Graduate Program

Degrees Offered

  • Master of Science in Physical Education (M.S.)
    Concentrations: Adapted Physical Education; Curriculum and Instruction; Exercise Science; Sport Administration.
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Physical Education, Sports and Exercise Science (Ph.D.)
    Concentrations: Curriculum and Instruction; Exercise Science; Sport Administration.

Contact for Graduate Student Information
Margie Chavez, Johnson Center, (505) 277-5152

Deadlines for Application

  Priority* Deadline Final Application* Deadline
Fall semester: March 1 August 1
Spring semester:  November 1 December 15
Summer session:  April 1 May 1

*Applicants for the Ph.D. with a concentration in Sport Administration have a priority deadline of February 15 and a final deadline of April 1. This applies for all semesters.

The priority deadline is encouraged for best consideration; however, all applications must be received by the final application deadline.

Early application is recommended. These dates also apply for financial aid.

Graduate Admissions Requirements

Formal/complete application for admission, UNM entrance requirements, GRE scores, letter of intent, three (3) letters of recommendation, and prerequisite coursework depending upon concentration.

Master of Science in Physical Education

The Master of Science (M.S.) in Physical Education is offered under both Plan I (thesis) and Plan II (non-thesis) in accordance with the regulations found in the Graduate Program section of this Catalog. Each candidate must have had an undergraduate major, or equivalent, in physical education or an acceptable area. Coursework for this degree can be chosen from one of several concentrations reflecting the interests and goals of the student.


The M.S. in Physical Education requires completion of 33-36 approved credit hours, depending on the concentration, and completion of a statistics course and/or a research course or their equivalents, thesis or pass comprehensive exam. The committee of studies must include at least one faculty from each of the two selected areas. The planned program of studies must be approved prior to the completion of 12 credit hours in the Master's program at UNM.

  Core Requirements  
PEP 507 Research Design in HPER 3
PEP 521 Motor Learning for Individuals with Disabilities 3
One elective approved by Plan of Studies advisor 3
Additional Requirements
  12 credit hours in each of TWO following areas:
•  Adapted Physical Education
•  Curriculum and Instruction
•  Exercise Science
•  Sport Administration**
  ** If Sport Administration is one of the two chosen areas, then the following courses should be taken:  
PEP 545 Sport Leadership
PEP 547 Sport Marketing and Promotions
PEP 548
PEP 575
Financing Sport

Sport Facilities Planning and Construction
PEP 561 Risk Management in Sport
Total 33


  • Adapted Physical Education
  • Curriculum and Instruction
  • Exercise Science
  • Sport Administration

Coursework and experiences in each concentration are developed with an advisor within the structure of each area. Details about each area can be obtained from the Department Graduate Administrator.

Concentration in Adapted Physical Education

This program is designed to prepare professional physical educators with the ability to develop and implement appropriate physical education programming for individuals with mental retardation and severe disabilities.

An advisor from the concentration assist students with the course selection and ensure progression through the program. In conjunction with their advisor, the student may choose from two plans: Plan I or Plan II. The Committee on Studies must have at least one faculty member from the concentration and one faculty member from within Physical Education. The planned program must be approved prior to the completion of 12 credit hours. Only licensed physical education teachers may pursue this concentration. For specific details of the program, interested applicants should contact the concentration coordinator.

Plan I and II  
EDPY 500 and
EDPY 502
EDPY 511 and
PEP 507
Survey of Research Methods in Education
Survey of Statistics in Education

Introductory Educational Statistics
Research Design in HPER
PEP 521 Motor Learning for Individuals with Disabilities 3
PEP 526 Motor Assessment of Individuals with Disabilities 3
PEP 529 Physical Disabilities and Causes 3
SPCD 507 Collaboration of Inclusive Education 3
SPCD 519 The Application of Applied Behavior Analysis in the Special Education Classroom 3
Subtotal 21
Plan I
PEP 599 Master's Thesis 6
Physical Education or a related area, approved by an advisor. 9
  Plan I Total 36
Plan II  
PEP 595 Advanced Field Experiences 6
Physical Education or a related area, approved by an advisor. 9
Plan II Total 36

Concentration in Curriculum and Instruction

This program is designed for students interested in the development of physical education curriculum for different levels, and in pedagogy, including the supervision of instruction. GRE scores are not required for this concentration.

