Graduate Certificate Programs

Certificates Offered

  • Graduate Certificate in Historic Preservation and Regionalism (GCERT)
  • Graduate Certificate in Indigenous Planning (GCERT)
  • Graduate Certificate in Urban Innovation (GCERT)

The School of Architecture and Planning offers graduate certificate programs in Historic Preservation and Regionalism, Indigenous Planning, and Urban Innovation. The Historic Preservation and Regionalism and Urban Innovation certificates require 18 credit hours, some of which can also be applied to a graduate degree program, and are open to applicants not currently enrolled as UNM graduate students. The Indigenous Planning certificate requires 15 credit hours and is open to students who hold a bachelor's degree or are currently enrolled in a graduate program at the University of New Mexico. 

Graduate Certificate in Historic Preservation and Regionalism

Francisco Uviña, Director
School of Architecture and Planning

The graduate certificate in Historic Preservation and Regionalism is designed for students wishing to contribute to the conservation of architectural and cultural heritage, and to the contemporary vitality of valued regional traditions. The program integrates proven historic preservation techniques with the spectrum of related planning and design approaches for cultivating local history, and cultural distinctiveness. The graduate certificate in Historic Preservation and Regionalism is open to students pursuing a graduate degree in a related field at the University of New Mexico, those who already hold such a graduate degree, and those with a bachelor’s degree and appropriate related experience.

Admission Requirements

Applicants must either:

  • Hold a graduate degree in architecture, planning, landscape architecture, history, American studies, anthropology, architectural history, communications and journalism, environmental studies or other related field;
  • Be admitted to or be currently enrolled in a graduate program at the University of New Mexico in one of these disciplines;
  • Hold a bachelor’s degree in one of these disciplines, and demonstrate in a resume and the letter of intent experience or accomplishment such as professional licensing, publications, professional practice, or professional, non-profit or government work with responsibilities in preservation, heritage tourism development, regional design or planning, or related fields that indicate ability to complete this program.

The application to the graduate certificate program is found on the UNM Admissions Web site. Students who are not currently enrolled as graduate students at the University must apply through Graduate Studies.

Application Requirements

  • A letter of interest explaining the applicant's reasons for seeking admission to the program, noting the satisfied criteria above, expected timeline for completion of the certificate, mailing address and email address;
  • Three letters of recommendation from people who know the applicant's educational and/or work accomplishments and abilities;
  • A resume;
  • Academic transcripts for all higher education coursework.

To insure consideration for a Fall semester admission, completed applications are due no later than March 1; for a Spring semester admission, no later than November 1. Depending on space availability, applications received after those dates may be considered.


To receive the certificate, students must successfully complete:

ARCH/CRP/LA 590 Historic Research Methods 3
ARCH/CRP/LA 591 Introduction to Preservation and Regionalism 3
Electives chosen in consultation with the certificate program Director from the approved list below. 9
Final Project, with approval. 3
Total 18

List of approved electives:

ARCH 662 Sem: Alternative Construction Methods and Materials
ARCH 662 Sem: Preservation Technologies and Adaptive Reuse
ARCH 662 Sem: Southwest Architecture and Cultural Landscapes
ARTH 507 Museum Practices
CRP 570 Sem: Preservation, Eco-tourism, and Community Development
CRP 570 Sem: Preservation Law
CRP 573 Planning on Native American Lands
CRP 586 Planning Issues in Chicano Communities
LA 512 Sem: Cultural Landscape Planning
  and other seminars with appropriate content as approved by the Director.

Graduate Certificate in Indigenous Planning

Ted Jojola, Director
Department of Community and Regional Planning
School of Architecture and Planning

The graduate certificate in Indigenous Planning is designed for students who intend to work with Indigenous communities, in or alongside Native American lands, and with Indigenous nations. Indigenous planning is first and foremost about strategically shaping the physical and social character of Indigenous communities by informing planning and community development to improve economic and social viability. At the core, Indigenous planning draws on cultural values to generate and sustain places that are productive, beautiful, healthy, and safe. The intent of the certificate is to provide Indigenous planning professional development for working professionals and promote socially responsible practices that empower tribes to better manage and take control of planning, community development, and related processes.

Admission Requirements
Applicants must either:

  • Be admitted to or be currently enrolled in a graduate program at the University of
    New Mexico and demonstrate related experience or interests; or
  • Hold a bachelor's degree and demonstrate in a resume and the letter of intent related experience or interests.

Application Requirements
Applicants mus submit the following:

  • All applicants (even those currently enrolled in a program at UNM) must apply through
    the online application;
  • A letter of interest explaining the applicant's reasons for seeking admission to the
    program and noting how they fulfill one of the above criteria;
  • Three academic and professional letters of recommendation from people who know the
    applicant's educational and/or professional accomplishments and abilities;
  • A CV;
  • Academic transcripts for all higher education coursework.

To ensure consideration for a Fall semester admission, completed applications are due no later than March 1; for a Spring semester admission, no later than November 1. Depending on space availability, applications received after those dates may be considered.

