General Information

Mission, Vision, Goals, and Guiding Principles


The University will engage students, faculty, and staff in its comprehensive educational, research, and service programs.

  • UNM will provide students the values, habits of mind, knowledge, and skills they need to be enlightened citizens, to contribute to the state and national economies, and to lead satisfying lives.
  • Faculty, staff, and students create, apply, and disseminate new knowledge and creative works; they provide services that enhance New Mexicans' quality of life and promote economic development; and they advance our understanding of the world, its peoples, and cultures.
  • Building on its educational, research, and creative resources, the University provides services directly to the City and State, including health care, social services, policy studies, commercialization of inventions, and cultural events. 

UNM2020: The Vision for UNM

Throughout 2012, the UNM community undertook the process of envisioning a desired future state – UNM2020 – to serve as a descriptive mesa in the distance toward which plans and actions strive. An open and inclusive process engaging more than one thousand stakeholders produced attributes reflective of UNM in 2020. These attributes are not an absolute commitment to do one thing or another, but rather capture what the UNM community seeks in the ideal world, and serve to inform the creation of goals and objectives to guide the University forward in pursuit of UNM2020. More information can be found at

UNM2020 is a larger vision, made up of many goals and milestones. UNM2020 is an idea of what UNM strives to be by the year 2020. The entire University community is working together to achieve this vision.

Students: The Lobo Experience
UNM in 2020 has created a relationship that extends well before one enters the University until well after one matriculates – the Lobo Experience. Through extensive networks reaching down into K-12, across to branches and community colleges, up through the labor markets and out through State and global relationships, UNM students – prospective, active and alumni – have ample opportunity to realize their full potential. 

UNM is the national standard and recognized as an innovator in multilingual and multi-cultural programs that go far beyond ‘segmentation’ initiatives to more inclusive topic, challenge, skill and competency-based sharing that brings diverse perspectives to challenges shared by all. No other university has the deep diversity learning lab in which to bring students, faculty, staff and the community together in mutually beneficial ways.

UNM customizes its offering to match individual student desires, expectations and needs. It recruits and retains the best and brightest New Mexicans as the ‘go-to’ school for specific degrees and programs. The Honors College targets specific outcomes and job placement opportunities through UNM alumni, strategic partners and other initiatives that are intra-institutional. All student support programs, from academic advisement through to career counseling are built upon best practices contributing to strong student pathways to success.

The physical campus is a safe, integrated, year-round collection of academic, civic, cultural, professional and social engagement activities with residential and commuter amenities such as a health and wellness center that contribute to a holistic campus experience. UNM alumni lead New Mexico and participate actively in lifelong learning initiatives where they take discounted courses on advanced distance education platforms and learning experiences beyond the physical classroom.

Teaching and Learning
UNM in 2020 has redesigned educational programs and services reflecting the increasingly dynamic world through which graduates pursue excellence and achieve success. Core curricula are respectful of traditional academic arts and sciences while embracing labor markets that seek competency-based outcomes – students armed with how to think – how to be creative and flexible – how to be a productive team member – a blend of competencies that demand lifelong learning opportunities.

Teaching, research and service to the community are valued equally in all UNM recognition and reward systems. We are superb educators who also discover and innovate. A strong mentoring program exists – faculty/student, senior faculty/junior faculty, upper-classmen/junior classmen – with bonds to keep one another engaged and retain our talented people.

Students from all walks of life engage through a robust combination of full-time and part-time programs, formal degrees and concentrations, certificates, and physical and virtual learning platforms that ‘fit’ into complex, fast-moving learner lives. UNM pedagogical and technological diversity matches the diversity of its students.

Discovery and Innovation
UNM in 2020 is a recognized leader in basic and applied research and the translation of that research into knowledge and applications of value to academic communities and the public. Annual grants and contracts are approaching $500M as UNM is adept at putting interdisciplinary teams together and focusing on some of the most important social challenges of our time. College/school, departmental, institute, center and program encourage and facilitate faculty, students and other public and private global research partners to move with speed and flexibility.

Both undergraduate and graduate student research opportunities abound, as there are many academic intersections requiring diverse skills and competencies to query, contemplate, create and ultimately transfer new knowledge, processes and applications throughout New Mexico and beyond. That level of engagement extends to the interdisciplinary education model designed to produce competence-based value in a world and employment opportunities changing far faster than our curricula.

Institutional Culture
UNM in 2020 has a culture that is healthy and seeks continuous improvement through open, safe and honest dialogue. Faculty and staff are engaged and rate institutional performance highly on cultural attributes such as trust, integrity, transparency, diversity, mutual respect, quality, ethics and social responsibility. High ratings result from a heightened sense that cooperation – one mission, many players, one team – is valued greatly given that education and research are much more interdisciplinary than prior models of higher education.

UNM celebrates academic and athletic traditions with vigor, as community diversity is the core of what makes UNM different. UNM is innovative in everything it does. ‘Walls and silos’ are almost non-existent in a culture that respects diversity in everything it does. Whether heavily resourced or constrained, the culture seeks a better way to accomplish objectives. Expectations and accountability are well understood and reinforced through a performance-based compensation program linked to outcomes.

Faculty and Staff
UNM in 2020 has developed a deep level of trust and cooperation across the University through action – not only discussion. Faculty and staff work in interdisciplinary teams to enhance an efficient and effective environment where pathways for professional growth and development are supplemented by leaders and managers that invest in people and programs.

People and time are treated as precious resources such that unnecessary bureaucratic overhead is minimal. Faculty and staff are able to pursue a work-life balance not seen in many universities, all the while maintaining a high level of productivity. UNM truly does more with less where mutual respect and equitable compensation programs are linked to outcomes. Professional aspirations of faculty and staff are aligned with UNM's priorities in ways that accelerate performance and reward both creativity and accomplishment. 

Health Sciences
UNM in 2020 has a single governance, leadership and organizational structure serving an integrated academic health center with a shared mission, vision and strategic plan. Through shared principles and values among colleges, hospitals and practice plans, the academic health center has a culture that increases diversity in the workforce, trainees and faculty; promotes interprofessional opportunities; and, provides outreach to the community, including an emphasis on sites in communities that deliver clinical, research and educational services and opportunities.

The health sciences are a renowned center of discovery and innovation with strong, collaborative bridges throughout UNM, garnering a rank among the top 50 U.S. academic health centers in total research funding. Translational science, clinical effectiveness, and research and interdisciplinary programs are primary research activities in service to New Mexico and beyond.

UNM has an integrated health care delivery system with geographically distributed services and partnerships that make it the premiere health care choice for payers and the general population. The value provided in terms of quality, cost and access permits the overall academic health center to remain financially balanced in the primary missions of education, research, patient care and community service. 

Market Position and Brand
UNM in 2020 will have defined New Mexico’s 21st century flagship university such that the best and brightest of New Mexico and beyond view UNM as a destination university. The strong range of degree options represents tremendous value to state, national and global students seeking an education relevant to the diverse social and economic environment.

Faculty are attracted to UNM, recognized broadly for its ideal blend of teaching and research infrastructure combined with strong public and private partnerships. This environment presents them and the students they serve with opportunities that set a national standard for the definition of a vibrant public academic enterprise.

UNM has invested significantly in marketing itself to prospective students, faculty, and strategic partners in all media channels but is specifically recognized as a social media powerhouse.

UNM continues to accelerate globally and act locally – leveraging an increased international student and faculty presence in ways that contribute to the most pressing global and local challenges of the time. Through deep connections to emerging and evolving economies, UNM has focused heavily in Latin America through international consortia with robust exchange programs. UNM is known as a University of the Americas – an ethnically and culturally-rich research university.

Strategic Partnerships
UNM in 2020 has strong national and international relationships with educational institutions from K-12 to other members of the UNM system and beyond to global relationships. The core of these partnerships rests with the focused ability to cultivate partnerships among the arts, humanities, sciences, engineering, health sciences, law and business. Leaders, faculty and staff continuously seek to define new relationships that hold promise in society’s most complex challenges.

UNM works with visionaries – its own faculty and others – to seek answers and solutions to the most important questions of our time. UNM has forged an economic development engine for Albuquerque and New Mexico through successful public/private initiatives ranging from the research labs in New Mexico to corporations and philanthropists interested in accelerating performance and changing how we most effectively transfer our knowledgebase.

Infrastructure and Financial Performance
UNM in 2020 has a balanced investment plan – people and programs, infrastructure and buildings – all based on clear strategic priorities. Based on the continuous evaluation of program relevance and rebalancing that has occurred since 2013, the UNM community understands that it cannot be ‘all things to all people’ such that periodic program divestment has allowed scarce resources to be reallocated.

The sources and uses of funds, both public and private are well known, allowing for the difficult choices to be principle-based and transparent. Success of the UNM2020 $1 billion comprehensive capital campaign contributes greatly to investment flexibility, given constrained State resources. UNM has diversified its revenue base through a successful private donor/State matching program for eminent scholars and increased licensing revenue from a successful technology transfer program.

