Undergraduate Program

Undergraduate Student Contact Information

Staff Program Coordinator
Hokona Hall Zuni Rm. 103
(505) 277-5018

Application materials and program information can be found at the Special Education department Web site, or by contacting the Staff Program Coordinator.

Degree Offered

  • Bachelor of Science in Education in Special Education (B.S.Ed.)

Results in eligibility for dual licensure in Special Education (PreK–12) and Elementary Education (K–8).

Application Information

The B.S.Ed. in Special Education and Elementary Education Dual License Program program has a rolling admissions process. However, for best consideration, applications should be submitted by April 15 or November 15.


In order to apply and be considered for admittance into the Special Education Dual License Program, students must have completed the following requirements:

  • 26 credit hours;
  • Maintenance of a minimum GPA of 2.75;
  • SPCD 201 and SPED 2110 (or equivalent course from another college) with a grade of "B" or better.

To apply to the Dual License Program, please submit the following items online through Tk20™, which can be accessed from the College of Education Web site. Once all documentation has been submitted, the application will be reviewed by program faculty and students will be notified of admittance decisions.

NES Tests: Essential Academic Skills: Subtest I: Reading; Subtest II: Writing; Subtest III: Mathematics.

Resume: A resume with work, volunteer, and extracurricular experience must be included in the application.

Letter of Intent: A 1000-word maximum letter of intent is required. The letter must comprehensively include the student's reasons for applying to the program, a description of relevant experiences, education and career goals, and a self description including skills and experiences in relation to the dispositions listed below.

  1. The applicant values the input and contributions of others.
  2. The applicant respects people as individuals with differing backgrounds.
  3. The applicant is committed to recognizing his/her biases and seeks to appropriately address problems of bias.
  4. The applicant is committed to making accommodations to work with people with different needs.
  5. The applicant values planning as a collegial activity and considers the input of others.
  6. The applicant values the variety of ways people communicate.
  7. The applicant understands and adheres to a code of ethics, professional standards of practice, and relevant law and policy.

Letters of Recommendation: Three letters of recommendation are requested, to be submitted online through the Tk20™ application. The letters of recommendation must be uploaded prior to the application deadline.


All candidates will be interviewed. Students are encouraged to meet with one of the Dual License faculty before applying to the program to answer any questions or concerns regarding the application process or the program. To schedule an appointment, contact the Staff Program Coordinator at: specialeducation@unm.edu or (505) 277-5018.

B.S.Ed. with Majors in Special Education and Elementary Education Dual License Program

An undergraduate dual major in Special Education and Elementary Education is available. The Special Education dual license program is based on the belief that all children are valued members of the school and wider community. This challenging program prepares students to work with a diverse learning population and teaches strategies that are effective for all learners by providing:

  • Diverse university and field-based learning experiences.
  • One-on-one field support from experienced UNM supervisors.
  • Coursework that connects theory to practice.
  • Supportive faculty members who have recent experience in classroom settings.
  • Consistent advising from faculty beginning pre-admission through to graduation.

This program's state-of-the-art preparation is one of the few of its kind in the country that prepares teachers to be effective across the full continuum of educational settings for all students regardless of perceived ability. One of the ways this is achieved is through modeling interdisciplinary collaboration and co-teaching to provide a comprehensive program of study. The program is not viewed as a sequence of individual three credit hour courses but rather as a holistic and coherent program of study designed to prepare teachers who can help all students reach their highest potential. Through this carefully planned sequence of coursework, students gain a wealth of classroom experiences and develop effective instructional strategies for all learners. Graduates are eligible for New Mexico licensure in special education (PreK–12) and elementary education (K–8). This dual major program is 127-142 credit hours, depending on the Elementary Education concentration-teaching field chosen.

General Education Requirements

Refer to the Undergraduate Program section of this Catalog for a list of courses that meet General Education curriculum and U.S. Global Diversity and Inclusion requirements. 31 credit hours are required.


Students must complete the following courses with grades of "B" or higher to be eligible for acceptance into the Dual License program. Students may apply to the program while enrolled in these courses.

