Undergraduate Program

College of Arts and Sciences and Department of Communication and Journalism Undergraduate Admission Requirements

A minimum of 26 credit hours; 23 credit hours must be in courses acceptable toward graduation.

A cumulative grade point average of at least 2.00 on all work.

  • Transfer students must have a 2.00 transfer GPA.
  • Continuing UNM students must have a 2.00 institutional GPA.

Demonstrated academic achievement by satisfying the following:

  • Completion of General Education Curriculum: Communication.
  • Completion of General Education Curriculum: Mathematics and Statistics.
  • Completion of General Education Curriculum: Second Language.

Completion of Department of Communication and Journalism major admission coursework with grades of "C" or better:

  • Communication: COMM 1115 and one 3 credit hour CJ or COMM course at any level.
  • Journalism and Mass Communication: COMM 1140 and COMM 2135.

Degrees Offered

  • Bachelor of Arts in Communication (B.A.)
    Concentrations: Critical Studies in Mass Media; Environmental Communication; Intercultural Communication; Interpersonal Communication; Media Studies; Organizational Communication; Public Communication.
  • Bachelor of Arts in Journalism and Mass Communication (B.A.)
    Concentrations: Digital Field Multimedia; Multimedia Journalism; Strategic Communication.

Departmental majors should choose a minor in other departments in the College of Arts and Sciences or in another college or unit of the University, such as the College of Fine Arts, the Anderson School of Management, or the College of Education. A distributed minor is available and must be approved by the Department Chair before the beginning of the senior year.

Shared-Credit Undergraduate/Graduate Degrees Program

Juniors or seniors majoring or minoring in Communication or in Journalism and Mass Communication may seek admission to the Master Arts (M.A.) in Communication under the Shared-Credit Undergraduate/Graduate Degrees Program. See the "Shared-Credit Undergraduate/Graduate Degrees Program" section of this page for specific admission information and requirements.

Admission Requirements

For admission to the B.A. in either Communication or in Journalism and Mass Communication, a cumulative GPA of 2.50 is required.

Graduation Requirements 

Graduation requirements of the B.A. in either Communication or in Journalism and Mass Communication include:

  • Complete major courses as specified by the department;
  • Earn a grade of "C" (not "C-") or better in each course used to fulfill major requirements;
  • Earn a 2.50 GPA for all coursework in the major;
  • Have a cumulative GPA of 2.0 at graduation.

Bachelor of Arts in Communication

To earn a Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) in Communication, students must complete 36 credit hours in departmental courses, including the required program core courses. Twenty-one of the required 36 credit hours must be taken in courses 300-level or above. Students must complete COMM 1115 with a grade of "C" or better before being admitted as majors. COMM 1115 is a prerequisite for CJ 300 and 301. CJ 300, 301, and (332 or 333) must be completed before taking 400.

Program Core Requirements

CJ 300 Theories of Communication 3
CJ 301 Communication Research Methods 3
CJ 332
CJ 333
Business and Professional Speaking

Professional Communication
CJ 400 Senior Seminar: Perspectives on Communication 3
COMM 1115 Introduction to Communication 3
Total 15


Students must complete at least 9 credit hours in one of the B.A. in Communication concentrations:

  • Critical Studies in Mass Media (partnership with the Film and Digital Arts department in the College of Fine Arts)
  • Environmental Communication
  • Intercultural Communication
  • Interpersonal Communication
  • Media Studies
  • Organizational Communication
  • Public Communication

The courses may be taken in any order.

Critical Studies in Mass Media

No minor is required for students completing this concentration.

