Undergraduate Program

College of Arts and Sciences and Department of Psychology Undergraduate Admission Requirements

A minimum of 26 credit hours; 23 credit hours must be in courses acceptable toward graduation.

A cumulative grade point average of at least 2.00 on all work.

  • Transfer students must have a 2.00 transfer GPA.
  • Continuing UNM students must have a 2.00 institutional GPA.

Demonstrated academic achievement by satisfying the following:

  • Completion of General Education Curriculum: Communication.
  • Completion of General Education Curriculum: Mathematics and Statistics.
  • Completion of General Education Curriculum: Second Language.

Completion of Department of Psychology admission coursework with grades of "C" or better:

  • PSYC 1110.
  • One PSY or PSYC course at 200-level or above.

Degrees Offered

  • Bachelor of Arts in Psychology (B.A.)
    Concentration: Basics in Addiction Counseling.
  • Bachelor of Science in Psychology (B.S.)
    Concentration: Basics in Addiction Counseling.

Major Study Requirements

Students wanting an introduction to psychology should take PSYC 1110. Students should then take multiple 200-level courses before registering for more advanced courses. Although the prerequisites for any course may be waived by permission of the instructor, it is strongly advised that students take the prerequisites in order to be adequately prepared for the course.

It is the department’s point of view that coursework older than ten years be subject to review. This is due to advancements and changes being made in the discipline, as well as time to degree completion considerations. In light of this, the department has established the following guidelines:

  • PSYC 1110 normally must be retaken if the course was taken over 10 years. Exceptions may apply (e.g., continuous enrollment with academic progress).
  • Other coursework over ten years of age may sometimes be applied, if PSYC 1110 is retaken.
  • Coursework is reviewed by members of the faculty in cases of special circumstances.
  • Undergraduate psychology advisors coordinate faculty reviews on behalf of students.

This policy is designed to ensure that students have the most relevant information in their chosen discipline. Questions regarding this policy should be directed to one of the undergraduate advisors in the Psychology department.

Acceptance of any transferred credit hours toward a major or minor in Psychology must be approved by the Associate Chairperson for Undergraduate Education.

Bachelor of Arts in Psychology

To obtain a B.A. in Psychology a student must satisfactorily complete (i.e., a grade of "C" or better) 36 credit hours in Psychology (35 credit hours if an upper-division lab is taken. See item 6 below), and should minor in an Arts and Sciences Department.

The 36 credit hours of Psychology must include:

  • PSYC 1110 (3 credit hours).
  • PSYC 2510 (3 credit hours).
  • Four courses (12 credit hours) selected from the six 200-level core courses: PSYC 2110, 2120, 2220, 2250, 2270, 2320.
  • PSY 302 (3 credit hours).
  • Four Psychology electives at the 300/400-level (12 credit hours).
  • One Psychology elective (3 credit hours). Students may elect to take an upper-division Psychology laboratory (2 credit hours).

Bachelor of Science in Psychology

To obtain a B.S. in Psychology a student must complete a second major in, or a minor in, or distributed among (see distributed minor policy): Anthropology (Evolutionary Anthropology concentration), Astrophysics, Biochemistry, Biology, Chemistry, Computer Science, Earth and Planetary Sciences, Environmental Science, Mathematics, Statistics, or Physics and complete (i.e., a grade of "C" or better) 35 credit hours in Psychology.

The 35 credit hours of Psychology must include:

  • PSYC 1110 (3 credit hours).
  • PSYC 2510 (3 credit hours).
  • Four courses (12 credit hours) selected from the six 200-level core courses: PSYC 2110, 2120, 2220, 2250, 2270, 2320.
  • PSY 302 (3 credit hours).
  • Four psychology electives at the 300/400-level (12 credit hours).
  • One upper-division (300/400) psychology laboratory (2 credit hours).

Concentration in Basics in Addiction Counseling (B.A./B.S.)

