • Completion of General Education Curriculum: Mathematics and Statistics.
  • Completion of General Education Curriculum: Second Language.

Completion of Department of Geography and Environmental Studies admission coursework with grades of "C" or better:

  • GEOG 1160.
  • GEOG 1165.

Degrees Offered

  • Bachelor of Arts in Geography (B.A.)
  • Bachelor of Science in Geography (B.S.)

Major Study Requirements

Bachelor of Arts in Geography

The B.A. major in Geography requires the following lower- and upper-division coursework.

Required curriculum:

GEOG 1150 Introduction to Environmental Studies 3
GEOG 1160 Home Planet: Land, Water and Life 3
GEOG 1160L Home Planet Laboratory 1
GEOG 1165 People and Place 3
GEOG 1175 World Regions 3
GEOG 181 Introduction to Maps and Geospatial Information 3
GEOG **381L
GEOG *481L
Introduction to Geographic Information Systems

Map Design and Geovisualization
GEOG 471 Senior Geography Capstone 1
Four courses Human Environment Geography Group
Choose from: *445 or any GEOG courses numbered in the 360s, 450s or 460s
Elective Any GEOG course at the 200-, 300-, or 400-level  3-4
  Total 36-37

Bachelor of Science in Geography

The B.S. major in Geography requires the following lower- and upper-division coursework.

Required curriculum:

GEOG 1160 Home Planet: Land, Water and Life 3
GEOG 1160L Home Planet Laboratory 1
GEOG 1165 People and Place 3
GEOG 181 Introduction to Maps and Geospatial Information 3
GEOG 380 Basic Statistics for Geographers 3
GEOG **381L Introduction to Geographic Information Systems 4
GEOG *481L Map Design and Geovisualization 4
GEOG 471 Senior Geography Capstone 1
One course Any GEOG course numbered in the 360s or 460s 3
Four courses Any GEOG courses at the 200- or 300-level or numbered in the 420s, 450s, and 480s 12-16
  Total 37-41

Minor Study Requirements

Minor in Geographic Information Science (GIScience)
The curriculum for the minor in GIScience requires 20 credit hours of coursework.
Required courses include: 181, 181L, and **381L.
Four electives chosen from the Geographic Information Science Group: 380L, 427, 428, *481L, 483L, 484L, 485L, 486L, 487L, 488L.

Minor in Geography
The curriculum for the minor in Geography requires 19 credit hours.
Required courses include: 1160, 1165, 181, 181L.
Electives: 9 additional credit hours of Geography coursework.
Distributed minor not available.

Minor in Law, Environment and Geography
The curriculum for the minor in Law, Environment and Geography requires 22 credit hours of coursework.
Required courses include: 1160, 1165, 181, 181L.
Four electives chosen from: 1150, 350, **360, 365, 461, 462, 463, 464.

Departmental Honors

Undergraduate students pursuing either the B.A. or B.S. in Geography have the option of seeking honors in Geography by completing advanced independent work that leads to a Senior Thesis. Students must declare their intention to enter the Departmental Honors program to the Undergraduate Program Director during their junior year. Entry to the Departmental Honors program cannot be granted later than the beginning of the senior year.

Minimum requirements for graduation with honors in Geography are as follows: (1) completion of all requirements required for the B.A. or B.S. in Geography; (2) maintenance of an overall grade point average of 3.50; (3) completion of 6 credit hours of 400-level geography courses; and (4) submission of a written senior thesis.

Candidates for honors in Geography are required to take the following courses in their senior year: GEOG 491 Problems, taken for 3 credit hours in the Fall semester and 3 credit hours in the Spring semester. The objective of these 6 credit hours is for the candidate to develop a substantial independent project in Geography research, which leads to submission of a Senior Thesis by the 12th week of the spring term of the student's senior year. The thesis advisor and a second reader selected from the Geography and Environmental Studies Faculty together determine if the quality of the thesis is sufficient for honors, and at what level.