Required Course
CJ 461 Media Criticism 3
Additional Required Courses (Choose two from):
CJ 365 History of Media 3
CJ 469 Multiculturalism, Gender and Media 3
COMM 2130 Media Theories 3
Subtotal 9
Film and Digital Arts Department Required Courses
FDMA 1210 Digital Video Production I 3
FDMA 2110 Introduction to Film Studies 3
FDMA 2520
FDMA 2610
FDMA 303
Introduction to Cinematography

Directing I

Moving Image Art
FDMA 2525 Video Production II 3
FDMA 310
FDMA 324
Writing Digital Narrative

Introduction to Screenwriting
FDMA 375
FDMA *410
Producing for Film and Digital Media

The Business of Law of Film and New Media
FDMA *401 Digital Post Production 3
FDMA 450 Capstone I: Senior Projects 4
FDMA 451 Capstone II: Senior Projects 4
Subtotal 29
Total 38

Environmental Communication

Either CJ 313 or CJ 339 are required for the concentration. The other course may be taken as part of the remaining 6 credit hours.

Required Course
CJ 313
CJ 339
EcoCultural Communication

Rhetoric and the Environment
Additional Required Courses (Choose two from):
CJ 314 Intercultural Communication 3
CJ 317 International Cultural Conflict and Community Building 3
CJ 318 Language, Thought and Behavior 3
CJ 327 Persuasive Communication 3
CJ *438 Communicating Community, Food, and Change: Lobo Gardens 3
CJ 450 Health Communication 3
Total 9

Intercultural Communication

Required Course
CJ 314 Intercultural Communication 3
Additional Required Courses (Choose two from):
CJ 318 Language, Thought and Behavior 3
CJ 320 Conflict Management and Mediation 3
CJ 323 Nonverbal Communication 3
CJ 413 Studies in Intercultural Communication 3
CJ 469 Multiculturalism, Gender and Media 3
Total 9

Interpersonal Communication

Required Course
COMM 2120 Interpersonal Communication 3
Additional Required Courses (Choose two from):
CJ 318 Language, Thought and Behavior 3
CJ 320 Conflict Management and Mediation 3
CJ 323 Nonverbal Communication 3
CJ 344 Interviewing 3
CJ 421 Communication and Relationships 3
Total 9

Media Studies

Required Course
CJ 461 Media Criticism 3
Additional Required Courses (Choose two from):
CJ 365 History of the Media 3
CJ 469 Multiculturalism, Gender and Media 3
COMM 2130 Media Theories 3
Total 9

Organizational Communication

Required Course
CJ 340 Communication in Organizations 3
Additional Required Courses (Choose two from):
CJ 314 Intercultural Communication 3
CJ 344 Interviewing 3
CJ 443 Current Developments in Organizational Communication 3
COMM 2140 Small Group Communication 3
Total 9

Public Communication

Required Course
CJ 337 Rhetorical Theory 3
Additional Required Courses (Choose two from):
CJ 327 Persuasive Communication 3
CJ 331 Argumentation 3
CJ 334 Political Communication 3
Total 9

Bachelor of Arts in Journalism and Mass Communication

To earn a Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) in Journalism and Mass Communication, students must complete the required program core courses, as well as 72 or more credit hours in courses outside the department, with no fewer than 65 credit hours in the basic liberal arts and sciences.

Program Core Requirements

CJ 350 Data Tools for Media Professionals 3
CJ 365 History of Media 3
CJ 478 Media Theory and Research 3
COMM 1140 Introduction to Media Writing 3
COMM 2135 Media Ethics and Law 3
COMM 2185 Multimedia and Visual Communication 3
Total 18


Students must complete one of the B.A. in Journalism and Mass Communication concentrations:

  • Digital Field Multimedia (partnership with the Film and Digital Arts department in the College of Fine Arts)
  • Multimedia Journalism
  • Strategic Communication

The courses should be taken in order.

Digital Field Multimedia

No minor is required for students completing this concentration.

