Undergraduate Program

Undergraduate Advisor
Farah Nousheen
Senior Academic Advisor, College of Arts and Sciences

College of Arts and Sciences and Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies Program Undergraduate Admission Requirements

A minimum of 26 credit hours; 23 credit hours must be in courses acceptable toward graduation.

A cumulative grade point average of at least 2.00 on all work.

  • Transfer students must have a 2.00 transfer GPA.
  • Continuing UNM students must have a 2.00 institutional GPA.

Demonstrated academic achievement by satisfying the following:

  • Completion of General Education Curriculum: Communication.
  • Completion of General Education Curriculum: Mathematics and Statistics.
  • Completion of General Education Curriculum: Second Language.

Completion of Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies Program admission coursework with a grade of "C" or better:

  • One GNDR or WMST course at any level.

Degree Offered

  • Bachelor of Arts in Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies (B.A.)

Major Study


GNDR 2110 Introduction to Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies  3
WMST 304 Feminist Theories: Identity, Knowledge, and Power 3
WMST 325 Race, Class and Feminism 3
WMST 498 Feminism in Action 3
Sexuality Studies Area Requirement (select from): WMST 314 Sex and the State, WMST 336 Queer Theories, WMST 379 T: Feminist Sexuality Studies. 3
  Focus Area Requirement Choose 12 credit hours from one focus area, and 9 credit hours from at least two additional focus areas:
• Feminist and Gender Theory
• Literature, Film, and Arts
• Regional/Global
• Sexualities
• Social Sciences
Total 36

Refer to Arts and Sciences Advisement or the program Web site for the current list of courses approved for each focus area.

Second Major Study


GNDR 2110 Introduction to Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies  3
WMST 304 Feminist Theories: Identity, Knowledge, and Power 3
WMST 325 Race, Class and Feminism 3
WMST 498 Feminism in Action 3
Sexuality Studies Area Requirement Choose 1 course from the following courses: 
WMST 314 Sex and the State
WMST 336 Queer Theories
WMST 379 T: Feminist Sexuality Studies
  Focus Area Requirement Choose 6 credit hours from one focus area, and 3 credit hours from one additional focus area:
• Feminist and Gender Theory
• Literature, Film, and Arts
• Regional/Global
• Sexualities
• Social Sciences
Total 24

Refer to Arts and Sciences Advisement or the program Web site for the current list of courses approved for each focus area. HIST 345 may be subsituted with another history course as approved by advisor. The history course taken to fulfill the second major core requirement may not be used to fulfill focus area requirements. Other courses may be used upon petition to the Program Director. 

Minor Study


GNDR 2110 Introduction to Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies  3
WMST 304
WMST 325
Feminist Theories: Identity, Knowledge, and Power

Race, Class and Feminism
WMST 498 Feminism in Action 3

Sexuality Studies Area Requirement Choose 1 course from the following courses: 
WMST 314 Sex and the State
WMST 336 Queer Theories
WMST 379 T: Feminist Sexuality Studies

  Focus Area Requirement Choose 6 credit hours from one focus area, and 3 credit hours from one additional focus area:
• Feminist and Gender Theory
• Literature, Film, and Arts
• Regional/Global
• Sexualities
• Social Sciences
Total 21

Refer to Arts and Sciences Advisement or the program Web site for the current list of courses approved for each focus area. HIST 345 may be subsituted with another history course as approved by advisor. The history course taken to fulfill the minor core requirement may not be used to fulfill focus area requirements. Other courses may be used upon petition to the Program Director. 

Departmental Honors 

To be eligible for the undergraduate departmental honors program, a student must be a major in Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies, have an overall GPA of 3.0 or better, and a GPA of at least 3.5 in program courses.


GNDR 2110 Introduction to Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies  3
WMST 304 Feminist Theories: Identity, Knowledge, and Power 3
WMST 325
WMST 331
Race, Class and Feminism

Transnational Feminisms
WMST 492 Senior Seminar 3
WMST 498 Feminism in Action 3
HIST 345 U.S. Women since 1865 3
  Focus Area Requirement Choose from one focus area:
• Feminist and Gender Theory
• Literature, Film, and Arts
• Regional/Global
• Sexualities
• Social Sciences
Electives Choose from outside the focus area. 9
WMST 493 Senior Honors Thesis 3
Total 39

Refer to Arts and Sciences Advisement or the program Web site for the current list of courses approved for each focus area. HIST 345 may be subsituted with another history course as approved by the Undergraduate Advisor. Other courses may be used upon petition to the Program Director. Departmental Honors candidates must complete WMST 493 during their senior year and following their senior seminar.

Process for Admission

Qualified students who are interested in the Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies departmental honors program must: 1) select an honors thesis faculty advisor, in consultation with the Program Undergraduate Advisor; 2) submit an application letter and form. Eligible students are strongly urged to submit their letter of application and form, co-signed by the honors thesis advisor, by October 15th of their junior year; 3) submit verification of scheduled, or taken, honors sequence, 4) provide a copy of an unofficial transcript.

The Honors Sequence: 492, 493 

WMST 492 Senior Seminar should be taken in the Spring semester of the student’s junior year. Teachers and topics may vary from year to year. This advanced course emphasizing synthesis and development of research skills is required of all majors in the Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies Program. Honors students taking this course design a thesis research project and begin the research in close consultation with the student’s thesis advisor.

WMST 493 Senior Honors Thesis is a writing course intended only for honors candidates and is usually taken in the Spring semester of the honors student’s senior year. Honors candidates must submit a description of their honors topic and an honors thesis title, co-signed by their honors thesis advisor, by October 15th of their senior year. In this course, building upon the previous semester’s senior seminar, students complete the project research and write a thesis.

Awarding Honors in Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies

A Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies major who fulfills all course requirements for the honors program, but fails to make a grade of "B" or higher on the senior thesis or fails to meet the GPA requirements for honors candidates at the time of graduation, may still graduate, albeit without honors.


GNDR 2110. Introduction to Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies. (3)

WMST 250. Black Women. (3)

WMST 279. Interdisciplinary Topics. (1-3, may be repeated three times Δ)

WMST 304. Feminist Theories: Identity, Knowledge, and Power. (3)

WMST 313. Women and the Law. (3)

WMST 314. Sex and the State. (3)

WMST 323. Feminist Economics. (3)

WMST 324. Contemporary Feminist Theory. (3)

WMST 325. Race, Class and Feminism. (3)

WMST 326. Gender and Communication. (3)

WMST 331. Transnational Feminisms. (3)

WMST 335. Lesbian Culture and Politics. (3)

WMST 336. Queer Theories. (3)

WMST 337 / 537. Transgender Studies. (3)

WMST 339. Women and Cultural Violence. (3)

WMST 379. Interdisciplinary Topics. (1-3, may be repeated three times Δ)

WMST 416. Women and Health in American History. (3)

WMST 469. Multiculturalism, Gender and Media. (3)

WMST 479. Advanced Interdisciplinary Topics. (3, may be repeated twice Δ)

WMST 492. Senior Seminar. (3)

WMST 493. Senior Honors Thesis. (3)

WMST 498. Feminism in Action. (3)

WMST 499. Independent Study. (1-3, may be repeated 3 times Δ)

WMST 510. Feminist Theories. (3)

WMST 512. Introduction to Feminist Research Methodology. (3)

WMST 537 / 337. Transgender Studies. (3)

WMST 579. Interdisciplinary Topics. (1-3, may be repeated three times Δ)

WMST 597. Independent Study. (1-3 to a maximum of 3 Δ)

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