UNM has a state-of-the-art high-performance and sustainable virtual and physical infrastructure supporting geographically distributed education pedagogies, technology platforms and economic models. The infrastructure quality has ensured the integrity of the education platform from physical and virtual classrooms through student evaluation, resulting in both high satisfaction and a stellar accreditation record. The new UNM Center for the Arts was funded primarily through private sources and serves as an interdisciplinary arts beacon and economic engine throughout New Mexico and beyond.

While compliant with State requirements, core support services such as human resources, information technology and management services, finance, purchasing, research, and technology transfer are efficient and effective with high staff and faculty satisfaction ratings.

Leadership and Governance
UNM in 2020 has a progressive governance and leadership dynamic where Regents are well-informed advocates for the UNM Strategic Plan (goals, objectives and strategic priorities), and set policy and monitor University progress through a transparent performance monitoring and reporting program. The Regent/leadership collaborative dynamic has produced a sustainable University system in service to New Mexico and beyond, one that is highly coordinated, integrated, non-duplicative and, while programmatically and geographically diverse, functions as a university without walls.

Regents and the leadership team are inspirational, successful and diverse in every aspect of their composition from socio-demographic to academic and business expertise. Both have structured forums that keep communication channels open and bi-directional, and present mutually beneficial learning opportunities with faculty, staff, students, alumni, and other stakeholders.

The boundaries between governance and leadership are based on the principles and practices of high performance academic institutions. The boundaries are respected through the establishment of clear expectations, priorities and accountabilities. University leadership recommends goals and objectives to the Regents for ultimate adoption and works effectively with the Regents to think through strategy options and resource requirements for achieving the objectives.


As UNM2020 began to take shape, UNM leadership engaged on a parallel track of developing goals – the timeless aspirations that express important values on the path to UNM2020 and beyond. We will never actually "achieve" our goals. We will, however, ensure that they drive strategies, actions and initiatives. More information can found at

Become a Destination University
Be an institution that is recognized and sought out by students and faculty globally for its cultural, academic, and research distinction. This will be reflected in a diversity of people, ideas, programs, and places. 

Prepare Lobos for Lifelong Success
Provide an inviting and supportive campus experience, preparing students to meet their long-term goals as lifelong learners in academic and personal achievement, career, and leadership. Foster commitment to community service.

Promote Institutional Citizenship
Engage people of all identities, and from all backgrounds, cultures, and communities to realize that they are capable of participating in all aspects of university life. These interactions will: inform institutional strategy, practices, and culture; bridge campus to community; and build knowledge and capacity to solve complex societal challenges.

Advance Health and Health Equity
Improve public health and health care to the populations we serve, working with community partners to advance health and health equity in New Mexico. Provide an excellent education in the health sciences, with a focus on the priority health needs of our communities.

Advance Discovery and Innovation
Promote collaborations between University researchers and industry partners to further cutting-edge research and strengthen our research enterprise. Advance knowledge and integrate student learning with innovation.

Ensure Financial Integrity and Strength
Operate the University in the context of a modern economy, raise funds through innovative mechanisms and judiciously invest them. Utilize strategies that recognize and address financial market realities in higher education, as well as opportunities for gains in efficiency and effectiveness.

Advance and Accelerate Economic Development
Create public-private partnerships that build a sustainable future and strengthen the state's economy through engaged education, collaborative research, workforce development, and the acceleration of new technologies to market. Alongside faculty, students participate in innovative projects that prepare them to become the next generation of entrepreneurs.

Guiding Principles

Integrity, trust, the pursuit and dissemination of knowledge, and public service are essential elements of the University’s character and guide our decisions. These and other elements of our character are reflected in the guiding principles.

All members of the University community are expected to maintain the highest standard of ethics as articulated in the guiding principles. Our devotion to these principles at all times, under all circumstances, and in all our actions is key to our success as an institution and as individuals.

Freedom of Inquiry
We encourage, protect, and respect the exploration of ideas and their free expression. 

We build trust through transparency, truthfulness, and responsibility. 

Inclusiveness and Respect
We thrive in a diverse environment characterized by respectful regard for other persons, recognition of their dignity, and considered use of influence and power. 

Responsibility to Community
We reflect upon our past, serve our present, and strive to improve our future through thoughtful stewardship of our cultures and environment.


UNM is institutionally accredited by the Higher Learning Commission. Other specialized or programmatic accreditations are listed below.

Anderson School of Management: The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business International.

School of Architecture and Planning: National Architectural Accrediting Board, Planning Accreditation Board, and Landscape Architectural Accreditation Board.

College of Arts and Sciences: Accrediting Council on Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, American Psychological Association, American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Commission of Collegiate Interpreter Education, American Chemical Society, National Association of Schools of Public Affairs and Administration, and American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology.

College of Education: National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education, New Mexico Public Education Department, Council for the Accreditation of Counseling and Related Education Programs, Accreditation Council for Education in Nutrition and Dietetics, National Council on Family Relations, Commission on Sport Management Accreditation, and Commission on Accreditation of Athletic Training Education.

School of Engineering: Engineering Accreditation Commission of the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology, American Council for Construction Education, and Computing Accreditation Commission of the Accreditation Board for Technology and Engineering.

College of Fine Arts: National Association of Schools of Music, National Association of Schools of Theatre, and National Association of Schools of Dance.

School of Law: American Bar Association and Association of American Law Schools.

School of Medicine (Health Sciences Center): Liaison Committee on Medical Education representing the Association of American Medical Colleges and the American Medical Association, Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs, Accreditation Review Commission on Education for the Physician Assistant, Council on Education for Public Health, Accreditation Council for Occupational Therapy Education, Joint Review Committee on Educational Programs in Nuclear Medicine Technology, Commission on Accreditation in Physical Therapy Education, National Accrediting Agency for Clinical Laboratory Sciences, Commission on Dental Accreditation, and American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology.

College of Nursing (Health Sciences Center): Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education and Accreditation Commission for Midwifery Education.

College of Pharmacy (Health Sciences Center): Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education.

Additional information can be found at the UNM Accreditation Web site.


The University of New Mexico today is recognized as one of the nation’s major research universities, with nationally acclaimed programs in areas as diverse as medicine and fine arts, engineering and law. But it was not always that way.

When Bernard Rodey steered legislation through the Territorial Legislature to create UNM on Feb. 28, 1889, no public high school existed in the territory, and most people believed a university was a frill the impoverished territory could ill afford. When the university opened its doors three years later, the majority of the 75 students were in the high school Preparatory Department. The only other department, the Normal School, enrolled six public school teachers.

Although college-level classes and departments were added the following year, it was only after WWI in 1918 that the university stopped taking high school students.

UNM’s second and third presidents, Clarence Herrick (1897-1901) and William Tight (1901-1909), both geologists, placed an early emphasis on the sciences in the university curriculum. Herrick’s tenure was cut short for health reasons, but Tight was the epitome of a hands-on president. In addition to teaching geology and chemistry, he dug a well and irrigation ditches, laid out campus landscaping, including taking the student body into the Sandia Mountains to bring back trees; and built the first fraternity building, the Estufa, on campus, using construction of the oval-shaped building as a way to teach calculus.

Tight was also responsible for adopting the unique architecture that helps make UNM a special place. When the original university building, four-stories of red brick and a high-pitched roof, was in danger of collapse, Tight conceived the idea of remodeling in the Spanish-Pueblo architecture style that was prominent in the territory. Since then, his dream has been reflected in every building constructed on UNM’s main campus. It was also during Tight’s presidency that the Engineering School was formed and the Associated Students of UNM was organized.

The growth of the university remained slow but steady, reaching an enrollment of 610 students in 1925. The first graduate degrees, in Latin and chemistry, were granted in 1922. In that same year the university first attained national accreditation. It was under UNM’s seventh president, James Fulton Zimmerman (1927-1944), that the university began a major emphasis that continues to this day: reaching south of the border to embrace studies of and ties to Latin America. Today, UNM’s library holdings related to Latin America place it in the top ten in the nation. Scholars from throughout the world travel to Albuquerque to use them. Zimmerman was responsible for creating the College of Education in 1928, the General College (today University College) in 1935, and the College of Fine Arts in 1936. He convinced a relatively unknown Santa Fe architect, John Gaw Meem, to serve as the university’s informal architect. Meem seized on the strength of Tight’s vision and went on to design some of the university’s most distinctive buildings, including a new library in 1936 (Zimmerman Library), Scholes Hall (administration), and the Anthropology Hall.

Enrollment rose to nearly 2,600 under Zimmerman, but then WWII intervened. Zimmerman died in 1944, the same year one of the most significant education bills ever addressed by the U.S. Congress was passed. The G.I. Bill opened higher education to thousands of men and women who might never have dreamed of pursuing further studies and the nation’s campuses were overwhelmed with returning veterans. In 1947 the university granted its first doctoral degrees and both the College of Business Administration and the School of Law were established.