SPCD 201 Education of the Exceptional Person 3
SPED 2110 Introduction to Students with Exceptionalities  2
Total 5

Concentration-Teaching Field (9-18 credit hours)

Students must complete 24 credit hours in an Elementary Education concentration-teaching field with grades of "C" (not "C-") or higher. Concentration-teaching fields are developed with advisor approval. Courses from general education and foundation requirements can be used to count toward the concentration-teaching field with advisor approval so the number of hours varies by the concentration-teaching field. Select from: Language Arts, Mathematics, Science, or Social Studies.

Recommended Professional Course Sequence

Semester 1 (Pre-Residency)
EDUC 330L Teaching of Reading to Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Students I 3
EDUC 353L Teaching Science K-8 3
EDUC 361L Teaching Mathematics K-8 3
MSET 365 Technology Integration for Effective Instruction (1) 3
SPCD 420 Introduction to Intellectual Disability (1) 3
Diversity Requirement I
Select one from: LLSS 175, 315, *449, 456, 457, 458, 459, 469, 482; SPCD 459, 460. (1)
Subtotal 18
Semester 2 (Pre-Residency)
EDPY 303 Human Growth and Development (1) 3
EDUC 331L Teaching of Reading to Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Students II 3
EDUC 333L Teaching Language Arts K-8 3
LLSS 443 Children's Literature (Literatura Infantil) (1) 3
SPCD 303 Methods and Materials for Students with Mild Disabilities 3
SPCD 304 Practicum 3
Subtotal 18
Semester 3 (Residency)
EDUC 321L Teaching Social Studies K-8 3
EDUC 400 Student Teaching in the Elementary School 6
SPCD 319 Classroom Organization and Management 3
SPCD 486 Differentiating Reading Instruction in Inclusive Settings for Students with Intellectual Disabilities and Severe Disabilities 3
Subtotal 15
Semester 4 (Residency)
SPCD 313 Curriculum for Learners with Disabilities 2
SPCD 462 Student Teaching in Special Education 7
SPCD 464 Classroom Assessment and Program Planning 3
Diversity Requirement II
Select one from: LLSS 1110, 315, *449, 456, 457, 458, 459, 469, 482; SPCD 459, 460. (1)
Subtotal 15
Total 66

 (1) Course can be taken in any term.

Changes in state requirements or state reform initiatives in education may require periodic revisions of the curriculum and admission process. 

Major Requirements

  • B.S.Ed. Special Education Major (35 credit hours): EDPY 303; SPCD 201, 303, 304 (3), 313, 319, 420, 462 (7), 464, 486; SPED 2110; Diversity Requirement I.
  • B.S.Ed. Elementary Education Major (36 credit hours): EDPY 310; EDUC 321L, 330L, 331L, 333L, 353L, 361L, 400 (6); LLSS 443; MSET 365; Diversity Requirement II.

To complete requirements for the B.S.Ed. dual major program, students are required to earn grades of "B" (not "B-") or higher in the following courses: EDUC 321L, 330L, 331L, 333L, 353L, 361L; SPCD 201, 303, 319, 464, 486; SPED 2110.

Non-Teaching Undergraduate Minor

A 20 credit hour non-teaching undergraduate minor in Special Education is offered. Students should plan to enroll in Special Education courses during the Fall and Spring semesters since courses in this sequence are seldom offered during the Summer session. An appointment to develop a written Minor Program of Study must must be made with an undergraduate Faculty Advisor.


SPCD 201 Education of the Exceptional Person 3
SPED 2110 Introduction to Students with Exceptionalities  2
Subtotal 5
Introduction Electives (select two):  
SPCD *302 Introduction to Communicative Disorders 3
SPCD 420 Introduction to Intellectual Disability 3
SPCD 430 Introduction to Students with Emotional and Behavioral Disorders 3
SPCD 440 Introduction to Learning Disabilities 3
SPCD 459 Teaching Bilingual-Multicultural Special Education 3
SPCD 460 Introduction to Bilingual-Multicultural Special Education 3
SPCD 483 Introduction to Autism Spectrum Disorders 3
Subtotal 6
Practical Application Electives (select three):  
SPCD 402 At Risk for School Failure and Disabilities 3
SPCD 407 Collaboration for Inclusive Education 3
SPCD 411 Social Construction of Disabilities 3
SPCD 419 Introduction to Applied Behavior Analysis 3
SPCD 452 Teaching Students with Intellectual Disability and Severe Disabilities 3
SPCD 467 Physical Disabilities and Causes 3
SPCD 484 Research and Teaching-Intervention in Autism Spectrum Disorders 3
SPCD 486 Differentiating Reading Instruction in Inclusive Settings for Students with Intellectual Disabilities and Severe Disabilities 3
Subtotal 9
Total 20