Plan I and II  
PEP 510 Curriculum Construction in Physical Education 3
PEP 526 Motor Assessment for Individuals with Disabilities 3
PEP 570 The Analysis of Teaching Physical Education 3
PEP 572 Issues and Methods in Elementary Physical Education 3
PEP 573 Critical Issues in Secondary Physical Education 3
PEP 590 Supervision of Physical Education Programs 3
Subtotal 18
Plan I
EDPY 511
PEP 507
Introductory Educational Statistics

Research Design in HPER
PEP 599 Master's Thesis 6
Physical Education or related area, approved by an advisor 6
  Plan I Total 36
Plan II  
EDPY 500
EDPY 502
Survey Research Methods in Education

Survey of Statistics in Education
Physical Education or related area, approved by an advisor. 9
  Plan II Total 33

Concentration in Exercise Science

This program is designed to prepare students for one or more of the following American College of Sports Medicine Certifications: Health/Fitness Instructor, Exercise Test Technologist and Exercise Specialist. Students are also prepared to take the Exercise Physiologist Certification Exam from the American Society of Exercise Physiologists. Students who are ACSM-certified prior to entering this program are encouraged to obtain the next level of ACSM certification. A minimum of 35 credit hours of coursework beyond the B.S. degree is required for this program.

Plan I and II  
EDPY 505
PEP 507
Conducting Quantitative Educational Research

Research Design in HPER
EDPY 511
EDPY 603
Introductory Educational Statistics

Statistical Designs in Education
PEP 500 Exercise Science Seminar 1
PEP 501 Advanced Exercise Physiology 3
PEP 502 Designs for Fitness 4
PEP 503 EKG Interpretation 3
PEP 508 Exercise Testing and Interpretation 3
PEP 530 Laboratory Procedures and Instrumentation in Applied Physiology 3
PEP 532 Body Composition 3
PEP 544 Physiology of Resistance Training 3
Subtotal 29
Plan I
PEP 599 Master's Thesis 6
Plan I Total 35
Plan II
PEP 696 Internship in Exercise Science 3
Advisor approval required, choose one* from:  
PEP 527 Metabolic Considerations of Exercise Science 3
PEP 528 Neuromuscular Basis of Human Performance 3
PEP 562 Exercise in Extreme Environment 3
PEP 579 Sports Physiology 3
PEP 593 Topics 3
Plan II Total 35

*Elective courses from related disciplines (e.g. Nutrition, Biology, Biomedical Sciences, Chemistry, etc.) may be substituted for any required courses that were taken prior to acceptance into the Master’s degree program. Program of Studies Committee approval required for course substitutions.

Concentration in Sport Administration

This program is designed to prepare students to provide leadership in positions such as high school athletic directors, college athletic administrators and directors of amateur and professional sport organizations. The concentration is comprehensive in nature, but course work can be designed around the core requirements to meet unique objectives of each student.

Plan I and II  
PEP 507 Research Design in HPER 3
PEP 540 Sport Sociology 3
PEP 541 Ethics in Sport and Fitness 3
PEP 545 Sport Leadership 3
PEP 547 Sport Marketing and Promotions 3
PEP 548 Financing Sport 3
PEP 561 Risk Management in Sport 3
PEP 566 Legal Aspects of Sport 3
Subtotal 24
Plan I
PEP 599 Master's Thesis 6
Physical Education or related area, approved by an advisor. 6
Plan I Total 36
Plan II  
PEP 696 Internship 3
Physical Education or a related area, approved by an advisor. 9 
Plan II Total 36