Thomas Popejoy (1948-1968), the first alumnus and first native New Mexican to hold the presidency, oversaw the greatest expansion, both in enrollment and buildings. The great influx of veterans first resulted in the campus being crowded with barracks, but immediately upon taking office, Popejoy lobbied the Legislature for construction funds. A master plan for the campus was created, and the College of Education complex, Johnson Center, the Center for the Arts, and the Student Union, among others, were built on the main campus, while to the north the Health Sciences Center was started and to the south the athletic complex was conceived and constructed.

Popejoy’s successor, Ferrel Heady (1968-1975), successfully steered the campus through the tumultuous Vietnam War years. The Bachelor of University Studies degree began during his tenure, allowing students to tailor their own degrees. In 1968 he oversaw the opening of UNM’s first branch college in Gallup. Heady was also responsible for steering the university on the path to seek an increase of research funds, and it was during the 1970s that the university first began serious discussion of developing a research park. Today, the university, in partnership with both private enterprise and the state’s national research laboratories, Sandia and Los Alamos, provides cutting-edge research for industry and national defense, technology and multiple education and training opportunities for students.

From 1975-1982, under President William Davis, research funding doubled, and efforts begun by Herrick and Tight began to be recognized as UNM earned national accolades in the areas of science, technology, and business research. Under Davis, the Latin American and Southwest Hispanic Research Institutes were created, as were branch campuses in Los Alamos and Valencia County.

The 1980s saw a quick succession of presidents. John Perovich (1982-1984) oversaw the development of the Instructional Television program, allowing the university to deliver its classes to remote areas of the state. Tom Farer (1985-1986) presented the university community with major changes in administration and resource allocation. Gerald May (1986-1990) served during hard economic times, with little or no money for new initiatives.

Richard Peck (1990-1998) reemphasized the university’s Latin American ties with key initiatives and cooperative agreements with other universities. He also placed a continuing emphasis on the growth of the university research park and on faculty initiatives to garner increased research funds.

William Gordon (1998-2002) was the first UNM faculty member to rise through the ranks, from assistant professor of psychology, to department chairman, Arts and Sciences dean, and provost before being elevated to the presidency. Gordon began the innovative Freshman Learning Centers to both boost enrollment and to retain students through graduation.

F. Chris Garcia (2002-2003), who also rose through the ranks, served as president. He was successful in overseeing legislative initiatives to change the state funding formula for higher education, the first major change in nearly a quarter of a century.

Louis Caldera, eighteenth president, (2003-2006), increased the emphasis on seeking both scholarly and institutional research funding, while building on Gordon’s freshmen initiatives and seeking refinements in the legislative funding formula.

David Harris served as acting president (2006-2007).

David J. Schmidly (2007-2012) enacted a vision based on four key areas of focus: Student Success, Systemic Excellence, Healthy Communities, and Economic and Community Development.

Robert G. Frank (2012-2017) enacted the UNM2020 strategic plan and rapidly advanced its goals, including record improvements in student retention and graduation. He also championed economic development and initiated InnovateABQ, in partnership with government entities and private enterprise, to advance entrepreneurial success.

Chaouki Abdallah served as interim president (2017-2018).

Garnett S. Stokes was appointed president March 1, 2018.

Donald J. Burge
Center for Southwest Research

The Environment

Albuquerque, situated on the banks of the historic Rio Grande, is the home of the main campus of The University of New Mexico. The city is bordered on the east by the 10,000-foot Sandia Mountains and to the west by a high volcanic mesa. With a metro area population approaching 900,000 people, the city is the geographic and demographic center of the state.

The campus of The University of New Mexico lies one mile above sea level. Albuquerque receives abundant sunshine, with annual rainfall of only about nine inches. While summers are warm, the city’s high elevation and low humidity moderate the temperatures. Winter storms are brief and snow does not linger long in the city, yet accumulations in the nearby mountains make it possible to snow ski in the morning and still play tennis or golf in the afternoon.

The distinctive architectural style of the campus, contemporary in treatment but strongly influenced by the Hispanic and Pueblo Indian cultures, is characterized by vigas, patios, balconies, portals and earth-colored, slightly inclined walls in the style of ancient adobe houses. Surrounded by giant cottonwoods, elms and mountain evergreens, and with attention paid to beautiful desert landscaping, the UNM campus embodies a lifestyle fostered by the mild, sunny climate.

Albuquerque is one of the major cultural centers of the Southwest, offering museums, art galleries, theatre and musical groups, symphony orchestras and shops displaying both traditional and contemporary arts and crafts. Ceremonial dances are held at various times during the year in nearby Pueblos and often are open to the public.


Center for the Arts

Popejoy Hall, located on the University of New Mexico campus, serves as New Mexico’s premier performance venue. With a capacity of more than 2,000 seats and state-of-the-art equipment, Popejoy Hall attracts some of the best touring artists available and showcases them through the Ovation Series, a yearly package of 24 touring companies representing Broadway musicals, dramas, dance, music and cultural programming. In addition to the Ovation Series, Popejoy Hall also serves as the performance venue for the Ovation Schooltime Series—Hour-long performances of Ovation Series productions, with programs specifically for schoolchildren. The University of New Mexico music faculty and students and important community organizations such as the New Mexico Symphony Orchestra also perform on the Popejoy stage yearly. Half-price season tickets are available to students during the subscription drive as well as deeply discounted individual tickets to selected shows throughout the year.

Keller Recital Hall, with its magnificent Holtkamp Organ and its marvelous recording capability, is the main performance site of the Department of Music. With a seating capacity of 300, Keller Hall hosts more than 150 concerts per year, including student soloists and ensembles, chamber groups and guest artists. Three annual music events mark the calendar: The Keller Hall Series, a distinguished series of chamber music and solo performances; concerts by University of New Mexico ensemble groups such as Jazz Bands and the University of New Mexico Orchestra as well as student recitals; and the Composer’s Symposium, a week of concerts and lectures by regional, national and international composers.

Rodey Theatre is a 410-seat state-of-the-art performance facility for the Department of Theatre and Dance. Rodey Theatre’s flexible stage moves from proscenium to thrust stage presentations allowing the department to present an exciting season of six theatre and dance performances ranging from contemporary to classical styles, ballet to flamenco.

Theatre X is a 120-seat facility where more than 25 original and contemporary plays and dance are presented in an intimate setting. New and innovative works staged by faculty and students are the focus in this theatre.

The Center for the Arts complex also includes the University Art Museum, the Fine Arts Library, the Bainbridge Bunting Memorial Slide Library, and facilities supporting programs in Art Studio, Art History, Music, Music Education, Theatre, Dance and Media Arts.

Information Technologies

Information Technologies (IT) provides and supports many campus-wide IT services including: wireless networks; administrative, faculty, student, human resources and financial applications; a technical service center; online teaching and learning tools; and computers and printers in labs and classrooms. Most computing services are available free of charge to students; any for-fee services are identified at the time the service is requested. More information is available at the IT Web site.

UNM NetID. Every student is required to create a NetID account through the UNM portal at MyUNM. A UNM NetID is required in order to register for classes, access grades, conduct University business, or use UNM computer labs and classrooms. The NetID is also the UNM e-mail address. Email is accessed with LoboMail. This account remains active as long as you are registered for a credit class or employed at UNM.

LoboMail. LoboMail is a feature-rich email and calendaring system accessible through a web browser. LoboMail accounts have many features, including mobile access from most smartphones, unlimited storage using Microsoft OneDrive, video conferencing and chat using Skype, shared calendar and contacts, collaboration tools, and 50 GB of email storage.

Wireless, Voice and Data Network Services. The Lobo Wi-Fi wireless network provides secure Internet access for all students with a valid NetID and password. Wired connections are available in the IT computer labs and in the student residences. IT also provides optional telephone and voicemail services to dorm rooms. Long distance calling from dorm room telephones requires use of a calling card. Dormitory telephone service can be requested from Student Life. The UNM data network services to dorms are included in the residence fee.

Personal Computer Purchase Discounts. IT and the UNM Bookstore have teamed with Dell and Apple Computers to bring UNM students, faculty and staff significant discounts on personal computer purchases, warranty services and hardware maintenance. Visit the UNM Bookstore Web site to access the UNM Dell web page.

UNM Directory. The UNM Directory is up-to-date and available online at the UNM Directory. It contains department, location, status, and contact information for students, faculty, and staff. Students may request that the personal listing be omitted from the directory at the Mesa Vista Hall North Student One-Stop.

LoboAlerts. Faculty, staff, and students can update their contact information for emergency notification in the event of weather or safety conditions that warrant texting and emailing by logging in at the LoboAlerts Web site.