The Basics in Addiction Counseling (BAC) concentration is designed for a select group of undergraduate Psychology majors who are interested in a career in the alcohol/drug counseling field. In addition to the standard Psychology major requirements, the BAC concentration involves a series of specialized addiction courses, as well as a multi-semester field placement at a substance abuse agency. Students admitted to the BAC concentration must have completed all coursework requirements to become a Licensed Substance Abuse Associate (LSAA) and/or Licensed Alcohol/Drug Abuse Counselor (LADAC).

To complete the BAC concentration, students must complete 45 credit hours in Psychology courses. In addition, students must earn a grade of "C" or better (grades of "C-" are not accepted) in all Psychology courses. Twenty-four credit hours must be taken at UNM to satisfy the residency requirement. Major requirements are only one portion of the undergraduate degree. Meet with an Undergraduate Program Advisor located in the department to discuss the University and College-level requirements in addition to the major. To earn the B.A. or B.S. degree in Psychology, students must declare a minor. To earn the B.A. degree, students must select a minor from the approved College of Arts and Sciences minor list. To earn the B.S. degree, students must declare a minor from: Anthropology; Biology; Chemistry; Computer Science; Mathematics; Physics; or Statistics. Meet with the minor departmental advisors to review minor requirements.

Application and Admission

All applicants are required to be Psychology majors and meet the following requirements:

  • Are enrolled in the equivalent of the fourth semester of full-time coursework toward a college degree.
  • Have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 or a Psychology GPA of 3.5.
  • Are committed to a career in the alcohol/drug counseling field.
  • Have interpersonal skills appropriate for a counseling career.
  • Have the ability to meet the program standards (with or without reasonable accommodation).
  • Have read and acknowledged understanding of the New Mexico Counseling and Therapy Practice Board standards for licensure.

Interested applicants provide:

  • Letter of interest.
  • Current resume (work and academic experience).
  • At least two letters of recommendation that address the qualifications, character, and motivation of the applicant. These letters may come from employers, professors, or supervisors; these are not personal references.
  • College transcripts.
  • Completed BAC application.


The required 45 credit hours of Psychology courses to complete the BAC concentration include:

Core Courses
PSYC 1110 Introduction to Psychology 3
PSYC 2250 Brain and Behavior 3
PSYC 2510 Statistical Principles for Psychology 3
PSY 302 Psychological Research Techniques 3
Total 12
200-level courses Choose three:
PSYC 2110 Social Psychology 3
PSYC 2120 Developmental Psychology 3
PSYC 2220 Cognitive Psychology 3
PSYC 2270 Psychology of Learning and Memory 3
PSYC 2320 Health Psychology 3
Total 9
Required 300- and 400-level electives
PSY 332 Abnormal Behavior 3
PSY 335 Clinical Psychology 3
PSY 347 Drugs and Behavior 3
PSY 411 Treatment of Addictions 3
PSY 430 Alcohol Use and Alcohol Use Disorders 3
Total 15
Laboratory* Choose one:
PSY 335L Clinical Psychology Laboratory 2
PSY 445L Developmental Neuroscience Laboratory 2
PSY 480L Health Psychology Laboratory 2
Total 2
Additional Requirements
PSY 313 Case Management in Addictions 1
PSY 412 Applied Clinical Experience in Addictions Counseling Field Work 6
Total 7

*There are alternative options to these Laboratory courses. Other upper-level psychology labs may also satisfy the requirement, or working in a psychology professor's research lab as part of PSY 499 experience may count. These options must be approved in advance by a BAC Advisory Committee member.

Distributed Minor for Psychology Majors

A distributed minor is appropriate when a combination of courses from different departments better serves the student’s career objectives and overall program of education than does a minor in a single department. Distributed minor petitions must be approved by the Associate Chairperson for Undergraduate Education. See Department Advisor for details.

The requirements for a distributed minor with a Psychology major are:

  • A minimum of 30 credit hours of coursework in related departments.
  • At least 15 credit hours of those included in the student proposed distributed minor shall be at the 300- or 400-level (upper-division).
  • At least one advanced (300-level or above) course in each of two or more areas.
  • Approved petition.

For the B.S. degree, the minor must be distributed among biology, chemistry, computer science, mathematics, or physics.

