Landscape Architecture

Katya Crawford, Department Chair
George Pearl Hall
MSC04 2530
1 University of New Mexico
Albuquerque, NM 87131-0001

Associate Professors
Katya Crawford, M.L.A., University of New Mexico
Catherine Page Harris, M.L.A., University of California, Berkeley; M.F.A., Stanford University

Assistant Professors
Kathleen Kambic, M.L.A., M.A., University of Virginia
Anthony Fettes, M.L.A., University of New Mexico

Professor of Practice
Baker Morrow, M.A., University of New Mexico

Research Associate Professor
Kim Sorvig, M.L.A., University of Pennsylvania

Susan Frye, M.L.A., University of New Mexico
Francisco Uvina,  M.Arch., University of New Mexico

Susannah Abbey, M.L.A., University of New Mexico
Jeremiah Gwin. M.L.A., University of New Mexico 
Gregory Miller, B.L.A., Texas A&M University
Steven Moffson, M.A University of Delaware
Jeff Pappas, B.L.A., Texas A&M University
Judith Phillips, State University of New York
Brian Verardo, B.S., Colorado State University

Alf Simon, Ph.D., FCSLA, FCELA
Christopher Wilson, M.A., University of New Mexico


LA 250. Imagining Landscape: Making Places by Design. (3, may be repeated once Δ)

LA 335. Site-Environment. (3)

LA 401 / 501. Landscape Architecture Design Studio I. (6)

LA 402 / 502. Landscape Architecture Design Studio II. (6)

LA 411 / 511. Topics in Landscape Architecture. (1-3 to a maximum of 12 Δ)

LA 421 / 521. AutoCAD for Landscape Architects. (3)

LA 458 / 558. Plant Materials. (3)

LA 460 / 560. Landscape Architecture in the 20th Century. (3)

LA 461 / 561. History and Theory of Landscape Architecture. (3)

LA 463 / 563. Theory in Landscape Architecture and Environmental Design. (3)

LA 481 / 581. Landscape Construction Materials and Techniques. (3)

LA 482 / 582. Graphic Communications. (3)

LA 501 / 401. Landscape Architecture Design Studio I. (6)

LA 502 / 402. Landscape Architecture Design Studio II. (6)

LA 503. Landscape Architecture Design Studio III. (6)

LA 504. Landscape Architecture Design Studio IV: DPAC Interdisciplinary Community Studio. (6)

LA 505. Landscape Architecture Design Studio V. (6)

LA 511 / 411. Topics in Landscape Architecture. (1-3 to a maximum of 12 Δ)

LA 512. Seminar: Landscape Architecture. (2-3 to a maximum of 15 Δ)

LA 521 / 421. AutoCAD for Landscape Architects. (3)

LA 531. Professional Practice in Landscape Architecture. (3)

LA 556. Site/Environment. (3)

LA 558 / 458. Plant Materials. (3)

LA 559. Plant Materials in Landscape Design II. (3)

LA 560 / 460. Landscape Architecture in the 20th Century. (3)

LA 561 / 461. History and Theory of Landscape Architecture. (3)

LA 563 / 463. Theory in Landscape Architecture and Environmental Design. (3)

LA 580. Landscape Architecture Technology I: Grading and Drainage. (3)

LA 581 / 481. Landscape Construction Materials and Techniques. (3)

LA 582 / 482. Graphic Communications. (3)

LA 586. Professional Skills in Landscape Architecture. (3)

LA 591. Introduction to Preservation and Regionalism. (3)

LA 596. Master's Project/Thesis Preparation Seminar. (3)

LA 597. Master's Project. (1 to a maximum of 6 Δ)

LA 599. Master's Thesis. (1-6, no limit Δ)

LA 691. Sustainable Settlements. (3)

LA 694. Urban Design Methods. (1-3 to a maximum of 4 Δ)

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Office of the Registrar

MSC11 6325
1 University of New Mexico
Albuquerque, NM 87131

Phone: (505) 277-8900
Fax: (505) 277-6809

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