IT Customer Support Services. Technical help for using UNM systems can be accessed by calling 277-5757 or by using the FastInfo and StudentInfo knowledge databases. Answers to questions are available online from both databases, by email, through the chat utility, or by telephone. Information can also be found at the IT Web site.

Computer Labs and Classrooms. IT supports free computer labs (called Pods) and classrooms with over 600 computers for all students, faculty, and staff at UNM. Pods contain Windows and Macintosh computers, printers, a variety of software, and peripheral equipment such as scanners. Student consultants (SCONS) staff the pods to assist customers. Pods are across campus. See the UNM Campus Map and the IT Web site for locations, hours and software. Download drivers to use wireless printing at the IT Web site.

Printing. UNM has partnered with Wēpa to provide student printing solutions to campus, which allow students to send documents to the cloud for retrieval and use at any of the over 50 print stations located in classroom buildings, libraries, and other sites across campus. More information on options, locations, pricing and support can be found online.

Smartphone Application. LoboMobile is UNM’s smartphone application, for Lobos on the go. Download LoboMobile on your smartphone to access many online services, including the UNM directory, view campus shuttle schedules, and reserve and check out materials from UNM Libraries. Use your smartphone's app store to download LoboMobile.

Software Downloads. IT offers free Microsoft Office and antivirus software to all UNM users with a valid NetID. Visit the IT Web site to download Symantec Endpoint Protection (SEP) onto your work and home computers. MATLAB, printer drivers and other software are also available at this site.

Information Security and Privacy. Faculty, staff, and students can find resources on protection from identity theft, on intellectual property (copyright) and on best practices for securing their computers by contacting the IT Service Center at 277-5757 or by visiting the Information Security and Privacy Office Web site.

IT Alerts and Network Upgrades. The IT Alerts page notifies the UNM community of any network upgrades and outages, and is available 24 hours at the IT Web site. The UNM community is encouraged to check this page frequently.

University Libraries and Learning Sciences

University Libraries and Learning Sciences serves the entire University community with quality materials and services, and supports users at all levels, from entering freshman to scholars working on highly advanced research topics.

University Libraries and Learning Sciences comprises four libraries:

  • Centennial Science and Engineering Library
  • Fine Arts and Design Library
  • Parish Memorial Library
  • Zimmerman Library

For more information about the University Libraries system, please visit the University Libraries and Learning Sciences section of this Catalog.


Museums, like classrooms, are an important part of the teaching-learning process, and the University of New Mexico has on its campus museums housing significant anthropological, art, biological and geological collections.

The Geology Museum Located on the first floor of Northrop Hall and maintained by the Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, the Geology Museum features exhibits of minerals, rocks, fossils and gemstones from New Mexico and around the World. Two exhibits focus on world-renowned geologic features in New Mexico, the Jemez caldera and Harding pegmatite deposit; others include a dinosaur bone and minerals used in everyday life, and a separate room contains fluorescent minerals that glow in the dark. The museum is open to the public M–F 7:30 a.m. – 12:00 noon and 1:00–4:30 p.m. Visitors may also make arrangements to visit the UNM Harding Pegmatite Mine, located near Dixon, Taos County, NM.

Harwood Foundation In addition to art museums on campus, the University of New Mexico maintains in Taos the Harwood Foundation, which serves as a museum, library and community center. The foundation has an excellent collection of paintings by artists who have lived and worked in New Mexico.

The Institute of Meteoritics is a division of the Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences and maintains on display in the Meteorite Museum a large collection of meteorites, including the world’s largest stone meteorite, recovered in Nebraska in 1948. This museum is open to the public.

The Maxwell Museum of Anthropology, located at the southern end of the Anthropology Building, houses both permanent and temporary exhibits exploring cultures around the world, with a special emphasis on the cultural heritage of the Southwest. The Maxwell Museum is open to the public, as well as to students and faculty members, 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Tuesday through Saturday.

The Museum of Southwestern Biology (MSB) contains collections of plants and animals of national and international significance. An integral part of the University of New Mexico Department of Biology, the MSB also maintains a division devoted to frozen materials that houses the largest such collection of mammals in the world. The western research collections of the National Biological Service (NBS) are also integrated with those of the MSB. Housed in the Biology building, this museum is focused on research and teaching and is not open to the public except by appointment. The MSB publishes two scholarly periodicals, “Occasional Papers” and “Special Publications.”

The University of New Mexico Art Museum, one of New Mexico’s largest fine art collections, is located in the Center for the Arts complex on the main campus of UNM. The Museum hosts a permanent collection of over 40,000 works of art, and includes significant holdings of historic as well as modern and contemporary photography, prints, drawings, paintings, and sculpture. Through a combination of teaching, active research, public programming, and open conversations with members of the university community, as well as other local, regional, and national communities the museum cultivates engaged, interactive learning about the visual arts. Tours and class visits are available to the University and greater Albuquerque communities during our open hours. Admission to the Museum and all public programs are free. Regular hours are: Tuesday through Friday 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., Saturdays 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. For more information, call (505) 277-4001 or visit the UNM Art Museum Web site.

The University of New Mexico Student Union Building

The University of New Mexico Student Union Building maintains the highest standard in student support, services and programming in order to promote a strong sense of community. At the Student Union Building (known commonly as the SUB), UNM students, faculty, staff, alumni, and guests can congregate and socialize in an environment that promotes an appreciation for diversity.

The SUB is a convenient place to study, hang out, grab a bite to eat, and host a meeting. The SUB is centrally located on campus to accommodate UNM community needs and extracurricular activities.

The SUB Board is a joint committee of the Associated Students of the University of New Mexico (ASUNM), the Graduate and Professional Student Association (GPSA), UNM Faculty, Alumni Association, and Administration. The primary function of the SUB Board is to help formulate policy for the operation and design of the Student Union Building.

SUB Programs and Services
The SUB is home to chartered student organizations housed in offices found on the Plaza Level. A space allocation process assigns offices and storage space to selected student organizations. ASUNM, GPSA, and Student Activities Center offices are also located in the SUB.

The SUB has wireless networking inside and outside of the building. Additionally, data ports and phone and laptop charging stations are located throughout the entire building. The e-mail station, located on the Plaza Level, and Lobo Computer Lab allows student convenient access to electronic resources.

From movies to table tennis, the SUB offers fun activities to keep the UNM community entertained. The ASUNM Craft Studio is a full services ceramics lab and studio. Louie's Lounge, the SUB game room, features pool tables, table tennis, flat screen TVs, and an Xbox 360. The SUB Movie Theatre offers low-cost admission to everything from local indie films to the latest blockbuster. Movies are also presented by the Southwest Film Center. Also located on the SUB’s Plaza Level are four ATMs, a full-service Nusenda Credit Union, a United States Postal drop box, Transportation Information Center kiosk, and a convenience store.

The SUB hosts a broad range of entertaining, educational, service oriented, and thought-provoking programs. Holidays are always special in the SUB. The Pumpkin-Carving Contest, Roadrunner Food Bank Food Drive, Giving Tree, and Lobo Day celebrations convey the good spirits of each season. Special and regular event programming engages the University community and encourages everyone to feel at home on campus.

Dining Options
The SUB, in partnership with Chartwell’s, offers a variety of food options for the UNM community. Dining options include specialty and nationally recognized restaurants featuring local flavors, international cuisine, and food to reflect diverse personal tastes. On-the-go items include fresh pastries, gourmet coffee and hot made-to-order sandwiches. There is something for every craving at the SUB.

Event Planning
The SUB serves as the perfect place for meetings, conferences and special events. Equipped with 20 meeting rooms, a grand ballroom, audio-visual equipment, satellite conferencing capability and special setups, the SUB can accommodate students, faculty, staff and outside guests. Event services are available for chartered student organizations free of charge if there are no admission fees for the event, and discounted prices are available for UNM departments. The Event Planning and Scheduling Web site provides information about the resources and available to the UNM community and guests.

Catering is available upon request. The Student Union’s catering partner, Chartwell’s, provides high-quality food for personal and institutional special events, including a reasonably priced menu for student organizations. The SUB culinary and catering staff is comprised of trained professionals with combined expertise in a multitude of food service venues. Diverse menus are available and can be customized to meet event needs.

Contact Information
SUB Administration Office: 277-2331
SUB Welcome Desk: 277-5626
SUB Event Planning: 277-5498
University Catering: 277-0585
Louie's Lounge: 277-0340
UNM SUB Web site

Research Centers and Institutes

The American Indian Language Policy Research and Teacher Training Center aims to serve as a local and national center of collaborative research that examines major policy issues affecting the survival and maintenance of American Indian languages. The Center also provides a venue for building an international dialogue about language issues that extends to other indigenous languages of the Americas. Developing and providing native language teacher training programs and technical assistance support for American Indian tribes engaged in language maintenance and preservation initiatives is another key aspect of the Center’s outreach and service.

