
Melissa K. Bokovoy, Chairperson
Mesa Vista Hall Room 1104
MSC06 3760
1 University of New Mexico
Albuquerque, New Mexico 87131-0001
(505) 277-2451 

Distinguished Professor
Paul Andrew Hutton, Ph.D., Indiana University 

Melissa Bokovoy, Ph.D., Indiana University
Margaret Connell-Szasz, Ph.D., University of New Mexico
Timothy C. Graham, Ph.D., Cambridge University
Elizabeth Hutchison, Ph.D., University of California (Berkeley)
Jason Smith, Ph.D., University of California (Berkeley)
Charlie Steen, Ph.D., University of California (Los Angeles) 

Associate Professors
Larry Durwood Ball, Ph.D., University of New Mexico
Judy Bieber, Ph.D., Johns Hopkins University
Cathleen Cahill, Ph.D., University of Chicago
Luis Campos, Ph.D., Harvard University
Sarah Davis-Secord, Ph.D., University of Notre Dame
Manuel Garcia y Griego, Ph.D., University of California (Los Angeles)
Kimberly Gauderman, Ph.D., University of California (Los Angeles)
Frederick Gibbs, Ph.D., University of Wisconsin (Madison)
Robert Jefferson, Ph.D., University of Michigan
Erika Monahan, Ph.D., Stanford University
Michael Ryan, Ph.D., University of Minnesota
Enrique A. Sanabria, Ph.D., University of California (San Diego)
Andrew Sandoval-Strausz, Ph.D., University of Chicago
Samuel Truett, Ph.D., Yale University

Assistant Professors
Tiffany Florvil, Ph.D., University of South Carolina
Luis Herran Avila, Ph.D., The New School for Social Research
David Prior, Ph.D., University of South Carolina
Caleb Richardson, Ph.D., Stanford University
Shannon Withycombe, Ph.D., University of Wisconsin (Madison)

Lecturer III
Donna Ray, Ph.D., University of New Mexico 

Professors Emeriti
Richard W. Etulain, Ph.D., University of Oregon
Linda Hall, Ph.D., Columbia University
Robert Himmerich y Valencia, Ph.D., University of California (Los Angeles)
John Kessell, Ph.D., University of New Mexico
Charles McClelland, Ph.D., Yale University
Jonathan Porter, Ph.D., University of California (Berkeley)
Noel H. Pugach, Ph.D., University of Wisconsin, Madison
Barbara Reyes, Ph.D., University of California (San Diego)
Patricia Risso, Ph.D., McGill University
Richard Robbins, Ph.D., Columbia University
Janet Roebuck, Ph.D., University of London
Virginia Scharff, Ph.D., University of Arizona
Enrique Semo, Humboldt University
Donald Skabelund, Ph.D., University of Utah
M. Jane Slaughter, Ph.D., University of New Mexico
Jake W. Spidle, Ph.D., Stanford University
Donald D. Sullivan, Ph.D., University of Colorado
Melvin Yazawa, Ph.D., Johns Hopkins University


HIST 1105. Making History. (3, may be repeated once Δ)

HIST 1110. United States History I. (3)

HIST 1120. United States History II. (3)

HIST 1150. Western Civilization I. (3)

HIST 1160. Western Civilization II. (3)

HIST 1170. Survey of Early Latin America. (3)

HIST 1180. Survey of Modern Latin America. (3)

HIST 1190. Medieval Europe. (3)

HIST 1996. Topics. (1-6, no limit Δ)

HIST 2110. Survey of New Mexico History. (3)

HIST 2255. Traditional Eastern Civilizations. (3)

HIST 2256. Modern Eastern Civilization [Modern Eastern Civilizations]. (3)

HIST 2996 [220]. Topics [Studies in History]. (1-6, no limit Δ [1-3, no limit Δ])

HIST 300 / 500. Studies in History. (1-3, no limit Δ)

HIST 302 / 502. Ancient and Late Antique Rome. (3)

HIST 303 / 503. Early Middle Ages, 300 to 1050. (3)

HIST 304 / 504. High and Late Middle Ages, 1050-1550. (3)

HIST 306 / 506. Reformation Era, 1500-1600. (3)

HIST 307. Europe in the Seventeenth Century. (3)

HIST 308. Europe in the Eighteenth Century, 1700-1788. (3)

