Graduate Program

Graduate Advisor
Dr. Adriana Ramirez de Arellano

Certificate Offered

  • Women Studies (GCERT)

Graduate Certificate in Women Studies

Students may present Women Studies as a transcripted graduate certificate with 15 credit hours of graduate study as follows:

  • 6 credit hours of required courses, WMST 510 Feminist Theories and WMST 512 Feminist Research Methodologies.
  • 9 credit hours of electives approved by the program graduate advisor. The electives may be taken within the program's or the student’s home department's courses, or in combination with appropriate courses from another department.

Students must receive at least a 3.0 GPA in all courses.

Applications should include:

  1. Proof of admission into a graduate program at UNM.
  2. Letter of intent, which may include any significant experience applicant brings to the study of Women Studies, and which explains what he/she hopes to accomplish.
  3. Undergraduate transcript.
  4. One letter of recommendation.

Applications should be sent to:
Director of Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies
MSC03 2155
1 University of New Mexico
Albuquerque, NM 87131-0001


GNDR 2110. Introduction to Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies. (3)

WMST 250. Black Women. (3)

WMST 279. Interdisciplinary Topics. (1-3, may be repeated three times Δ)

WMST 304. Feminist Theories: Identity, Knowledge, and Power. (3)

WMST 313. Women and the Law. (3)

WMST 314. Sex and the State. (3)

WMST 323. Feminist Economics. (3)

WMST 324. Contemporary Feminist Theory. (3)

WMST 325. Race, Class and Feminism. (3)

WMST 326. Gender and Communication. (3)

WMST 331. Transnational Feminisms. (3)

WMST 335. Lesbian Culture and Politics. (3)

WMST 336. Queer Theories. (3)

WMST 337 / 537. Transgender Studies. (3)

WMST 339. Women and Cultural Violence. (3)

WMST 379. Interdisciplinary Topics. (1-3, may be repeated three times Δ)

WMST 416. Women and Health in American History. (3)

WMST 469. Multiculturalism, Gender and Media. (3)

WMST 479. Advanced Interdisciplinary Topics. (3, may be repeated twice Δ)

WMST 492. Senior Seminar. (3)

WMST 493. Senior Honors Thesis. (3)

WMST 498. Feminism in Action. (3)

WMST 499. Independent Study. (1-3, may be repeated 3 times Δ)

WMST 510. Feminist Theories. (3)

WMST 512. Introduction to Feminist Research Methodology. (3)

WMST 537 / 337. Transgender Studies. (3)

WMST 579. Interdisciplinary Topics. (1-3, may be repeated three times Δ)

WMST 597. Independent Study. (1-3 to a maximum of 3 Δ)

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Office of the Registrar

MSC11 6325
1 University of New Mexico
Albuquerque, NM 87131

Phone: (505) 277-8900
Fax: (505) 277-6809

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