Minor Study Requirements

To obtain a Psychology minor, students must complete 18 credit hours in Psychology.

  • PSYC 1110 (3 credit hours).
  • 15 credit hours in Psychology.

One quarter of Psychology credit hours (6 credit hours) must be successfully completed (i.e., a grade of "C" or better) while in residence at the University of New Mexico.

Departmental Honors

Superior sophomore students, especially those anticipating graduate study in psychology or interested in research training, are invited to apply for admission to the Undergraduate Honors Program to begin in the Fall semester of the junior year. Students participating in this program are eligible to graduate with departmental honors if recommended by the faculty on the basis of outstanding performance.

The Honors program requires 33 credit hours beyond 3 credit hours of general psychology, including PSYC 2510; PSY 302, 391, 392, 491, 492 and four courses from the six 200-level core courses. The usual requirement of an upper-division laboratory for B.S. majors is waived for honors majors.

NOTE: Students enrolling in PSY 391, Junior Honors Seminar, must have taken PSYC 2510 and either PSYC 2220 or 2270 as prerequisites and PSY 302 as a prerequisite or corequisite.


PSY 302. Psychological Research Techniques. (3)

PSY 313. Case Management in Addictions. (1)

PSY 324. Infant Development. (3)

PSY 329. Adolescent Psychology. (3)

PSY 331. Psychology of Personality. (3)

PSY 332. Abnormal Behavior. (3)

PSY 335. Clinical Psychology. (3)

PSY 335L. Clinical Psychology Laboratory. (2)

PSY 342. Evolution and Human Behavior. (3)

PSY 344. Human Neuropsychology. (3)

PSY 345. Neuroscience of Aging and Dementia. (3)

PSY 347. Drugs and Behavior. (3)

PSY 360. Human Learning and Memory. (3)

PSY 364. Psychology of Perception. (3)

PSY **367. Psychology of Language. (3)

PSY 373. The Psychology of Horror. (3)

PSY 374. Cross-cultural Psychology. (3)

PSY 375. Psychology of Women. (3)

PSY 376. The Psychology of Love. (3)

PSY 391. Junior Honors Seminar. (3)

PSY 392. Junior Honors Seminar. (3)

PSY *400. History of Psychology. (3)

PSY *405. Crisis Worker Practicum. (1, may be repeated five times Δ)

PSY 408 / 508. Psychological Research with Diverse Populations. (3)

PSY 410 / 510. Advanced Health Psychology. (3)

PSY 411. Treatment of Addictions. (3)

PSY 412. Applied Clinical Experience in Addictions Counseling (Field Work). (1-6 to a maximum of 9 Δ [1-3 to a maximum of 9 Δ])

PSY 413 / 513. Emotion, Stress, and Health. (3)

PSY 416 / 516. Health Disparities. (3)

PSY 421 / 521. Advanced Developmental Psychology. (3)

PSY 422. Child Language. (3)

PSY 423 [423 / 623]. Human Emotions. (3)

PSY 430. Alcohol Use and Alcohol Use Disorders. (3)

PSY 433. Depression: Diagnosis, Treatment, Prevention. (3)

PSY 434. Behavior Therapies. (3)

PSY 436. Family Psychology. (3)

PSY 439 / 539. Child Psychopathology. (3)

PSY 441. Sleep: Scientific Investigation. (3)

PSY 443 / 643. Psychobiology of Emotion. (3)

PSY 444 / 644. Advanced EEG Analysis in MatLab. (3)

PSY 445L. Developmental Neuroscience Laboratory. (2, may be repeated once Δ)

PSY 450 / 650. Special Topics in Psychology. (1-3, no limit Δ)

PSY 450L. Special Topics in Psychology Laboratory. (2, no limit Δ)

PSY 454. Positive Psychology. (3)

PSY 455L. Positive Psychology Laboratory. (2)

PSY 464 / 564. Intelligence and Creativity. (3)

PSY 465L. Gorilla Observation Laboratory. (3)

PSY 480L. Health Psychology Laboratory. (2)

PSY 491. Senior Honors Seminar. (3)