To receive the certificate, students must successfully complete:

CRP 534 Foundations of Indigenous Planning 3
CRP 573 Planning on Native American Lands 3
Electives chosen from list of Indigenous Planning courses available from the graduate advisor. Other courses can be taken with prior approval from the Director. 6

One final requirement, chosen among the four following:

CRP 570 Seminar: Indigenous Planning Summer Institute1
CRP 588 Professional Project2
CRP 597 Capstone Planning Studio3
CRP 598 iTown Studio4

Total 15

1. Other 570 courses do not meet the experiential learning requirement. An Indigenous field school, if offered, could fulfill this requirement. This must be taken after CRP 534 and 573.
2. Must be a project for an Indigenous community and must be taken after CRP 534 and 573.
3. Must be in an Indigenous community and must be taken after CRP 534 and 573.
4. The iTown studio is conducted in an Indigenous community. This must be taken after CRP 534 and 573.

Graduate Certificate in Urban Innovation

Urban Innovation Graduate Certificate Curriculum Committee:
Moises Gonzales
Kathy Kambic
Michaele Pride
John Quale

Cities and towns are among humanity's largest and most complex achievements. The buildings, public works, plazas and parks of even a small community embody substantial amounts of capital, energy, natural resources, history and aspirations. Cities are among our greatest creations, yet typically no single individual creates them.

New Mexico and the American Southwest offer a unique variety of settlement and district types for study, including Native American pueblos; strip mall development; Spanish Colonial settlements; streetcar suburbs; gated residential developments; downtown revitalization districts; acequia villages; railroad, company, courthouse square, military and Mormon towns; second-home sprawl; ghost mining towns; Interstate commercial clusters, colonias; and communes. Ruins of ancient Native cities, myths of lost cities, and a rich literature of place provide further opportunities for research and design. Interactions between the natural and built environment are particularly vivid and strong in New Mexico’s desert and alpine ecosystems, as well as other parts of the Southwest. Examples of both extractive settlements and centuries-old renewable resource based settlements are clearly represented in the State and region.

The graduate certificate in Urban Innovation examines settlements from village to megalopolis and from street to planet-wide patterns to provide a foundation for students to engage one of humanity’s greatest needs and challenges - how to create sustainable and vibrant 21st-century cities.

The program aims to give students the foundations to explore critical questions about, study examples of, and propose approaches to creating specific sites, neighborhoods, districts, towns, cities and regions within a globalized world.

  • How can vibrant cities, towns and regions be created —places that are sustainable, convivial, and even poetic—while dismantling structures that produce and reproduce inequality?
  • How to respond to contested and conflicted histories and cultures?
  • What are the goals, aspirations, and tools when there are multiple independent stakeholders?
  • What design, policy and environmental interventions support the creation of vital public spaces and urban landscapes?
  • How does a city’s or town’s infrastructure work to configure the character of the place?
  • How does the relationship between professionals and other key stakeholders shape, constrain and inform a place?
  • How can emergent technology affect existing and emergent settlements?

Students in the Urban Innovation graduate certificate program should develop:

  • knowledge of the theory, history and praxis of urban design with particular emphasis on sustainability and policy;
  • ability in multi-player design, development and regulation methods;
  • knowledge of concepts of urban ecology; and 
  • ability in analysis and prediction of urban design outcomes.

Admission Requirements

Applicants must either:

  • be currently enrolled in one of the graduate programs in the University of New Mexico with a minimum GPA of 3.0., or
  • already possess a graduate or professional degree from any university.

The application to the graduate certificate program is found on the UNM Admissions Web site

Application Requirements

  • Resume.
  • Statement of intent outlining the applicant's goals in pursuing the graduate certificate, proposed track/program of study, and schedule for completion.
  • Samples of original written work, with no more than five 8.5x11” pages. This work should demonstrate the applicant's ability to write cogently.
  • Current academic transcript.
  • Names and contact information for three people who can speak to the applicant's qualifications for this graduate certificate program.

The Urban Innovation Graduate Certificate Curriculum Committee may waive or substitute other coursework for any of the above requirements if the application as a whole demonstrates that the student has the skills, background, and ability to successfully complete the graduate certificate.

Students who have strong applications but whose skills in a particular area need development may be asked in the admission letter to add another course to their studies depending on their previous background.

Applications to the Urban Innovation graduate certificate must be submitted by May 1 for fall semester admission, or by January 1 for spring semester admission.


The certificate requires the completion of 18 credit hours.

3 credit hours: Introduction to Urban Innovation (required)
     This introductory core course is interdisciplinary, and it addresses the core concepts of the certificate. The course focuses on theories and methods of policy, ecology, and design in urban environments. The course emphasizes leadership in all of these realms, and will require case studies on relevant topics. It is ideal for the student to complete his course at the beginning of the certificate. This course is a prerequisite for the last six credit hours of Urban Innovation Research Studio. 
9 credit hours: (approved electives) 
     Students must take nine credit hours in courses from their current graduate program. These should correspond to the topics addressed in the Urban Innovation Certificate, including urban research, economics, sociology, community development, public policy, planning, housing, infrastructure, urban ecologies, history, geography, water resources, and design (such as urban design, architecture, and landscape architecture). The proposed courses should be submitted to the Coordinator for approval by the Urban Innovation Curriculum Committee.  
6 credit hours: Urban Innovation Research Studio (substitution allowed) (required) 
            This is the last course. Design work is not expected from non-design students. 


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Albuquerque, NM 87131

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