M.S. with Sport Administration Concentration and School Administrative Licensure

This is an interdisciplinary program available to students who want to pursue administrative positions in interscholastic athletics and desire to be licensed school administrators in New Mexico. The curriculum is listed below and requires students to complete the M.S. with a concentration in Sport Administration and an additional minor in School Leadership from the Department of Educational Leadership and Organizational Learning. The program requires students to complete a total of 51 credit hours including Internships in both Sport Administration and Educational Leadership. Also, it should be noted that completion of the coursework does not constitute administrative licensure. An individual must also hold a New Mexico Level III teaching license for one year prior to applying for New Mexico Administrative Licensure. To obtain a Level III teaching license, an individual must have a minimum of 6 years teaching experience. Administrative licensure is awarded through the NM Public Education Department (PED).

Plan I and II   
PEP 507 Research Design in HPER 3
PEP 540 Sport Sociology 3
PEP 541 Ethics in Sport and Fitness 3
PEP 545 Sport Leadership 3
PEP 547 Sport Marketing and Promotions 3
PEP 548 Financing Sport 3
PEP 561 Risk Management in Sport 3
LEAD 501 Educational Leadership in a Democratic Society 3
LEAD 503 Data-Informed Instructional Leadership 3
LEAD 521 School Finance and Resource Allocation 3
LEAD 560 Instructional Leadership, Supervision, and Evaluation 3
LEAD 561 Legal Issues for School Leaders 3
LEAD 596 Administrative Internship 6
Subtotal 42
Plan I
PEP 599 Master's Thesis 6
PEP 696 Internship 3
   Plan I Total 51
Plan II  
PEP 696 Internship 6
Sport Administration or a related area, approved by an advisor. 3
  Plan II Total 51

Doctor of Philosophy in Physical Education, Sports and Exercise Science

Minimum Degree Requirements. Minimum of 72-74 approved credit hours beyond the B.S. degree, completion of a dissertation, completion of courses in statistics, research design and philosophy or ethical standards, or their equivalents, and 24 credit hours from an approved supporting area.

For the University requirements for Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) programs, refer to the Graduate Program section of this Catalog. For details, contact the Department Graduate Administrator.

Within the Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Physical Education, Sports and Exercise Science, there are options available to design a program of studies in physical education that fits with students’ interests and career directions. Specific concentration areas are described below and students should contact the department for information specific to each concentration. A 24 credit hour supporting area is also required and is determined with advisor approval. All course substitutions must be approved by Ph.D. Committee on Studies.


  • Curriculum and Instruction
  • Exercise Science
  • Sport Administration

Concentration in Curriculum and Instruction

The concentration in curriculum and instruction (pedagogy) is directed to prepare individuals for college teaching and research in those portions of professional preparation programs dealing with curriculum development, teaching, school environments and supervision of teachers and programs in physical education. Prospective students are those individuals with teaching experience in physical education who desire to work within the aforementioned areas in a teacher education program. Upon completion of the proposed program of studies, individuals should be equipped to teach courses in curriculum design, methods of teaching, foundations of physical education and be able to supervise student teachers. Students should contact program advisor for details about coursework.

Minor/Supporting Area: A minimum of 12 of the 72 hours must be outside of the student’s major area of study. This coursework must be determined with the student’s major advisor and Committee on Studies to reflect a comprehensive program of study and may include research courses and/or other courses complementary to the student’s major area of study and degree program.

PEP 510 Curriculum Construction in Physical Education 3
PEP 521 Motor Learning for Individuals with Disabilities 3
PEP 526 Motor Assessment for Individuals with Disabilities 3
PEP 570 The Analysis of Teaching Physical Education 3
PEP 572 Issues and Methods in Elementary Physical Education 3
PEP 573 Critical Issues in Secondary Physical Education 3
PEP 590 Supervision of Physical Education Programs 3
PEP 591 Problems 3
PEP 625 Writing for Professional Publication 3
EDPY 630 College Teaching Seminar 3
PEP 696 Internship 3
PEP 699 Dissertation (minimum hours) 18
Electives 9
   Total 60
  Inquiry Skills: Minimum of 18 credit hours is required  
EDPY 505
PEP 507
Conducting Quantitative Educational Research