PSY 492. Senior Honors Seminar. (3)

PSY 499. Undergraduate Problems. (1-3 to a maximum of 6 Δ)

PSY 501. Advanced Statistics. (3)

PSY 502. Design and Analysis of Experiments. (3)

PSY 503L. Advanced Statistics Laboratory. (1)

PSY 504L. Design and Analysis of Experiments Laboratory. (1)

PSY 505. Research Seminar. (2)

PSY 506. Seminar in Mathematical Psychology. (3)

PSY 507. Teaching Seminar. (2 [1])

PSY 508 / 408. Psychological Research with Diverse Populations. (3)

PSY 510 / 410. Advanced Health Psychology. (3)

PSY 511. History and Systems of Psychology. (3)

PSY 513 / 413. Emotion, Stress, and Health. (3)

PSY 515. Social Psychology of Health Promotion. (3)

PSY 516 / 416. Health Disparities. (3)

PSY 521 / 421. Advanced Developmental Psychology. (3)

PSY 528. Seminar on Cognitive Development. (3)

PSY 531. Pre-Clinical Practicum. (1)

PSY 532. Seminar in Psychopathology. (3)

PSY 533. Psychological Evaluation: Cognitive and Neuropsychology Functions. (3)

PSY 535. Psychological Evaluation: Personality Functions. (3)

PSY 538. Introduction to Clinical Science. (3)

PSY 539 / 439. Child Psychopathology. (3)

PSY 540. Biological Bases of Behavior. (3)

PSY 541. Introduction to Functional Neuroimaging. (3)

PSY 542. Seminar in Recovery of Function and Epilepsy. (3)

PSY 547. Drugs and Behavior. (3)

PSY 551. Graduate Problems. (1-3, no limit Δ)

PSY 554. Positive Psychology. (3)

PSY 561. Cognitive Processes I. (3)

PSY 564 / 464. Intelligence and Creativity. (3)

PSY 565. Seminar in Thought and Language. (3)

PSY 569. Seminar in Psycholinguistics. (3, no limit Δ)

PSY 599. Master's Thesis. (1-6, no limit Δ)

PSY 601. Multivariate Statistics. (3)

PSY 604. Latent Variable Modeling. (3)

PSY 605. Advanced Latent Variable Modeling. (3)

PSY 610. Case Conference Practicum. (1, no limit Δ)

PSY 629. Culture and Human Development. (3)

PSY 630. Seminar in Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy. (3)

PSY 631. Psychotherapy Practicum. (1-3, no limit Δ)

PSY 634. Ethics and Professional Issues in Clinical Psychology. (3)

PSY 635. Behavioral Couple Therapy. (3)

PSY 636. Diversity Multicultural Perspectives in Clinical Psychology. (3)

PSY 637. Empirically Supported Treatments. (3)

PSY 641. Seminar in Cognition, Brain and Behavior. (2, no limit Δ)

PSY 643 / 443. Psychobiology of Emotion. (3)

PSY 644 / 444. Advanced EEG Analysis in MatLab. (3)

PSY 650 / 450. Special Topics in Psychology. (1-3, no limit Δ)

PSY 691. Clinical Internship. (1-6)

PSY 699. Dissertation. (3-12, no limit Δ)

PSYC 1110 [PSY 105]. Introduction to Psychology [General Psychology]. (3)

PSYC 2110 [PSY 271]. Social Psychology. (3)

PSYC 2120 [PSY 220]. Developmental Psychology. (3)

PSYC 2220 [PSY 265]. Cognitive Psychology. (3)

PSYC 2250 [PSY 240]. Brain and Behavior. (3)

PSYC 2270 [PSY 260]. Psychology of Learning and Memory. (3)

PSYC 2320 [PSY 280]. Health Psychology. (3)

PSYC 2330 [PSY 231]. Psychology of Human Sexuality. (3)

PSYC 2510 [PSY 200]. Statistical Principles for Psychology [Statistical Principles]. (3)

PSYC 2996 [PSY 250]. Special Topics [Special Topics in Psychology]. (1-3, no limit Δ)


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