HIST 309 / 509. The French Revolution and Napoleon, 1789-1815. (3)

HIST 311. World War I, 1914-1918. (3)

HIST 312 / 512. History of Fascism. (3)

HIST 313 / 513. World War II and Reconstruction in Europe. (3)

HIST 314 / 514. Old Russia, 9th-17th century. (3)

HIST *316. History of Russia in the 20th Century. (3)

HIST 318 / 518. Spain and Portugal to 1700. (3)

HIST 319 / 519. Spain and Portugal since 1700. (3)

HIST 326 / 526. History of Christianity to 1517. (3)

HIST 327 / 527. History of Christianity, 1517 to Present. (3)

HIST 328 / 528. Early History of Science. (3)

HIST 329 / 529. History of Science Since the Enlightenment. (3)

HIST 330. The History of Colonial North America, 1527-1763. (3)

HIST 331. The American Revolution, 1763-1789. (3)

HIST 332. Antebellum America: From Revolution to Civil War, 1800-1861. (3)

HIST 333 / 533. Women, Race, and Nation in the Age of Revolutions, 1763-1850. (3, may be repeated once Δ)

HIST 334 / 534. The Civil War Era. (3)

HIST 335. Russian Culture and History through Film. (3)

HIST 337. Twentieth Century America, since 1945. (3)

HIST 338. Slavery and Freedom in the U.S.. (3)

HIST 341. U.S. Foreign Relations from 1900. (3)

HIST 345 / 545. U.S. Women since 1865. (3)

HIST 346 / 546. Native America to 1850. (3)

HIST 347. Native America, 1850-1940. (3)

HIST 348. Native America Since 1940. (3)

HIST 349 / 549. Military History of the United States to 1900. (3)

HIST 350 / 550. Modern U.S. Military History, 1900 to Present. (3)

HIST 359. History of Popular Music in the United States, Part II, 1940-1990. (3)

HIST 360 / 560. History of the University of New Mexico. (3)

HIST 361 / 561. The Trans-Mississippi West. (3)

HIST 371 / 571. From Aztec to Spanish Domination: The History of Early Mexico. (3)

HIST 373 / 573. The Mexican Revolution. (3)

HIST 374. Southern South America. (3)

HIST 376 / 576. Brazil in the Colonial Period, 1500-1822. (3)

HIST 377. Modern Brazil, 1822-Present. (3)

HIST 382. Imperial China. (3)

HIST 384. History of Japan. (3)

HIST 387 / 587. The Modern Middle East from 1800. (3)

HIST 395 / 595. Studies in European History. (3, may be repeated four times Δ)

HIST 396 / 596. Studies in American History. (3, may be repeated five times Δ)

HIST 397 / 597. Studies in Latin American History. (3, may be repeated four times Δ)

HIST 398 / 598. Studies in the History of Science, Medicine, and the Environment. (3, may be repeated four times Δ)

HIST 401 / 601. Anglo-Saxon England, 450-1066. (3)

HIST 402 / 602. Medieval Crusade and Jihad. (3)

HIST 403 / 603. The Russian Empire: History at the Peripheries. (3)

HIST 404 / 604. Ancient and Medieval Mediterranean. (3)

HIST 406 / 606. The Medieval and Modern Apocalypse. (3)

HIST 409 / 609. United States of Germs. (3)

HIST 410 / 610. History of Diet and Health. (3)

HIST 412. Food, Technology, and Society. (3)

HIST 413. History of American Food Cultures. (3)

HIST 414 / 614. Women and Health in American History. (3)

HIST 415 / 615. The History of Reproduction. (3)

HIST 416 / 616. Health and Disease in the Southwest. (3)

HIST 417. History of Modern Medicine. (3)

HIST 418 / 618. Modern Ireland. (3)

HIST 419 / 619. The Irish Diaspora. (3)

HIST 421 / 621. Modern Britain, 1660-Present. (3)

HIST 424 / 624. Everyday Life under Socialism. (3)

HIST 425 / 625. Europe and the Balkans. (3)

HIST 426. History of the Holocaust. (3)

HIST 427 / 627. History of Britain, 1066-1660. (3)

HIST 429 / 629. History of Beauty, Body, and Power. (3)

HIST 431. Political History of the United States. (3)

HIST 432 / 632. Explorations in Russian and Eurasian Environmental History. (3)