Research Design in HPER
EDPY 511 Introductory Educational Statistics 3
EDPY 603 Applied Statistical Design and Analysis 3
LLSS 502 Introduction to Qualitative Research 3
PEP 604 Dissertation Seminar 3
PEP 691
Approved Inquiry Elective
  Total 18

Concentration in Exercise Science

This concentration is designed to prepare exercise scientists for academic research and clinical settings. Prerequisite coursework includes: cadaver anatomy and physiology, general chemistry, organic/biochemistry, physics, college algebra, statistics, English composition, technical writing, public speaking, motor learning, kinesiology, exercise physiology, human nutrition, energy nutrients in human nutrition and vitamins and minerals in human nutrition. Students should contact program advisor for details about coursework.

  Core Courses
EDPY 505
PEP 507
Conducting Quantitative Educational Research

Research Design in HPER
EDPY 630 College Teaching Seminar 3
PEP 541 Ethics Sport and Fitness 3
PEP 604 Dissertation Seminar 3
Total 12
  Exercise Science Courses  
PEP 501 Advanced Exercise Physiology 3
PEP 508 Exercise Testing and Interpretation 3
PEP 527 Metabolic Considerations of Exercise Science 3
PEP 528 Neuromuscular Basis of Human Performance 3
PEP 530 Laboratory Procedures and Instrumentation in Applied Physiology 3
PEP 532 Body Composition 3
PEP 544 Physiology of Resistance Training 3
PEP 562 Exercise in Extreme Environment 3
PEP 625 Writing for Professional Publication 3
PEP 627 Seminar in Applied Physiology 3
PEP 628 Cellular and Molecular Considerations of Exercise Science 3
Elective Exercise Science ** 3
Total 36
Supporting Areas
Exercise Science Electives (maximum of 12 PEP credit hours may be applied towards the degree)
PEP 502 Designs for Fitness 4
PEP 503 EKG Interpretation 3
PEP 579 Sports Physiology 3
PEP 691 Problems 3
PEP 696 Internship 3-6
BIOM 510 Physiology * 3
Elective Biology; Biomedical Sciences; Chemistry; Electrical and Computer Engineering; Mathematics, Science and Educational Technology; Nutrition. ** 3-15
EDPY 511 Introductory Educational Statistics 3
EDPY 603 Applied Statistical Design and Analysis * 3
EDPY 604 Multiple Regression Techniques as Applied to Education 3
Elective Research/Statistics ** 3
Total 24


* Required Supporting Area course.
** Advisor approval required. Program of Studies committee approval required for substitutions.

Concentration in Sport Administration

This concentration is designed to prepare students to provide leadership in positions such as high school athletic directors, college athletic administrators and directors of amateur and professional sports organizations, as well as those interested in careers in higher education. Areas of focus within the program are determined in consultation with a faculty advisor. Students entering the program with previous degrees other than sport administration or physical education are considered. The Sport Administration Program has received “Approved Program” status from NASPE/NASSM.

Requirements: Minimum 72 credit hours plus 18 credit hours of dissertation. A minimum of 24 credit hours of classroom work beyond the master’s must be taken in Sport Administration at UNM. Seven foundational courses, in addition to the core requirements, are required for graduation. Any of the foundational or core courses or their equivalents may be accepted from previous master’s coursework and/or transfer credit with advisor approval.

Secondary/Supporting Area: 24 credit hours of coursework in an approved secondary or supporting area outside of the program are required. Inquiry skills courses cannot be used to satisfy secondary/ supporting area requirements.

Electives: Additional elective courses in Sport Administration to be selected with advisor.