The Bureau of Business and Economic Research (BBER) at UNM is committed to contributing to the understanding of economic and demographic issues in New Mexico by collecting and disseminating information, providing technical expertise, and analyzing and conducting applied research for a diverse constituency including community organizations, businesses, labor unions, government officials, academia, students and others. Through these efforts, the BBER will further the public service and educational missions of UNM and contribute to the economic well-being of New Mexico residents. The BBER Data Bank supports the unit and the public by providing data access and curation. The Data Bank has been a member of the US Census Bureau State Data Center program since 1978. In that capacity, the Data Bank provides training and value added products on Census data to students, faculty, businesses and the public.

The Center for Advanced Research Computing (CARC) is the hub of computational research at UNM and uses computational resources to create new research insights. CARC’s mission is to lead and grow the computational research community at UNM by: 1) providing the community access to high-end computing resources and associated infrastructure, 2) offering specialized research computing expertise and technical support, 3) coordinating and collaborating with other UNM programs, and 4) growing this community through cutting edge research, education, workshops, and outreach events. The mission supports and enhances research across the breadth of UNM’s colleges, departments, and centers. Baseline services, facilities, support, and trainings are provided free of charge to the UNM community.

The Center on Alcoholism, Substance Abuse and Addictions (CASAA) conducts research on the epidemiology, prevention, and treatment of alcohol and drug use and the adverse consequences of use. CASAA provides significant prevention and treatment service to the region through these research programs, and provides valuable educational opportunities to future researchers and practitioners. Investigators are affiliated with the Departments of Psychology, Sociology, Communication and Journalism, and Economics, and collaborate with investigators across the main and health sciences campuses, community agencies in New Mexico, and in other places across the US and internationally. CASAA provides extensive research training opportunities for pre- and post-doctoral fellows as well as undergraduate students. CASAA values transdisciplinary approaches to research problems, and sharing of research products with the larger scientific community. CASAA also works to facilitate the translation of empirical knowledge into real world applications to improve the quality of life, not only in New Mexico, but also in other states and nations.

The Center for Astrophysics Research and Technologies (CART) is organized to coordinate research and educational activities in Astrophysics at UNM. CART sponsors seminars, colloquia, and meetings for professional continuing education, and supports student travel for observing or attending conferences. CART operates the Long Wavelength Array (LWA), an astronomical telescope used by researchers around the world to explore the Universe between 10 and 100 MHz. CART provides sophisticated computers for research as well as graduate and undergraduate education and maintains the Long Wavelength Array data archive at the Center for Advanced Research Computing. CART faculty, staff and students make use of the LWA and other major facilities in New Mexico such as the Very Large Array and the Very Long Baseline Array operated by the National Radio Astronomy Observatory. CART faculty also coordinate the activities at the Campus Observatory which is primarily used for education and outreach.

The Center for Biomedical Engineering (CBME) is dedicated to the creation of materials, devices, and knowledge for the advancement of health care and biomedicine. It is an interdisciplinary center that coordinates research activities in biomedical engineering at UNM. Current thrust areas include: A) the study of biomaterials for diverse applications including tissue engineering and drug delivery, B) the development of devices for biomedical research and diagnostics, C) computation and modeling of biological systems, and D) the study of matter to life to explore the fundamental properties of living systems and to develop technologies inspired from living systems. The CBME has a strong record of educational outreach and within the School of Engineering, the CBME also helps coordinate the Biomedical Engineering M.S. and Ph.D. graduate programs. The CBME is a focal point for future educational activities in biomedical engineering, and serves as a portal for biotech interactions between UNM and the National Laboratories, industrial partners and other educational institutions within and outside of New Mexico.

The Center for Collaborative Research and Community Engagement (CCRCE) supports the creation of new knowledge through rigorous interdisciplinary research, scholarship, and respectful community engagement in New Mexico and beyond. The CCRCE is committed to improving educational achievement and holistic development of individuals along a continuum of learning, from birth throughout life. The CCRCE provides a supportive and inclusive environment where faculty, students, and community members can pursue scholarly collaboration and engagement.

Research at the Center for Emerging Energy Technologies (CEET) revolves around new ways to introduce renewable energy on the electricity grid. Particular emphasis is placed on the integration of distributed energy resources on the distribution grid, including solar photovoltaics (PV) and associated inverters, batteries and energy storage devices. Areas of research include optimization of technology deployment for resilience and economic operation, optimization of resource scheduling and dispatch, forecasting of energy loads and resources, fault detection and intrusion detection. The center collaborates with many partners at the national and international level, including national laboratories, the Fraunhofer Institute Center for Sustainable Energy systems, the Electric Power Research Institute and various utility companies. The Center is the UNM focus for the New Mexico SMART Grid Center, an NSF EPSCoR consortium of New Mexico institutions that seeks to transform existing electricity distribution feeders into interconnected microgrids and will utilize multiple testbeds across New Mexico. CEET is located at the Mechanical Engineering building on UNM’s main campus, and at the Aperture Center at Mesa del Sol, where Center researchers operate a state-of-the-art microgrid that includes PV, high-efficiency fuel cell and Miller cycle generator, with battery and thermal storage. CEET supports outreach and education and supports undergraduate and graduate students with an interest in the energy system of tomorrow.

The Center for Evolutionary and Theoretical Immunology (CETI) is an interdisciplinary initiative dedicated to studying the evolution and diversification of immune systems across all organisms. First established in 2003 with funding from the National Institutes of Health’s IDeA COBRE program, CETI has become a nationally recognized center of biomedical research excellence in the field of evolutionary and theoretical immunology. CETI faculty are comprised of scientists from UNM’s Biology and Computer Science departments and Los Alamos National Laboratory. CETI researchers explore the interface between immunology and evolution to learn how immune systems have evolved and diversified using non-traditional model organisms, integrate comparative and theoretical approaches to the study of infectious diseases that influence human health including in the developing world, and explore the parallels between the security systems of organisms and computers. As well as grants management and administrative assistance, CETI offers its participants extensive mentoring to increase their likelihood of securing their own external funding and increase their prospects for long term success in academia. CETI also provides three extensively used core facilities to the UNM community: the Molecular Biology Core (MBC), the Cell Biology Core (CBC) and the Controlled Environments Core (CEC).

The Center for High Technology Materials (CHTM) is an internationally recognized center of excellence in photonics and microelectronics with a global reputation for inventing disruptive nanoscale technologies. It is a highly advanced interdisciplinary science and engineering research facility with capabilities matched by few universities in the United States. CHTM partners with the UNM Electrical and Computer Engineering, Physics and Astronomy, Chemistry and Chemical Biology, Chemical and Biological Engineering and Nuclear Engineering departments to sponsor and facilitate research and superb educational opportunities in opto-electronics, microelectronics, optics and material science. CHTM provides its partners at UNM, the Air Force Research Laboratory, Sandia National Laboratories, Los Alamos National Laboratory and in private industry with outstanding scientific and technical expertise and support. CHTM strengthens UNM’s collaboration and flow of technology with national laboratories and private industry, promoting economic development within New Mexico. CHTM houses a modern cleanroom that allows for the fabrication of advanced semiconductor devices from epitaxial structures grown at CHTM, and also features nearly two dozen laboratories that house high power lasers, scanning electron microscopes, devices for molecular beam epitaxy, and advanced workstations for numerical simulations of atomic structures and beam propagation within laser cavities.

The Center for Information Assurance Research and Education (CIARE) coordinates UNM’s outreach, education, and research activities in information assurance, cybersecurity, and related fields. Participating faculty members are drawn from multiple departments in the Anderson School of Management and the School of Engineering. Educational initiatives include related concentrations and emphases within multiple degree programs in accounting, information systems and assurance, computer science, and computer engineering. CIARE also houses the UNM Information Scholarship for Service Program which funds Master’s students for degree completion in return for service in the Federal CyberCorps® and similar positions in state, local, and tribal government. Outreach efforts include K-12 educational activities, support for high school cybersecurity competitions, and summer cybersecurity camps for high school students. Affiliated faculty currently conduct research in multiple areas including fraud, digital forensics, modeling of security-related individual behavior, privacy-related technology and policy, and adaptive and real-time identification of and response to security compromises. Some research efforts are supported by grants from NSF and other funding agencies. Grant PIs include Jed Crandall and Stephen Burd. CIARE is physically located on the UNM main campus at 1921 Las Lomas NE (building 149).