Required Courses
CJ 360 Video Journalism 3
CJ 367 Social Media for Journalists 3
CJ 375 Intermediate Reporting 3
CJ 475 Advanced Multimedia Journalism 3
COMM 1145 Sex, Lies, and Fake News: How to Use Media Wisely 3
COMM 2190 Writing and Editing for Multimedia Journalism 3
Subtotal 18
Film and Digital Arts Department Required Courses
FDMA 1210 Digital Video Production I 3
FDMA 2110 Introduction to Film Studies 3
FDMA 2520
FDMA 2610
FDMA 303
Introduction to Cinematography

Directing I

Moving Image Art
FDMA 2525 Video Production II 3
FDMA 310
FDMA 324
Writing Digital Narrative

Introduction to Screenwriting
FDMA 375
FDMA *410
Producing for Film and Digital Media

The Business of Law of Film and New Media
FDMA *401 Digital Post Production 3
FDMA 450 Capstone I: Senior Projects 4
FDMA 451 Capstone II: Senior Projects 4
Subtotal 29
Choose from: CJ 314, 327, 332, 334, 340, 344, 361, 373, 374, 376, 387, 389, 390, 391, 393, 460, 461, 464, 469, 488, 490; COMM 2130, 2245. 3
Subtotal 3
Total 50

Multimedia Journalism

Required Courses
CJ 360 Video Journalism 3
CJ 367 Social Media for Journalists 3
CJ 375 Intermediate Reporting 3
CJ 475      Advanced Multimedia Journalism 3
COMM 1145 Sex, Lies, and Fake News: How to Use Media Wisely 3
COMM 2190 Writing and Editing for Multimedia Journalism 3
Subtotal 18
Choose from: CJ 313, 314, 332, 333, 334, 344, 450, 469. 6
Choose from: CJ 361, 363, 370, 373, 374, 376, 464, 492. 6
Subtotal 12
Total 30

Strategic Communication

No minor is required for students completing this concentration.

Required Courses
CJ 327 Persuasive Communication 3
CJ 374 Design and Visual Presentation I 3
CJ 387 Introduction to Strategic Communication 3
CJ 389 Creative Concepts 3
CJ 390 Strategic Writing 3
CJ 391 Strategic Social Media 3
CJ 488      Strategic Planning and Campaign Development 3
Subtotal 21
Choose from: CJ 332, 333, 340, 361, 367, 490, 492; COMM 2190, 2245. 9
Subtotal 9
Total 30

Shared-Credit Undergraduate/Graduate Degrees Program

Juniors or seniors majoring or minoring in Communication or in Journalism and Mass Communication may seek admission to the Master Arts (M.A.) in Communication under the Shared-Credit Undergraduate/Graduate Degrees Program. 

Application Requirements 

  • Be a declared major or minor in the Department of Communication and Journalism.
  • Have an overall UNM GPA of 3.5 or better.
  • Have a departmental GPA of 3.5 or better.
  • Have the approval of both the departmental Undergraduate and Graduate Directors to apply shared-credit hours.

Applying Shared-Credit Hours 

With appropriate departmental approval, a student may apply up to 18 credit hours of 500- and 600-level communication courses to an undergraduate Communication and Journalism major or minor and, upon formal acceptance to the M.A. program, also apply those credit hours to the student’s approved graduate program of studies. Departmental approval is required for each specific course prior to registering.


The following 500- and 600-level communication courses may satisfy the following undergraduate requirements:

B.A. in Communication or Communication Minor

  • One or more specific courses required for the degree core or for the minor can be satisfied with successful completion of one or more of the following: CJ 500, 501, 502, 507, 593, 604, 605, 606, 607.
  • One or more specific courses required for the degree concentrations or electives, or for the minor can be satisfied with successful completion of one or more of the following: CJ 502, 506, 514, 517, 519, 521, 566, 567, 568, 569, 593.

B.A. in Journalism and Mass Communication or Journalism and Mass Communication Minor

  • One or more specific courses required for the degree core, or for the minor can be satisfied with successful completion of one or more of the following: CJ 502, 567, 568, 569, 593.
  • One or more specific courses required for the degree concentrations or electives, or for the minor can be satisfied with successful completion of one or more of the following: CJ 502, 550, 552, 553, 593.