HIST 433. U.S. Environmental History. (3)

HIST 434. History of American Capitalism. (3)

HIST 440 / 640. Atomic America. (3)

HIST 441. Religion in American History. (3)

HIST 442 / 642. Queer History. (3)

HIST 444 / 612. Native American and Celtic History Since 1700. (3)

HIST 453. Asian Studies Thesis. (3)

HIST 461 / 607. The Western Hero. (3)

HIST 463 / 643. Hispanic Frontiers in North America. (3)

HIST 464 / 644. U.S.-Mexico Borderlands. (3)

HIST 465. History of Mexican Immigration. (3)

HIST 468 / 648. Society and Development in Latin America, 1492-Present. (3)

HIST 469. Inter-American Relations. (3)

HIST 472 / 652. Women in Modern Latin America. (3)

HIST 473 / 653. Indigenous Peoples of Latin America. (3)

HIST 474 / 654. Slavery and Race Relations in the Americas. (3)

HIST 478. History of Latin America through Film. (3)

HIST 482 / 662. Raj: India During British Rule. (3)

HIST 488 / 588. Islamic Middle East circa 1260 to 1800. (3)

HIST 490. Topics in History on Film. (1 or 3 to a maximum of 15 Δ)

HIST 491. Historiography. (3)

HIST 492. Senior Seminar. (3, no limit Δ)

HIST 493. Reading and Research in Honors. (3)

HIST 494. Senior Thesis. (3)

HIST 496. Undergraduate Readings in History. (1-3, no limit Δ)

HIST *499. Internship. (3-9, no limit Δ)

HIST 500 / 300. Studies in History. (1-3, no limit Δ)

HIST 502 / 302. Ancient and Late Antique Rome. (3)

HIST 503 / 303. Early Middle Ages, 300 to 1050. (3)

HIST 504 / 304. High and Late Middle Ages, 1050-1550. (3)

HIST 506 / 306. Reformation Era, 1500-1600. (3)

HIST 509 / 309. The French Revolution and Napoleon, 1789-1815. (3)

HIST 512 / 312. History of Fascism. (3)

HIST 513 / 313. World War II and Reconstruction in Europe. (3)

HIST 514 / 314. Old Russia, 9th-17th century. (3)

HIST 518 / 318. Spain and Portugal to 1700. (3)

HIST 519 / 319. Spain and Portugal since 1700. (3)

HIST 526 / 326. History of Christianity to 1517. (3)

HIST 527 / 327. History of Christianity, 1517 to Present. (3)

HIST 528 / 328. Early History of Science. (3)

HIST 529 / 329. History of Science Since the Enlightenment. (3)

HIST 533 / 333. Women, Race, and Nation in the Age of Revolutions, 1763-1850. (3, may be repeated once Δ)

HIST 534 / 334. The Civil War Era. (3)

HIST 545 / 345. U.S. Women since 1865. (3)

HIST 546 / 346. Native America to 1850. (3)

HIST 549 / 349. Military History of the United States to 1900. (3)

HIST 550 / 350. Modern U.S. Military History, 1900 to Present. (3)

HIST 560 / 360. History of the University of New Mexico. (3)

HIST 561 / 361. The Trans-Mississippi West. (3)

HIST 571 / 371. From Aztec to Spanish Domination: The History of Early Mexico. (3)

HIST 573 / 373. The Mexican Revolution. (3)

HIST 576 / 376. Brazil in the Colonial Period, 1500-1822. (3)

HIST 585 [585 / 485]. Islamic Middle East, circa 600-1260 CE. (3)

HIST 587 / 387. The Modern Middle East from 1800. (3)

HIST 588 / 488. Islamic Middle East circa 1260 to 1800. (3)

HIST 595 / 395. Studies in European History. (3, may be repeated four times Δ)

HIST 596 / 396. Studies in American History. (3, may be repeated five times Δ)

HIST 597 / 397. Studies in Latin American History. (3, may be repeated four times Δ)

HIST 598 / 398. Studies in the History of Science, Medicine, and the Environment. (3 to a maximum of 15 Δ)

HIST 599. Master's Thesis. (1-6, no limit Δ)

HIST 601 / 401. Anglo-Saxon England, 450-1066. (3)

HIST 602 / 402. Medieval Crusade and Jihad. (3)