The Center for Micro-Engineered Materials (CMEM) is a research organization reporting to the Vice President of Research and having its main operations out of the Advanced Materials Laboratory (AML), located at UNM Science and Technology Park. CMEM shares this facility with Sandia National Laboratories (SNL) AML unit and serves as a focal point of UNM/SNL collaborations in materials science and engineering. CMEM research is in the area of nano-structured and hierarchically structured materials for energy, environmental and biomedical applications. Many of those projects are collaborations including SNL, Los Alamos National Laboratory, National Renewable Energy Laboratory and other US Department of Energy labs. CMEM is a home of industrial partnership ranging from support of local technology startups, joint programs with national technology leaders and relationships with global corporations. CMEM supports and operates UNM user facilities for materials characterization: transmission electron, scanning electron, and Raman microscopy, X-ray, and infrared spectroscopy, X-ray scattering and crystallography, and powder and colloidal materials characterization. It is a collaborative space for chemical, biological, mechanical and environmental engineers, chemists, physicists and biologists, and other faculty with interests in materials science and engineering. 

The Center for Quantum Information and Control (CQuIC) is a research center headquartered at UNM with an experimental node at the University of Arizona in Tucson. Research at CQuIC is focused on the control of complex quantum systems: CQuIC researchers aim to make quantum systems march to orders, instead of doing what comes naturally. CQuIC’s research programs are organized around several topics: quantum information and computation, quantum control and measurement, quantum metrology, and quantum optics and communication. CQuIC scientists conduct theoretical and experimental research in all these areas.

The Center for Research in Ecological Science and Technology (CREST) was created to house existing and future programs focusing on ecological informatics (ecoinformatics) under a single umbrella organization in the UNM College of Arts and Sciences. Previously, these programs existed separately as projects in the UNM Biology Department. CREST focuses on the integration of studies of the environment, particularly those focusing on long-term ecological processes, and cutting-edge research in information technology. The existing strength in these disciplines, and the integration of expertise in a single unit enhances competitiveness in both fields. With this in mind, the vision of the center is a scientific enterprise in which national networks of environmental measurements are coupled with advanced informatics technology to provide real-time information for the solution of ecological grand challenges. CREST’s mission is to provide the scientific community and policy makers with the ecological knowledge and information management systems required to develop the predictive understanding necessary to conserve, protect, and manage the nation's ecosystems. To that end, the center will focus on three kinds of activities: 1) the synthesis of information across national environmental networks, 2) the development of advanced informatics technology, and 3) the seamless integration of information and technology into knowledge networks. Specifically, CREST will facilitate and carry out the synthesis of ecological information, conduct research in ecological informatics, support the nation’s ecological research community, train scientists in advanced technology, and contribute to undergraduate and graduate education.

The Center for Social Policy (CSP) is an initiative within the UNM College of Arts and Sciences that is charged with integrating the work of several existing research institutes within the College. The following institutions are formally housed at CSP: the UNM Cradle to Career Policy Institute (formerly CEPR); the UNM Native American Budget and Policy Institute (NAPBI); and the UNM Compassion Institute. In addition to these Institutes, CSP sustains the mission of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Center for Health Policy by continuing to engage in research focused on racial and ethnic inequalities across health and well-being outcomes, and health policy more broadly. CSP research and administrative staff will continue to work at bridging applied policy and academic research in CSP’s approach to help advance the mission to improve social policy outcomes. By harnessing the research capacities of several institutes, CSP is able to address the needs of clients and produce research products that combine the best practices of academic research and answer the leading social policy questions facing the state of New Mexico and the wider region. CSP’s staff has demonstrated experience conducting policy research in New Mexico from a racial/ethnic equity framework aimed at providing policy makers with independent and rigorous data to inform their decisions. CSP has a solid national and local reputation of not only conducting high quality research, but in connecting the knowledge and resources of UNM with the wider community. This has been accomplished by ensuring that work directly involves community partners whenever possible, in the identification of research questions that advance current and projected needs, as well as the research process itself.

The Center for Stable Isotopes (CSI) is a non-profit research focused laboratory and analytical facility founded in 2014. The mission of the CSI is to support world-class stable isotope research by scientists and students across disciplines from earth and planetary sciences, biology, anthropology, chemistry and biomedical sciences. CSI aims to do this by: 1) providing broad access to state-of-the-art analytical instrumentation capable of measuring stable isotope ratios of light elements (carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, hydrogen, sulfur and chlorine) in organic and inorganic substrates at affordable rates, 2) providing educational support in the form of training programs with hands-on instruction for undergraduate and graduate students on how to collect, prepare, and analyze samples, as well as aid in the interpretation of results, and 3) encourage cross-disciplinary exchange of ideas and techniques at UNM and beyond regarding the application of stable isotopes in the planetary, life and medical sciences. 

The Center for Water and the Environment (CWE) conducts cutting-edge research into technological and engineering-based solutions to problems with water and the environment. Practical solutions to problems related to water availability in arid environments and in times of drought, and problems associated with energy generation and consumption are particularly relevant to the Center’s mission. Some examples of research thrusts are the impact of forest fires and drought on the water quantity and quality in upper mountain watersheds, biofilm-based technologies for wastewater treatment, membrane-based technologies for water treatment, remediation of contaminated land and groundwater from past uranium mining, the impact of water resources on energy development, and methods to minimize the contamination of groundwater from fracking. Interdisciplinary collaboration across campus allows the CWE to investigate the social, economic, and policy implications of technological solutions to water and environmental issues. The CWE also has a major emphasis on outreach and education activities designed to increase the participation of underrepresented minorities (URM) in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) professions. A portion of the CWE’s funding comes from the CREST (Centers for Research Excellence in Science and Technology) program at the National Science Foundation.

COSMIAC is an innovative research center at UNM’s School of Engineering. COSMIAC currently consists of approximately 25 full time faculty, staff, and consultants and 30 undergraduate and graduate students. All are US citizens. Personnel are cleared to the TS/SCI level. Customers include (but are not limited to) the US Air Force, NASA, Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman and Blue Origin. COSMIAC has approximately 15,000 square feet on three floors of the 2350 Alamo Avenue location to include cleanroom, laboratories and other development areas. The center has many areas of interest and specialization where personnel are currently funded to create exciting products. Radio communications focus is between 450MHz and 84GHz with three ground stations performing work on satellite communications 24 hours a day. Areas of specialization include radiation studies and testing and mitigation, with testing performed at radiation sources across the US. Additive manufacturing allows for rapid prototyping and visualization of developed products which the team then materializes for customers through virtual and augmented reality solutions. Materials studies allows for a better understanding of 3D printing for space and directed energy applications. Another area the center is developing expertise in is positioning, navigation and timing. This type of work allows for waveform design and analysis for solving GPS-related challenges. COSMIAC also hosts an industrial accelerator facility within the center, which involves hosting six small businesses within the Alamo Avenue location with work related to laser communications, embedded systems design, directed energy and spectroscopy.

The Cradle to Career Policy Institute (CCPI) is an interdisciplinary center dedicated to producing high-quality research, evaluation, and analysis that supports thoughtful and informed policymaking for children and families. CCPI is committed to providing applied research for policymakers, practitioners, and community members so that they may better understand meaning and implications of data; fostering and sustaining a rigorous, broad-based education research program for the benefit of all New Mexicans; assembling teams of leading policy analysts and social scientists to work with data on key educational issues and problems facing New Mexico; creating new venues in which policymakers, practitioners, and researchers can regularly use educational data to address current issues; cultivating a new generation of scholars focused on educational data and policy impact; and working toward economic sustainability as an independent entity and valued partner in helping New Mexico improve its education system. The CCPI focuses on comprehensive cradle-to-career education research; school and community health issues; public policy and evaluation related to early childhood education; K-12 education; higher education; workforce development; and juvenile justice. The research faculty and staff at CCPI bring a broad base of expertise to their work including knowledge of community engagement; data analysis and visualization; research design; and program evaluation.

The Design Planning and Assistance Center (DPAC) is a research unit within the School of Architecture and Planning. This interdisciplinary center was created in 1969 by the UNM Architecture Department, with support from the Albuquerque Chapter of the American Institute of Architects. DPAC was formed in response to the urgent need for environmental research and planning, and architectural design assistance for underserved communities, governments and non-profits in New Mexico. DPAC provides opportunities through employment and coursework for students to work on projects under faculty direction with community, agency, and client group representatives.

The Earth Data Analysis Center (EDAC), with more than 50 years as a service arm of UNM, engages in applied research and development to transfer remote sensing, geographic information science (GIS) technologies to public, educational, tribal, and private sectors in New Mexico, the Southwest, and the nation. EDAC staff and projects help bridge UNM with New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology, New Mexico State University, and New Mexico Highlands University through geospatial data and technology collaborations. EDAC enhances opportunities for the development and success of student and faculty research proposals, funding, and active research. EDAC contributes directly to and participates in UNM's success in competition for research grants and programs, such as New Mexico’s Established Program to Stimulate Competitive Research grant and many others. EDAC develops, manages, and enhances the Resource Geographic Information System Program and Clearinghouse, New Mexico’s statutorily-designated state digital geospatial data clearinghouse. EDAC contracts, partners, and collaborates with state, local, and national government, educational, nonprofit, and private agencies, organizations, tribal, and businesses and the public. Meeting the needs of the ever-changing geospatial and technology environments, EDAC has developed and continues to develop skills and knowledge in remote sensing and image processing, Web mapping, GIS, GPS, and information technology using proprietary and open source solutions.