Credit hours of the approved 500- and 600-level courses apply toward the student’s undergraduate degree regardless of whether or not the student gains entry into the M.A. program, provided the student earns a grade of "C" or better in those courses.

However, UNM policies state that to remain in good academic standing, graduate students must maintain a cumulative grade point average of at least 3.0 ("B") in courses taken for graduate credit after admission to a graduate degree program. Therefore, students must have a cumulative GPA of at least 3.0 for courses listed on their Program of Study/Application for Candidacy.

No more than 6 credit hours of coursework in which a grade of "C" (2.0), "C+" (2.33) or "CR" (grading option selected by student) was earned may be credited toward a graduate degree. Courses offered only on a CR/NC basis and required by the graduate program are excluded from this limitation. Furthermore, the Communication and Journalism Department requires that graduate students earn a grade of "B" (e.g., "B-", "B", "B+") or better in all required M.A. classes.

Minor Study Requirements

Communication: Students who declare a minor in Communication must complete 21 credit hours in departmental courses, including COMM 1115, and 12 credit hours in 300-400 level courses. All departmental courses used to fulfill requirements in the minor must be completed with a grade of "C" or better.

Journalism and Mass Communication: A minor in Journalism and Mass Communication consists of 21 credit hours in departmental courses, including: COMM 1140, (2130 or 2185), 2135, 2190; an additional 9 credit hours.

Departmental Honors

Students seeking departmental honors should obtain guidelines from the department office and make application to the chairperson or the director of Undergraduate Studies. Admission requires an overall GPA of 3.5 or better. An honors thesis must be completed during the senior year.


CJ 262. Radio/Television Performance. (3)

CJ 300. Theories of Communication. (3)

CJ 301. Communication Research Methods. (3)

CJ 313. EcoCultural Communication: Humans and "The Environment". (3)

CJ 314. Intercultural Communication. (3)

CJ 317. International Cultural Conflict and Community Building. (3)

CJ 318. Language, Thought and Behavior. (3)

CJ 319. Language and Culture. (3)

CJ 320. Conflict Management and Mediation. (3)

CJ 323. Nonverbal Communication. (3)

CJ 326. Gender and Communication. (3)

CJ 327. Persuasive Communication. (3)

CJ 331. Argumentation. (3)

CJ 332. Business and Professional Speaking. (3)

CJ 333. Professional Communication. (3)

CJ 334. Political Communication. (3)

CJ 337. Rhetorical Theory. (3)

CJ 339. Rhetoric and the Environment. (3)

CJ 340. Communication in Organizations. (3)

CJ 344. Interviewing. (3)

CJ 350. Data Tools for Media Professionals. (3)

CJ 360. Video Journalism. (3)

CJ 361. Photojournalism. (3)

CJ 363. Journalism and New Technologies. (3)

CJ 365. History of Media. (3)

CJ 367. Social Media for Journalists. (3)

CJ 370. Audio Journalism. (3)

CJ 373. Magazine Writing. (3)

CJ 374. Design and Visual Presentation I. (3)

CJ 375. Intermediate Reporting. (3)

CJ 376. Media Management. (3)

CJ 387. Introduction to Strategic Communication. (3)

CJ 389. Creative Concepts. (3)

CJ 390. Strategic Writing. (3)

CJ 391. Strategic Social Media. (3)

CJ 393. Topics in Communication and Journalism. (1-3 to a maximum of 6 Δ)

CJ 400. Senior Seminar: Perspectives on Communication. (3)

CJ 413. Studies in Intercultural Communication. (3 to a maximum of 6 Δ)

CJ 421. Communication and Relationships. (3)

CJ *438. Communicating Community, Food, and Change: Lobo Gardens. (3)

CJ 443. Topics in Organizational Communication. (3 to a maximum of 6 Δ)

CJ 450. Health Communication. (3)