  Foundational Core Courses  
PEP 540 Sport Sociology 3
PEP 541 Ethics in Sport and Fitness 3
PEP 545 Sport Leadership 3
PEP 547 Sport Marketing and Promotions 3
PEP 548 Financing Sport 3
PEP 561 Risk Management in Sport 3
PEP 566 Legal Aspects of Sport 3
  Total 18
  Core Courses  
PEP 612 Organizational Theory in Sport * 3
PEP 614 Sport Consumer Behavior ** 3
PEP 618 Seminar in Sport Research 3
  Total 9
  *prerequisite PEP 545  
  **prerequisite PEP 547  
  Inquiry Skills: minimum 18 credit hours required  
EDPY 511 Introductory Educational Statistics 3
EDPY 603 Applied Statistical Design and Analysis 3
LLSS 502 Introduction to Qualitative Research 3
PEP 507 Research Design in HPER 3
PEP 604 Dissertation Seminar 3
Elective one in research or statistics approved by advisor 3
  Total 18

Professional Physical Education (PEP)

Some of the following courses are scheduled to meet more periods or hours per week than indicated by the number of credit hours. These courses, in addition to lectures, include professional activity, laboratory or field types of class experiences. To identify these courses, the number of class meetings or hours per week is stated after the course description.


PEP 301. Physical Education in Secondary Schools. (3)

PEP 305. Teaching Exercise. (3)

PEP 319. Physical Education in the Elementary School. (3)

PEP 326L. Fundamentals of Exercise Physiology. (3)

PEP 351. Clinical Exercise in Physical Therapy Online. (3)

PEP 373. General Medical Conditions in Athletic Training. (3)

PEP 374. Therapeutic Modalities. (3)

PEP 375. Pharmacology in Athletic Training. (3)

PEP 391 / 591 / 691. Problems. (1-3, no limit Δ)

PEP 400. Student Teaching in the Elementary School. (6)

PEP 410. Assessment in Physical Education. (3)

PEP 430. Classroom/Behavior Management in Physical Education. (3)

PEP 444. Teaching and Learning in Physical Education. (3)

PEP 461. Student Teaching in the Secondary Schools. (6)

PEP 465. Theory of Basketball. (3)

PEP 466. Adapted Physical Education. (3)

PEP 467 / 529. Physical Disabilities and Causes. (3)

PEP 469. Management Concepts in Sport and Fitness Settings. (3)

PEP 470 / 502. Designs for Fitness. (4)

PEP 471. Exercise and Disease Prevention. (3)

PEP 473. Rehabilitation of Athletic Injuries. (3)

PEP 474. Athletic Training Administration. (3)

PEP 475 / 503. EKG Interpretation. (3)

PEP 476 / 508. Exercise Testing and Interpretation. (3)

PEP 478 / 579. Sports Physiology. (3)

PEP 479. Organization and Administration of Physical Education. (3)

PEP 480 / 582. Principles of Coaching. (3)

PEP 481. Athletic Training Clinical II. (4 [3])

PEP 483. Athletic Training Clinical III. (4 [3])

PEP 488. Athletic Training Clinical IV. (4 [3])

PEP 489. Research in Athletic Training. (3)

PEP 490. Topics in Athletic Training. (4 [3])

PEP 493 / 593. Topics. (1-3, no limit Δ)

PEP 495. Practicum. (3-6 to a maximum of 12 Δ)

PEP 499L. Emergent Response in Athletic Training. (4)

PEP 500. Exercise Science Seminar. (1)

PEP 501. Advanced Exercise Physiology. (3)

PEP 502 / 470. Designs for Fitness. (4)

PEP 503 / 475. EKG Interpretation. (3)

PEP 507. Research Design in HPER. (3)

PEP 508 / 476. Exercise Testing and Interpretation. (3)

PEP 509. Media and Public Relations in HPER. (3)

PEP 510. Curriculum Construction in Physical Education. (3)

PEP 516. Seminar in Physical Education. (3)

PEP 521. Motor Learning for Individuals with Disabilities. (3)

PEP 526. Motor Assessment for Individuals with Disabilities. (3)

PEP 527. Metabolic Considerations of Exercise Science. (3)

PEP 528. Neuromuscular Basis of Human Performance. (3)

PEP 529 / 467. Physical Disabilities and Causes. (3)