The Feminist Research Institute is dedicated to the production of scholarship on women, gender, and sexuality, and to the creation of intellectual community among feminist scholars at UNM. UNM has a large number of feminist faculty and graduate students, and the institute offers an opportunity to meet and work with others both within and across disciplines.

Geospatial and Population Studies (GPS) contains two research groups: the Population Studies Group and the Traffic Research Unit (formerly Division of Government Research). The Population Studies Group publishes annual population estimates at the state, county, and small-area level as well as biennial population projections at the state and county level. The data is used widely by state and local legislators, health professionals, school boards, community and resource planners, traffic planners, and water use planners. The Traffic Research Unit (TRU) annually builds, maintains, and analyzes the New Mexico traffic crash database on behalf of the New Mexico Department of Transportation. TRU provides crash data analysis to federal agencies, state government, law enforcement agencies, local communities, and the public. This information guides entities in making data-driven decisions to reduce crashes on New Mexico roadways. GPS staff has extensive experience and technical expertise in geographic information systems, applied mathematical demography, population estimates and projections, spatial data analysis, database development, and database extraction, transformation and loading.

The Institute for American Indian Education (IAIE) was originally created in 2003 in response to New Mexico’s passage of the Indian Education Act (IEA) and the priority of Tribal communities call for increasing Native Americans in the schools serving their children. There was also an overwhelming need to improve American Indian student retention and achievement in schools. Initial funding support for the IAIE was provided by the New Mexico Public Education Department Indian Education Division from 2004 to 2010. During these initial years of operation more than 80 American Indian students graduated with degrees in education through the support of the IAIE and IEA funding. Native faculty in the UNM Department of Language, Literacy and Sociocultural Studies were also supported in their outreach work with tribal communities, Native history and government curriculum development work, and training for Native language teachers. While some of the original IAIE faculty have since retired, current Native faculty in the UNM College of Education comprise the largest group of Native faculty in any UNM program or department. In 2018, the work expanded to include faculty from the Department of Native American Studies as a collaborative planning effort was undertaken by the faculty to revitalize IAIE. This set forth a new and ambitious mission that will address a broad spectrum of pre-K through post-secondary American Indian education issues and support community engaged research with educational outreach to New Mexico American Indian students and communities.

The Indigenous Design and Planning Institute (iD+Pi) was created in the fall of 2011 in the UNM School of Architecture and Planning. Its mission is to empower the next generation of architects, planners and landscape architects through meaningful community engagement and social-justice approaches. Indigenous planning is a process that engages the community to reimagine future growth and development using cultural identity and value-based approaches. Together, they provide the foundation for placemaking—a collective approach to design and planning used for shaping environments in a responsible and sustainable manner. iD+Pi’s tribally based activities are designed to involve faculty, students, practitioners, and community leaders in culturally informed development. It offers technical assistance to tribal communities in the southwest region, nationally and in Latin America. iD+Pi also advocates for a design and planning curriculum that is informed by Indigenous theory, practice, and research. iD+Pi is offered through the UNM Community and Regional Planning Department and helped to establish the only Indigenous Planning concentration in the nation in the fall of 2016. It is aligned with UNM departments, Tribal community colleges and other local and national organizations. Its office is located in George Pearl Hall, room 137D.

The Institute of Meteoritics (IOM) is a premier research institution for study of early solar system and planetary evolution. Founded in 1944, the IOM was one of the first institutions in the world devoted to the study of meteorites. IOM is also one of UNM’s oldest continuously active institutes or centers and in 2019 will mark the Institute’s 75th anniversary. Research in the Institute focuses on a wide variety of extraterrestrial materials and takes advantage of state-of-the-art laboratory facilities housed within IOM and the UNM Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences. The IOM meteorite collection and the Meteorite Museum located in Northrop Hall, Main Campus, now houses more than 1200 different meteorites, including rare and unique samples from Mars, the Moon, and many unusual asteroids.

The Institute for Social Research (ISR) is a well-regarded provider of program evaluation and policy research in New Mexico. Known as an authority on adult and juvenile justice issues in New Mexico, ISR staff members and faculty affiliates also have expertise in the fields of education, economics, substance abuse treatment programs, poverty and homelessness, domestic violence, employee workloads and staffing levels, election sciences and administration, evaluation research, public policy, and public administration. ISR is the administrative umbrella for the following three centers, all of which are entirely funded by contracts and grants: the Center for Applied Research and Analysis (CARA), directed by Dr. Paul Guerin; the New Mexico Sentencing Commission (NMSC), directed by Linda Freeman; and the Statistical Analysis Center (SAC), directed by Kristine Denman.

The Institute for Space and Nuclear Power Studies (ISNPS) fosters innovations in energy development and improving the efficiency of current power sources for space exploration and terrestrial nuclear power to benefit society and mankind. Research teams at ISNPS have developed space reactor and power system designs that avoid single-point failures and provide a high degree of reliability. These designs are: the liquid metal-cooled Sectored Compact Reactor (SCoRe); the gas-cooled Submersion-Subcritical Safe Space reactor (S^4), designed to operate with multiple Closed Brayton Cycle (CBC) Engines; and the liquid metal heat pipe cooled Scalable AMTEC Integrated Reactor System (SAIRS). Redundancy is built into each reactor design to ensure continued operation of the power system for in excess of 10 years, operations safety, and longevity. These reactors are also designed to remain safe in case they are submerged in wet sand and flooded with seawater, following a launch abort accident. As an academically-based, self-supporting research and development organization within the UNM School of Engineering, ISNPS stands by the belief that research is only half the equation. Without taking an active role in the education of tomorrow's engineers, today's sixth-grade through post-graduate level students, the promises of the future, may never arrive. ISNPS involves graduate and undergraduate students in its research and takes a proactive role in inspiring the next generation of college-bound students to consider a career in nuclear engineering.

The Latin American and Iberian Institute (LAII) promotes and seeks extramural grant support for research, teaching, and outreach on Latin American and Iberian topics in a variety of disciplines. LAII promotes the development of faculty with expertise on Latin America and the teaching of less-commonly-taught languages including Brazilian Portuguese, Quechua, Kichwa, K’iche’ Maya, and Nahuatl while maintaining outreach services that make information about Latin America available to higher education scholars nationwide, K-12 teachers, and the general public. LAII awards Ph.D. fellowships for doctoral students at the dissertation stage in disciplines across the UNM campus, field research grants for students and faculty, and seed grants for interdisciplinary research proposal development. LAII also houses the interdisciplinary Latin American Studies program, which offers B.A., M.A., and Ph.D. degrees based on coursework and advisement offered through twenty-three departments across nine colleges of the university. LAII provides research and teaching assistantships, as well as conference travel support for Latin American Studies students. To promote faculty scholarship and scholarly communication, LAII funds faculty conference travel and conferences including an annual interdisciplinary symposium on Latin America, supports workshops and outside speakers, and facilitates international and interdisciplinary research. LAII works closely with UNM’s Global Education Office to maintain strong ties with universities and research centers in Latin America and Iberia.

The Latin American Programs in Education (LAPE) is a longstanding, internationally recognized program that has fostered positive relationships between UNM and Latin American educational institutions. LAPE has developed diplomados for teachers of English teaching at universities and other higher education institutions in Latin America. LAPE has been involved in a Trilateral Research Study, sponsored by the Organization of American States which aimed to contrast and compare teacher preparation in three countries. The other participating institutions are Simon Frasier University in Vancouver, Canada, and the Universidad Pedagógica Nacional in Mexico City. LAPE has developed agreements with several Mexican universities where students and professors can have international experiences, and where Mexican educators can come to UNM.

The Manufacturing Engineering Program (MEP) is a degree-granting academic program that provides high-tech, hands-on micro-nano-bio and robotics systems prototyping facilities to high school, community college, undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral students so they can learn manufacturing methods, and/or do research. The MEP likewise provides prototyping capabilities to small (but fee-paying) companies so that they can demonstrate working micro-nano-bio devices to venture capitalists. The MEP is housed in the Manufacturing Training and Technology Center (MTTC), located in the UNM Science and Technology Park. The MTTC is also home to private tenants, some of whom take advantage of the MTTC cleanroom. The MEP/MTTC complex has received funding from AFRL, DARPA, DOE, EDA, LANL, NSF, SNL, the State of New Mexico, UNM and industry.