HIST 603 / 403. The Russian Empire: History at the Peripheries. (3)

HIST 604 / 404. Ancient and Medieval Mediterranean. (3)

HIST 606 / 406. The Medieval and Modern Apocalypse. (3)

HIST 607 / 461. The Western Hero. (3)

HIST 609 / 409. United States of Germs. (3)

HIST 610 / 410. History of Diet and Health. (3)

HIST 612 / 444. Native American and Celtic History Since 1700. (3)

HIST 614 / 414. Women and Health in American History. (3)

HIST 615 / 415. The History of Reproduction. (3)

HIST 616 / 416. Health and Disease in the Southwest. (3)

HIST 618 / 418. Modern Ireland. (3)

HIST 619 / 419. The Irish Diaspora. (3)

HIST 621 / 421. Modern Britain, 1660-Present. (3)

HIST 624 / 424. Everyday Life under Socialism. (3)

HIST 625 / 425. Europe and the Balkans. (3)

HIST 627 / 427. History of Britain, 1066-1660. (3)

HIST 629 / 429. History of Beauty, Body, and Power. (3)

HIST 632 / 432. Explorations in Russian and Eurasian Environmental History. (3)

HIST 640 / 440. Atomic America. (3)

HIST 642 / 442. Queer History. (3)

HIST 643 / 463. Hispanic Frontiers in North America. (3)

HIST 644 / 464. U.S.-Mexico Borderlands. (3)

HIST 648 / 468. Society and Development in Latin America, 1492-Present. (3)

HIST 652 / 472. Women in Modern Latin America. (3)

HIST 653 / 473. Indigenous Peoples of Latin America. (3)

HIST 654 / 474. Slavery and Race Relations in the Americas. (3)

HIST 662 / 482. Raj: India During British Rule. (3)

HIST 664. Advanced Historiography. (3)

HIST 665. Seminar in Historical Research Methods. (3, no limit Δ)

HIST 666. Seminar and Studies in History. (3, no limit Δ)

HIST 668. Seminar and Studies in Medieval History. (3, no limit Δ)

HIST 669. Seminar and Studies in Early Modern European History. (3, no limit Δ)

HIST 670. Seminar and Studies in European Cultural and Intellectual History. (3, no limit Δ)

HIST 671. Seminar and Studies in Modern European History. (3, no limit Δ)

HIST 672. Seminar and Studies in British History. (3, no limit Δ)

HIST 673. Seminar and Studies in Iberian History. (3, no limit Δ)

HIST 674. Seminar and Studies in Modern Russian History. (3, no limit Δ)

HIST 675. Seminar and Studies in Early American History. (3, no limit Δ)

HIST 676. Seminar and Studies in American Intellectual and Social History. (3, no limit Δ)

HIST 677. Seminar and Studies in Civil War Period. (3, no limit Δ)

HIST 678. Seminar and Studies in Recent American History. (3, no limit Δ)

HIST 679. Seminar and Studies in United States Military History. (3, may be repeated once Δ)

HIST 680. Seminar and Studies in U.S. Social History and Theory. (3, no limit Δ)

HIST 681. Seminar and Studies in United States Diplomatic History. (3, no limit Δ)

HIST 682. Seminar in American Western History. (3, no limit Δ)

HIST 683. Seminar in American Indian History. (3, no limit Δ)

HIST 684. Seminar and Studies in Chicana/o History. (3, may be repeated once Δ)

HIST 685. Seminar in Borderlands History. (3, no limit Δ)

HIST 686. Seminar in Early Latin America. (3, no limit Δ)

HIST 687. Seminar in Recent Latin American History. (3, no limit Δ)

HIST 688. Seminar and Studies in Brazilian History. (3, no limit Δ)

HIST 689. Interdisciplinary Seminar on Problems of Modernization in Latin America. (3, no limit Δ)

HIST 690. Seminar in Latin American Studies. (3, no limit Δ)

HIST 692. Seminar in the History of Women and Gender. (3, no limit Δ)

HIST 697-698. Problems. (1-9, 1-9, no limit Δ)

HIST 699. Dissertation. (3-12, no limit Δ)


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Office of the Registrar

MSC11 6325
1 University of New Mexico
Albuquerque, NM 87131

Phone: (505) 277-8900
Fax: (505) 277-6809

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