CJ 460. Broadcast News II. (3)

CJ 461. Media Criticism. (3)

CJ 463. Topics in Mass Communication. (3 to a maximum of 6 Δ)

CJ 464. Multimedia Production. (3)

CJ 469. Multiculturalism, Gender and Media. (3)

CJ 475. Advanced Multimedia Journalism. (3)

CJ 478. Media Theory and Research. (3)

CJ 488. Strategic Planning and Campaign Development. (3)

CJ 490. Undergraduate Problems. (1-3 to a maximum of 6 Δ)

CJ *491. Internship in Communication Education. (3 to a maximum of 6 Δ)

CJ 492. Internship in Communication. (1-3 to a maximum of 6 Δ)

CJ 494. Senior Thesis. (3)

CJ 495. Internship in Strategic Communication. (1-3 to a maximum of 6 in all CJ internships Δ)

CJ 496. Internship in Multimedia Journalism. (1-3 to a maximum of 6 in all CJ internships Δ)

CJ 500. Foundations of Communication Theory. (3)

CJ 501. Foundations of Communication Research. (3)

CJ 502. Special Topics in Communication. (1-6, no limit Δ)

CJ 506. Critical and Cultural Studies. (3)

CJ 507. Introduction to Quantitative Methods. (3)

CJ 509. Ph.D. Professional Seminar. (1 to a maximum of 3 Δ)

CJ 514. Seminar: Intercultural Communication. (3)

CJ 517. Culture, Identities and Subjectivities. (3)

CJ 518. Culture, Places and Spaces. (3)

CJ 519. Topics in Intercultural Communication. (3 to a maximum of 9 Δ)

CJ 535. Seminar: Argumentation. (3)

CJ 550. Health Communication. (3)

CJ 552. Topics in Health Communication. (3 to a maximum of 6 Δ)

CJ 553. Health Communication Campaigns. (3)

CJ 555. Culture, Disparities, and Health Communication. (3)

CJ 566. Media Theories. (3)

CJ 567. Digital and Social Media. (3)

CJ 568. Political Economy of Media. (3)

CJ 569. Media, Culture, and Society. (3)

CJ 584. Teaching Communication for Communication and Journalism Teaching Assistants. (1)

CJ 592. Intercultural Engagement Project. (3 to 6, may be repeated once Δ)

CJ 593. Graduate Problems. (1-3 to a maximum of 6 Δ)

CJ 595. Special Topics. (3)

CJ 598. Master's Project. (1-6)

CJ 599. Master's Thesis. (1-6, no limit Δ)

CJ 600. History and Philosophy of Communication. (3)

CJ 602. Theorizing Culture and Communication. (3)

CJ 604. Survey of Qualitative Research Methods. (3)

CJ 605. Qualitative Research Design and Analysis. (3)

CJ 607. Advanced Quantitative Research Methods. (3)

CJ 609. Mixed Methods Research Designs. (3)

CJ 699. Dissertation. (3-12, no limit Δ)

COMM 1115. Introduction to Communication. (3)

COMM 1130. Public Speaking. (3)

COMM 1140. Introduction to Media Writing. (3)

COMM 1145. Sex, Lies, and Fake News: How to Use Media Wisely. (3)

COMM 1150. Introduction to Mass Communication. (3)

COMM 1155. Communication Across Cultures. (3)

COMM 1996. Topics. (1-6, no limit Δ)

COMM 2120. Interpersonal Communication. (3)

COMM 2130. Media Theories. (3)

COMM 2135. Media Ethics and Law. (3)

COMM 2140. Small Group Communication. (3)

COMM 2150. Communication for Teachers. (3)

COMM 2185. Multimedia and Visual Communication. (3)

COMM 2190. Writing and Editing for Multimedia Journalism. (3)

COMM 2245. Web Design. (3)

COMM 2996 [CJ 293]. Topics. (1-6, no limit Δ [1-3, no limit Δ])


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