Graduate Program

Degree Offered

  • Master of Landscape Architecture (M.L.A.)

Interdisciplinary Program

This department participates with the Civil, Construction, and Environmental Engineering department with the Architectural Engineering concentration for the Doctor of Philosophy in Engineering. See the Civil, Construction, and Environmental Engineering: Graduate Program section of this Catalog for information and requirements.


The Landscape Architecture Department pursues excellence in the study and design of landscapes and solutions to the most compelling issues facing our built and natural environments in meaningful and beautiful ways. New Mexico's remarkable Southwestern setting, with its ancient human-made and natural landscapes and its growing modern population, provides an excellent laboratory for the study of landscape architecture.

The department offers a Landscape Architecture Accreditation Board (LAAB)-accredited first professional Master of Landscape Architecture degree. The two-year program is designed for students with degrees in closely-related design disciplines. The three-year program is designed to prepare students with degrees in non-design disciplines for professional practice and landscape architecture licensure. 

The School of Architecture and Planning also offers interdisciplinary graduate certificate programs in Historic Preservation and Regionalism and Urban Innovation. The Indigenous Design and Planning Institute, the Design and Planning Assistance Center, and the Resource Center for Raza Planning operate collaboratively with the degree programs in Architecture, Community and Regional Planning and Landscape Architecture offering students and faculty distinctive interdisciplinary specializations and opportunities.

Students completing their degree requirements are well prepared to accomplish the outcomes expected of state licensure and registration boards throughout the United States. Students will have developed: 

  • A broad view of, and expertise in landscape architecture and the role and responsibility of the discipline in public health, safety, and welfare as required by landscape architecture licensure law and accreditation standards.
  • An understanding of landscape architecture as a synthesis of environmental, cultural and technological systems.
  • The special, necessary skills and knowledge of the landscape architect, which include but are not limited to: the history and theory of landscape architecture; site analysis; creative site planning and design; landscape construction and materials; design and sustainability; plant selection and design; the function of landscape architecture as a social art; professional practice, methods, and ethics; computer applications; research as a tool for environmental designers; and the relationship of landscape architecture to its closely allied disciplines of engineering, planning, and architecture.
  • The ability to exercise critical thinking and original design in the practice of landscape architecture.
  • The ability to apply research methodology and appropriate theory.
  • A Master’s Project or Master’s Thesis based on a topic selected according to their interests and a vision of their own future in the discipline.

Admission Procedure

Application Deadline: February 15 for best consideration. Applications will be accepted until April 30.

The UNM Graduate Studies online application allows the applicant to complete the application form and to upload all necessary documents outlined below in either a PDF or Word format unless otherwise indicated. Additional application details are available by clicking on Application Instructions. Submit the following items online to the University of New Mexico Admissions Office:

  • The University of New Mexico online application
  • A non-refundable application fee payable online or by phone at (505) 277-5363. Keep the reference number for fee payment. 
  • A letter of intent outlining the applicant's interest in the discipline of landscape architecture and the reasons for seeking admission to the program in either PDF or Word format.
  • Email contact information for three references with whom the applicant has worked and/or studied. References are contacted via email with a link for them to submit digital letters of reference in a PDF or Word format. Two letters would typically come from teachers or academic advisors who can comment on the applicant's prior undergraduate and/or graduate performance.
  • A resume (curriculum vitae) in either PDF or Word format.
  • A digital portfolio of creative work (PDF format) is required for the 2-year track. The digital portfolio is optional for the 3-year track.

International Students also need to submit the following:

  • An attested copy of the applicant's diploma.
  • Official TOEFL scores that must meet the University of New Mexico minimum of 79 on the IBT TOEFL.

Submit application materials and questions to: 

Landscape Architecture Program
School of Architecture and Planning
Attn: Miquela Ortiz Upston, Graduate Advisor
MSC04 2530
Albuquerque, New Mexico 87131

Graduation Requirements

The student’s program of study is developed in consultation with the Department Chair. The M.L.A. degree is granted upon successful completion of an approved program of study.

Two-Year Program of Study

This track is designed for students who have earned a design-related undergraduate degree, such as in Architecture or Environmental Planning and Design. A minimum of 57 credit hours is required for the two-year program. However, for students with an undergraduate degree in Landscape Architecture, a minimum of 48 credit hours is required. Exact program requirements are determined on a case-by-case basis by the Department Chair.

Three-Year Program of Study

This track is designed for students whose previous degree is not design-related. The program is comprised of 87 credit hours and takes approximately three years to complete. For students entering with undergraduate or graduate degrees in areas of study that have some content overlap with the Landscape Architecture curriculum, the Department Chair may allow a program of study shorter than 87 credit hours, but not fewer than 75 credit hours.

Post-Professional Program of Study

Applicants for the Post-Professional program must be licensed, practicing landscape architects, with a minimum of five years experience in the field. The student's program of study is developed in consultation with the Department Chair and requires 30 credit hours. Contact the Department Chair for information and requirements. 