SPCD 201. Education of the Exceptional Person. (3)

SPCD *302. Introduction to Communicative Disorders. (3)

SPCD 303. Methods and Materials for Students with Mild Disabilities. (3)

SPCD 304. Practicum. (1-4 to a maximum of 6 Δ)

SPCD 311. Disability and Film. (3)

SPCD 313. Curriculum for Learners with Disabilities. (2)

SPCD 319. Classroom Organization and Management. (3)

SPCD 391. Problems. (1-3 to a maximum of 6 Δ)

SPCD 402 / 502. At Risk for School Failure and Disabilities. (3)

SPCD 407 / 507. Collaboration for Inclusive Education. (3)

SPCD 411 / 511. Social Construction of Disabilities. (3)

SPCD 412 [412 / 512]. Transition Planning for Exceptional Students. (3)

SPCD 418 / 518. Classroom Organization and Positive Behavioral Supports. (3)

SPCD 419. Introduction to Applied Behavior Analysis. (3)

SPCD 420 / 520. Introduction to Intellectual Disability. (3)

SPCD 430 / 530. Introduction to Students with Emotional and Behavioral Disorders. (3)

SPCD 440 / 540. Introduction to Learning Disabilities. (3)

SPCD 452 / 552. Teaching Students with Intellectual Disability and Severe Disabilities. (3)

SPCD 459 / 559. Teaching Bilingual/Multicultural Special Education. (3)

SPCD 460 / 560. Introduction to Bilingual-Multicultural Special Education. (3)

SPCD 462. Student Teaching in Special Education. (1-7 to a maximum of 7 Δ)

SPCD 464. Classroom Assessment and Program Planning. (3)

SPCD 467 / 529. Physical Disabilities and Causes. (3)

SPCD 481. Introduction to Assistive Technology in Special Education. (1-2 to a maximum of 2 Δ)

SPCD 483 / 583. Introduction to Autism Spectrum Disorders. (3)

SPCD 484 / 584. Research and Teaching-Intervention in Autism Spectrum Disorders. (3)

SPCD 486 / 586. Differentiating Reading Instruction in Inclusive Settings for Students with Intellectual Disabilities and Severe Disabilities. (3)

SPCD 489 / 589. Teaching Exceptional Students in General Education. (1-3 to a maximum of 3 Δ)

SPCD 493. Topics in Special Education. (1-3, no limit Δ)

SPCD 495. Field Experience. (3 to a maximum of 6 Δ)

SPCD 501. The Psychology and Education of Exceptional Persons. (3)

SPCD 502 / 402. At Risk for School Failure and Disabilities. (3)

SPCD 503. Instructional and Curriculum Design for Exceptionalities. (3)

SPCD 504. Practicum in Special Education. (1-6 to a maximum of 9 Δ)

SPCD 505. Seminars in Special Education. (3, no limit Δ)

SPCD 507 / 407. Collaboration for Inclusive Education. (3)

SPCD 508. Collaboration with Family, School and Community. (3)

SPCD 509. Adolescent Reading Instruction for Students with Behavioral and Learning Exceptionalities. (3)

SPCD 510. Special Education Law. (3)

SPCD 511 / 411. Social Construction of Disabilities. (3)

SPCD 514. Teaching Reading to Students with Learning and Behavior Exceptionalitites. (3)

SPCD 515. Mathematics/Science Instruction for Diverse Exceptional Learners. (3)

SPCD 517. Assessment of Diverse Students with Learning and Behavior Exceptionalities. (3)

SPCD 518 / 418. Classroom Organization and Positive Behavioral Supports. (3)

SPCD 519. Introduction to Applied Behavior Analysis. (3)