GEOG 1150 [195]. Introduction to Environmental Studies. (3)

GEOG 1160 [101]. Home Planet: Land, Water and Life. (3)

GEOG 1160L [105L]. Home Planet Laboratory [Home Planet: Land, Water and Life Laboratory]. (1)

GEOG 1165 [102]. People and Place. (3)

GEOG 1175 [140]. World Regions [Introduction to World Regions]. (3)

GEOG 181. Introduction to Maps and Geospatial Information. (3)

GEOG 181L. Geospatial Field Methods. (1)

GEOG 1970 [180]. World of Beer [The World of Beer]. (3)

GEOG 217. Energy, Environment and Society. (3)

GEOG 254. Introduction to Latin American Society I: Social Sciences. (3)

GEOG 340. Latin American Culture and Society. (3)

GEOG 350. Field Methods in Geography [Natural Environments]. (3)

GEOG 352. Global Climate Change. (3)

GEOG **360. Land Use Management. (3)

GEOG 364. Law, Place and Space. (3)

GEOG 365. Nature and Society. (3)

GEOG 380L. Basic Statistics for Geographers. (3)

GEOG **381L. Introduction to Geographic Information Systems. (4)

GEOG 390. Qualitative Methods for Geographers. (3)

GEOG 427 / 527. Introductory Programming for GIS. (3)

GEOG 428 / 528. Advanced Programming for GIS. (3)

GEOG *445. Geography of New Mexico and the Southwest. (3)

GEOG *446. Exploring Oaxaca Through Food and Craft. (3)

GEOG *450. Hazards and Disasters [Environmental Hazards]. (3)

GEOG 461 / 561. Environmental Management. (3)

GEOG 462 / 562. Water Governance [Water Resources Management]. (3)

GEOG 463 / 563. Public Land Management. (3)

GEOG 464 / 564. Food and Natural Resources. (3)

GEOG 466 / 566. The City. (3)

GEOG 467 / 567. Governing the Global Environment. (3)

GEOG 469 / 569. Environments and Peoples in Latin America. (3)

GEOG 471. Senior Geography Capstone. (1)

GEOG *481L. Map Design and Geovisualization. (4)

GEOG 483L / 583L. Remote Sensing Fundamentals. (4)

GEOG 484L / 584L. Applications of Remote Sensing. (4)

GEOG 485L / 585L. Internet Mapping. (3)

GEOG 486L / 586L. Applications of GIS. (3)

GEOG 487L / 587L. Spatial Analysis and Modeling. (3)

GEOG 488L / 588L. GIS Concepts and Techniques. (3)

GEOG 491. Problems. (1-3 to a maximum of 3 Δ)

GEOG 493. Internship in Applied Geography. (1-3 to a maximum of 3 Δ)

GEOG *499. Topics in Geography. (1-3 to a maximum of 6 Δ)

GEOG 501. Geographic History and Methods. (3)

GEOG 502. Approaches to Geographical Research. (3)

GEOG 514. Natural Resources Management Seminar. (3 to a maximum of 6 Δ)

GEOG 515. Seminar in Geographies of Power [Cultural and Political Ecology]. (3, may be repeated once Δ [3])

GEOG 516. Seminar: Globalization and Development [Seminar in Globalization]. (3)

GEOG 522. Introduction to Spatial Data Management. (3)

GEOG 524. Advanced Topics in Remote Sensing. (3)

GEOG 525. Advanced GIScience Seminar. (3)

GEOG 527 / 427. Introductory Programming for GIS. (3)

GEOG 528 / 428. Advanced Programming for GIS. (3)

GEOG 551. Drylands. (3)

GEOG 561 / 461. Environmental Management. (3)

GEOG 562 / 462. Water Governance [Water Resources Management]. (3)

GEOG 563 / 463. Public Land Management. (3)

GEOG 564 / 464. Food and Natural Resources. (3)

GEOG 566 / 466. The City. (3)

GEOG 567 / 467. Governing the Global Environment. (3)

GEOG 569 / 469. Environments and Peoples in Latin America. (3)

GEOG 580L. Spatial Statistics. (3)

GEOG 581L. Introduction to GIS for Graduate Students. (3)

GEOG 583L / 483L. Remote Sensing Fundamentals. (4)

GEOG 584L / 484L. Applications of Remote Sensing. (4)

GEOG 585L / 485L. Internet Mapping. (3)

GEOG 586L / 486L. Applications of GIS. (3)

GEOG 587L / 487L. Spatial Analysis and Modeling. (3)

GEOG 588L / 488L. GIS Concepts and Techniques. (3)

GEOG 590. Qualitative Methods. (3)

GEOG 591. Problems. (1-3 to a maximum of 3 Δ)

GEOG 593. Internship in Applied Geography. (1-3 to a maximum of 3 Δ)

GEOG 597. Master's Project. (3)

GEOG 598. Topics in Geography. (1-3 to a maximum of 6 Δ)

GEOG 599. Master's Thesis. (1-6, no limit Δ)

GEOG 601. Introduction to Geographic Theory and Application. (3)

GEOG 602. Integrative Research Design. (3)

GEOG 603. Professional Geographic Practice. (3)


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