Required Courses

LA 501 Landscape Architecture Design Studio I 6
LA 502 Landscape Architecture Design Studio II 6
LA 503 Landscape Architecture Design Studio III 6
LA 504 LA Design Studio IV DPAC Interdisciplinary Community Studio 6
LA 505 Landscape Architecture Design Studio V 6
LA 582 Graphic Communications 3
LA 560 Landscape Architecture in the 20th Century 3
LA 561 History and Theory of Landscape Architecture 3
LA 563 Theory in Landscape Architecture and Environmental Design 3
Plants and their Ecosystems
LA 558 Plant Materials 3
LA 559 Plant Materials in Landscape Design II 3
Environmental Systems
LA 556 Site-Environment 3
One additional 3 credit elective 3
Construction Technology
LA 580 Landscape Architecture Technology I: Grading and Drainage 3
LA 581 Landscape Construction Materials and Techniques 3
LA 521 AutoCAD® for Landscape Architects 3
Professional Practice
LA 531 Professional Practice in Landscape Architecture 3
LA 586 Professional Skills in Landscape Architecture 3
LA 596 Master's Project-Thesis Preparation Seminar 3
LA 597
LA 599
Master's Project

Master's Thesis
9 credit hours of elective courses

Typical Sequence for Three-Year Program of Study

Year 1 Fall Semester
LA 501 Landscape Architecture Design Studio I 6
LA 556 Site-Environment 3
LA 561 History and Theory of Landscape Architecture 3
LA 582 Graphic Communications 3
Spring Semester
LA 502 Landscape Architecture Design Studio II 6
LA 521 AutoCad® for Landscape Architects 3
LA 558 Plant Materials 3
LA 581 Landscape Construction Materials and Techniques 3
Year 2 Fall Semester
LA 503 Landscape Architecture Design Studio III 6
LA 560 Landscape Architecture in the 20th Century 3
LA 580 Landscape Architecture Technology I: Grading and Drainage 3
Elective 3
  Spring Semester
LA 504 LA Design Studio IV DPAC Interdisciplinary Community Studio  6
LA 559 Plant Materials in Landscape Design II 3
LA 563 Theory in Landscape Architecture and Environmental Design 3
Elective 3
Year 3 Fall Semester
LA 505 Landscape Architecture Design Studio V 6
LA 556 Site-Environment 3
LA 596 Master's Project-Thesis Preparation Seminar 3
Elective 3
  Spring Semester
LA 531 Professional Practice in Landscape Architecture 3
LA 597
LA 599
Master's Project

Master's Thesis
Elective 3

Master’s Examination

The Master’s Examination occurs at the time of the Master’s thesis/project public presentation and defense when the student’s committee evaluates the scope and quality of the work, mastery of the field and the emphasis, and the student’s research accomplishment.


LA 250. Imagining Landscape: Making Places by Design. (3, may be repeated once Δ)

LA 335. Site-Environment. (3)

LA 401 / 501. Landscape Architecture Design Studio I. (6)

LA 402 / 502. Landscape Architecture Design Studio II. (6)

LA 411 / 511. Topics in Landscape Architecture. (1-3 to a maximum of 12 Δ)

LA 421 / 521. AutoCAD for Landscape Architects. (3)

LA 458 / 558. Plant Materials. (3)

LA 460 / 560. Landscape Architecture in the 20th Century. (3)

LA 461 / 561. History and Theory of Landscape Architecture. (3)

LA 463 / 563. Theory in Landscape Architecture and Environmental Design. (3)

LA 481 / 581. Landscape Construction Materials and Techniques. (3)

LA 482 / 582. Graphic Communications. (3)

LA 501 / 401. Landscape Architecture Design Studio I. (6)

LA 502 / 402. Landscape Architecture Design Studio II. (6)

LA 503. Landscape Architecture Design Studio III. (6)

LA 504. Landscape Architecture Design Studio IV: DPAC Interdisciplinary Community Studio. (6)

LA 505. Landscape Architecture Design Studio V. (6)

LA 511 / 411. Topics in Landscape Architecture. (1-3 to a maximum of 12 Δ)

LA 512. Seminar: Landscape Architecture. (2-3 to a maximum of 15 Δ)

LA 521 / 421. AutoCAD for Landscape Architects. (3)

LA 531. Professional Practice in Landscape Architecture. (3)

LA 556. Site/Environment. (3)

LA 558 / 458. Plant Materials. (3)

LA 559. Plant Materials in Landscape Design II. (3)

LA 560 / 460. Landscape Architecture in the 20th Century. (3)

LA 561 / 461. History and Theory of Landscape Architecture. (3)

LA 563 / 463. Theory in Landscape Architecture and Environmental Design. (3)

LA 580. Landscape Architecture Technology I: Grading and Drainage. (3)

LA 581 / 481. Landscape Construction Materials and Techniques. (3)

LA 582 / 482. Graphic Communications. (3)

LA 586. Professional Skills in Landscape Architecture. (3)

LA 591. Introduction to Preservation and Regionalism. (3)

LA 596. Master's Project/Thesis Preparation Seminar. (3)

LA 597. Master's Project. (1 to a maximum of 6 Δ)

LA 599. Master's Thesis. (1-6, no limit Δ)

LA 691. Sustainable Settlements. (3)

LA 694. Urban Design Methods. (1-3 to a maximum of 4 Δ)

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Office of the Registrar

MSC11 6325
1 University of New Mexico
Albuquerque, NM 87131

Phone: (505) 277-8900
Fax: (505) 277-6809

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