SPCD 520 / 420. Introduction to Intellectual Disability. (3)

SPCD 524. Advocacy and Empowerment with Individuals with Intellectual or Severe Disability. (3)

SPCD 525. Legal Rights of Persons with Disabilities. (3)

SPCD 527. Assessment for Diverse Exceptional Learners: Intellectual Disability and Severe Disabilities. (3)

SPCD 528. Sexuality Education for Individuals with Disabilities. (3)

SPCD 529 / 467. Physical Disabilities and Causes. (3)

SPCD 530 / 430. Introduction to Students with Emotional and Behavioral Disorders. (3)

SPCD 532. Education and Transition of Students with Emotional and Behavioral Disorders. (3)

SPCD 534. Social Competence, Self Determination and Resiliency. (3)

SPCD 540 / 440. Introduction to Learning Disabilities. (3)

SPCD 542. Teaching Individuals with Learning Disabilities. (3)

SPCD 544. Writing Instructional Strategies for Students with Learning and Behavioral Exceptionalities. (3)

SPCD 552 / 452. Teaching Students with Intellectual Disability and Severe Disabilities. (3)

SPCD 553. Advanced Field Seminar: ECSE-Elementary Special Education. (3)

SPCD 559 / 459. Teaching Bilingual/Multicultural Special Education. (3)

SPCD 560 / 460. Introduction to Bilingual-Multicultural Special Education. (3)

SPCD 561L. Educational Diagnosis: Diagnostic Assessment of Young Children. (3)

SPCD 563L. Educational Diagnosis: Multidisciplinary Collaboration for Diagnostic Assessment. (3)

SPCD 564L. Educational Diagnosis: Introduction to Assessment for Eligibility for Special Education Supports. (3)

SPCD 566L. Educational Diagnosis: Differential Diagnosis I. (3)

SPCD 567L. Educational Diagnosis: Differential Diagnosis II. (3)

SPCD 568L. Educational Diagnosis: Diagnostic Assessment of Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Students. (3)

SPCD 569L. Educational Diagnosis: Clinical Internship. (1-6 to a maximum of 6 Δ)

SPCD 582. Teaching Students with Intensive Communication Needs. (3)

SPCD 583 / 483. Introduction to Autism Spectrum Disorders. (3)

SPCD 584 / 484. Research and Teaching-Intervention in Autism Spectrum Disorders. (3)

SPCD 586 / 486. Differentiating Reading Instruction in Inclusive Settings for Students with Intellectual Disabilities and Severe Disabilities. (3)

SPCD 587. Reading Methods for Students with Intellectual or Severe Disability. (3)

SPCD 588. Organization and Supervision of Special Education Programs. (3)

SPCD 589 / 489. Teaching Exceptional Students in General Education. (1-3 to a maximum of 3 Δ)

SPCD 591. Problems. (1-3 to a maximum of 12 Δ)

SPCD 592. Workshops in Special Education. (1-4 to a maximum of 9 Δ)

SPCD 593. Topics. (1-3, no limit Δ)

SPCD 594. Advanced Field Experience in Applied Behavior Analysis. (3)

SPCD 594L. Advanced Field Experience in Applied Behavior Analysis-Lab. (3, may be repeated once Δ)

SPCD 595. Advanced Field Experience. (3-6 to a maximum of 12 Δ)

SPCD 596L. Educational Diagnosis: Advanced Application of Skills. (1, may be repeated twice Δ)

SPCD 597. Ethics and Professionalism in Applied Behavior Analysis. (3)

SPCD 598. Directed Readings in Special Education. (1-3 to a maximum of 6 Δ)

SPCD 599. Master's Thesis. (1-6, no limit Δ)

SPCD 601. Professional Seminar in Special Education. (3)

SPCD 615. Trends and Issues in Special Education. (3)

SPCD 619. Single Case Research Design. (3)

SPCD 696. Internship. (3-6 to a maximum of 12 Δ)

SPCD 699. Dissertation. (3-12, no limit Δ)

SPED 2110 [SPCD 204]. Introduction to Students with Exceptionalities [Introduction to Special Education]. (2)


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1 University of New Mexico
Albuquerque, NM 87131

Phone: (505) 277-8900
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