The Multicultural Education Center (MEC) engages in a variety of research initiatives and programming that support UNM’s College of Education’s longstanding tradition of working with and on behalf of diverse communities and peoples. A major aim of MEC is to advocate for multicultural education, research, programs, and policies that recognize and honor cultural and linguistic diversity and nurture culturally relevant and responsive pedagogy and teaching practices. MEC achieves this goal through interdisciplinary collaborations on projects with UNM faculty, New Mexico state agencies, and community stakeholders and constituents in and outside the COE. These collaborations help the MEC foster programs and activities that support teachers and practitioners, promote social, economic, and curricular justice, and advance research, reflection, and critical dialogue among these groups. MEC also collaborates with individual researchers on several externally funded research projects and, in partnership with the UNM Health Sciences Center Office for Diversity, hosts an annual STEAM-H Community Learning Academy, a one- to two-day professional development series for teachers, parents, and school administrators.

The New Mexico Land Grant Council (NMLGC) at UNM was established in 2009 by the New Mexico Legislature to provide a program of support for Spanish and Mexican Community Land Grants throughout the state. The Council is comprised of five members appointed by the Governor. In 2014 the NMLGC began partnering with UNM to help the Council fulfill its statutory mission, as found in §49-11-1 et seq, NMSA 1978. This mission includes providing technical advice and assistance to eligible community land grants and to serve as a liaison between those land grants and other local, state, and federal government entities and agencies. The NMLGC works closely with the UNM Land Grant Studies Program, is associated with the Southwest Hispanic Research Institute, and is located at 1828 Mesa Vista.

The Office of Contract Archeology (OCA), a division of the Maxwell Museum of Anthropology, is a cultural resources management program that was established at UNM in 1973. OCA’s offices and laboratories are currently located at the northeast corner of the intersection of Lomas Blvd. and University Blvd. on UNM’s north campus. Since its inception, OCA has taken a leading role in innovative, large-scale, interdisciplinary cultural resources studies throughout the state of New Mexico and adjacent portions of Arizona, Colorado and Texas. A hallmark of OCA's service history has been the development of scientifically based management solutions for projects of all sizes. The central location, emphasis on both large- and small-scale projects, laboratory facilities, and staff structure are all geared for high-quality and rapid-response action demanded by simultaneous multiple task projects. Since 1973, OCA has completed over 1,000 cultural resource investigations and has compiled an exemplary record of high-quality research, timely performance, and excellent customer satisfaction. OCA strives to employ and train UNM students from the UNM Public Archaeology program in pragmatic skills for use in the Cultural Resource Management industry whenever possible. 

The UNM Resilience Institute is focused on studying and developing technological and engineering solutions on resilience. Resilience concepts are interdisciplinary by nature and include the fields of science, engineering, computing, economics, ecology, geography, anthropology, psychology, community planning, management, and law, among others. UNM Resilience Institute aims to actively engage these differences and build on this diversity while also creating a shared vision for enabling resilient communities, ultimately promoting transdisciplinary research to advance resilient infrastructure as a basic national priority. UNM Resilience Institute comes in response to this national need by the National Academies of Science and Engineering, and plans to help the nation move from a reactive approach to disasters, to a proactive stance. With its own growing population and potential for disaster, specifically droughts, wildfires and flash floods, New Mexico and the southwestern United States is a bellwether for worldwide trends in disaster resilience and an ideal location for a strong, collaborative research program focused on resilience integrating the university, national labs and the private sector. Faculty participating in UNM Resilience Institute work together to develop graduate courses that enable educating graduate students from different backgrounds: engineering, science, law, geography, and economics on resilience theory and applications. The wide spectrum of resilience research enables it as an excellent integrative field where UNM research and teaching capabilities and excellence can be integrated. For the last three years and moving forward, the Institute conducts an annual Resilience Colloquium held in August. This colloquium allows an opportunity of exchange to resilience researchers at UNM with government agencies nationwide and national and international scholars.

The Resource Center for Raza Planning (RCRP) is within UNM’s School of Architecture and Planning. RCRP is staffed by planning researchers and policy analysts engaged in public policy issues related to growth and development in New Mexico. In addition, RCRP deals with issues such as economic development, land use, land tenure, infrastructure, transportation, water rights, water use and quality, agricultural preservation, and a multitude of other planning issues.

The Southwest Environmental Finance Center (SWEFC) is located within the Center for Water and the Environment and the UNM Department of Civil, Construction, and Environmental Engineering. Its mission is to assist state, local, tribal governments and the regulated private sector in meeting environmental infrastructure needs and achieving regulatory compliance through state and local capacity building and technical information transfer. Its goal is to build the internal capacity of the entities it supports so that they may remain in compliance and manage and finance their environmental infrastructure over the long-term. SWEFC is part of UNM’s public service mission. Its work spans the United States, including US territories, to provide training and technical assistance to water, wastewater, and stormwater utilities. Its assistance includes utilities of all types: municipalities, tribal, homeowner, private, authorities, and many others and covers a wide array of topics, such as: regulatory compliance, water loss control, asset management, partnerships, and rates and finance. SWEFC works with utilities of all sizes but focus on smaller systems (those serving fewer than 10,000 people). These systems face particular challenges since the cost of service, per customer, is higher for small systems than large systems and their access to a well-trained work force is more limited. These systems are in particular need of methods to enable the utility to manage itself more efficiently, such as water loss control and asset management. To assist water utilities, SWEFC offers a variety of services including: developing tools that are available for free on its Web site, delivering trainings that include interactive workshops, presenting webinars, and working one on one with utilities. It also shares information across the country from one state to another or one utility to another. SWEFC is member of the Environmental Finance Center Network (EFCN) which includes 9 university-based centers: University of Southern Maine, Syracuse University, University of North Carolina, University of Louisville, Michigan Technological University, University of New Mexico, University of Maryland, Wichita State University and Sacramento State University as well as three non-profit entities: EFC West at Earth Island Institute, Rural Community Assistance Corporation and National Rural Water Association. The centers work collaboratively on projects and share tools and resources between them.

The Southwest Hispanic Research Institute (SHRI) is an interdisciplinary research center for Southwest Hispanic Studies. It conducts projects in-house as well as in collaboration with departmental faculty on-campus and with similar research units at other universities in the region. Established in 1980, SHRI promotes multi-disciplinary research of the Latino/Hispanic populations of New Mexico and the United States. SHRI offers an intellectual home for its faculty associates and invites the Hispano and Mexicano communities in New Mexico to connect with the University.

The Utton Transboundary Resources Center is a Research and Public Service Project located at UNM’s School of Law. The center’s mission is to foster the sustainable and equitable management of transboundary natural resources by engaging in applied scholarship, public policy and planning, preventative diplomacy and conflict resolution, and serving communities. Founded in 2001, the center builds on decades of work by UNM faculty and is the only program of its kind in the region focused on transboundary resources, applied scholarship, and community service. The center focuses its work in four key topical areas: 1) water security, 2) land stewardship and restoration, 3) energy, food, and climate resilience, and 4) transboundary governance and collaborative decision-making. Across these four topical areas the Center carries out its work through: 1) Applied and Multidisciplinary Scholarship: to understand and develop solutions to natural resource challenges through research, educational forums, and cultivating the next generation of natural resource leaders, 2). Public Policy and Planning: by providing impartial information to policy-makers and the public through publications, briefings, testimony, and dialogs, 3) Preventative Diplomacy and Conflict Resolution: to prevent and resolve conflicts through mediation, education, convening of forums, and collaborations, and 4) Serving Communities: by working directly with communities through partnerships, educational outreach, trainings, and workshops.

Graduate Teaching Academy

Graduate Studies, in partnership with the Center for Teaching and Learning, is pleased to offer the Graduate Teaching Academy for all UNM graduate students who are teaching (or planning to teach) college courses. Students in the Academy will acquire teaching techniques and technologies, improve their course design skills, receive technical support, and prepare for careers in college teaching. The Academy is a combination of courses, teaching workshops, and classroom teaching experience in the home department. Those who complete the Academy training will receive a non-transcripted certificate in college teaching, which will enhance their CVs and improve their chances of placement as faculty and lecturers at colleges and universities.

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phone: (505) 277-8452

Welcome Center

The University of New Mexico Welcome Center, attached to the Cornell Parking Garage adjacent to Johnson Center and the Center for the Arts, invites all campus visitors and prospective and current students to stop by for information, directions and assistance. The Center has brochures, maps, continuing education catalogs and information on athletic events, performing arts events, museum and gallery exhibits, plus other special events happening on campus.

Stop by the Welcome Center and let us assist you with your University needs.

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phone: (505) 277-1989

UNM Parent Association

The Parent Association’s mission is to promote student success and academic excellence, engage parents in the university’s mission and goals, empower parents to play a supportive role in student education, and provide a forum for networking. As a parent or family member of a UNM student, it is important for you to feel connected with the institution and other parents or family members who are having similar experiences. The Association provides opportunities to parents such as the annual Family Weekend and Parent Day at the Pit for families to connect with their students and the University. The Association’s free monthly newsletter provides useful information to parents of important programs, events, activities and opportunities for them and their student. Membership to the association is free and open to all parents of currently enrolled students and alumni. For more information, visit the UNM Parent Association Web site.


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