PEP 530. Laboratory Procedures and Instrumentation in Applied Physiology. (3)

PEP 532. Body Composition. (3)

PEP 539. Introduction to Sport Administration. (3)

PEP 540. Sport Sociology. (3)

PEP 541. Ethics in Sport and Fitness. (3)

PEP 544. Physiology of Resistance Training. (3)

PEP 545. Sport Leadership. (3)

PEP 547. Sport Marketing and Promotions. (3)

PEP 548. Financing Sport. (3)

PEP 550. Governance of Intercollegiate Athletics. (3)

PEP 561. Risk Management in Sport. (3)

PEP 562. Exercise in Extreme Environment. (3)

PEP 566. Legal Aspects of Sport. (3)

PEP 570. The Analysis of Teaching Physical Education. (3)

PEP 572. Issues and Methods in Elementary Physical Education. (3)

PEP 573. Critical Issues in Secondary Physical Education. (3)

PEP 575. Sport Facilities Planning and Construction. (3)

PEP 576. Sport Event Management. (3)

PEP 579 / 478. Sports Physiology. (3)

PEP 581. Administration of Interscholastic Athletics. (3)

PEP 582 / 480. Principles of Coaching. (3)

PEP 588. Sport Psychology I. (3)

PEP 589. Sport Psychology II. (3)

PEP 590. Supervision of Physical Education Programs. (3)

PEP 591 / 391 / 691. Problems. (1-3 to a maximum of 12 Δ)

PEP 593 / 493. Topics. (1-3, no limit Δ)

PEP 595. Advanced Field Experiences. (3-6, no limit Δ)

PEP 598. Directed Readings in Physical Education. (3-6 to a maximum of 6 Δ)

PEP 599. Master's Thesis. (1-6, no limit Δ)

PEP 604. Dissertation Seminar. (3)

PEP 612. Organizational Theory in Sport. (3)

PEP 614. Sport Consumer Behavior. (3)

PEP 618. Seminar in Sport Research. (3)

PEP 625. Writing for Professional Publication. (3)

PEP 627. Seminar in Applied Physiology. (3)

PEP 628. Cellular and Molecular Considerations of Exercise Science. (3)

PEP 691 / 391 / 591. Problems. (1-3 to a maximum of 12 Δ)

PEP 696. Internship. (3-6 to a maximum of 12 Δ)

PEP 698. Directed Readings in Physical Education. (3-6 to a maximum of 12 Δ)

PEP 699. Dissertation. (3-12, no limit Δ)

PRPE 2110 [PEP 273]. Introduction to Athletic Training. (3)

PRPE 2120 [PEP 250]. Physical Education Skills and Content I [Physical Education Skills and Content Knowledge I]. (3)

PRPE 2125 [PEP 251]. Physical Education Skills and Content II [Physical Education Skills and Content Knowledge II]. (3)

PRPE 2130 [PEP 284]. Athletic Training Observation Laboratory [Athletic Training Observation Lab]. (3)

PRPE 2135 [PEP 285]. Athletic Training Clinical I. (4 [3])

PRPE 2140 [PEP 286]. Evaluation of Athletic Injuries: Extremities [Evaluation of Athletic Injuries-Extremities]. (4 [3])

PRPE 2145 [PEP 287]. Evaluation of Athletic Injuries: Trunk and Torso [Evaluation of Athletic Injuries-Trunk/Torso]. (4 [3])

PRPE 2150 [PEP 288]. Motor Learning and Performance. (3)

PRPE 2155 [PEP 289]. Tests and Measurements [Tests and Measurements in Physical Education]. (3)

PRPE 2165 [PEP 277]. Kinesiology. (3)

PRPE 2170 [PEP 208]. Teaching Fitness Concepts. (3)

PRPE 2175 [PEP 245]. Professional Laboratory Experiences [Professional Laboratory Experience in Physical Education]. (3)


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1 University of New Mexico
Albuquerque, NM 87131

Phone: (505) 277-8900
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