Family and Child Studies

Jay Parkes, Department Chairperson
Department of Individual, Family and Community Education
Family and Child Studies, Simpson Hall
MSC05 3040
1 University of New Mexico
Albuquerque, NM 87131-0001
(505) 277-4535

Ziarat Hossain, Ph.D., Syracuse University

Associate Professors
David J. Atencio, Ph.D., Stanford University
Cathy Gutierrez-Gomez, Ed.D., University of North Texas 

Assistant Professors
Alexandra Davis, Ph.D., University of Missouri
Ryan Kelly, Ph.D., Auburn University
David Lardier, Ph.D., Montclair State University
Cara Streit, Ph.D., University of Missouri

Post-Doctoral Fellow
Ashley Martin-Cuellar, Ph.D., University of New Mexico

Professors Emeritae
Frank S. Kessel, Ph.D., University of Minnesota
Estella A. Martinez, Ph.D., Michigan State University
Mary Smith, Ph.D., Colorado State University


Enhancing the lives of children and families through interrelated theory, research, and practice that address the diverse and complex nature of their futures.


The mission of the Family and Child Studies program is to foster an interdisciplinary scholarly environment that enables early childhood professionals, family service providers, and researchers in the field of family and child study to: 

  • cultivate and disseminate systematic information and grounded knowledge about the diverse nature of families in contemporary societies,
  • understand and critically respond to the dynamic complexities of human development across the lifespan, and
  • foster leadership in addressing the multiple facets of early childhood development.


The Family and Child Studies program (undergraduate through doctoral-level) focuses on understanding the complex influences, relationships, and ecologies of development across the lifespan. The program prepares students to promote the optimal well-being of families and individuals, recognizing that characteristics and needs of families change across the lifespan and within multiple and diverse contexts. Families provide children’s first learning environments, which impact children’s education and learning throughout their lives. The preparation of professionals in education is grounded in the deep understanding of families and children. Thus, the Family and Child Studies program makes a central contribution to preparation of professionals in the College of Education. The program provides an option for professionals to become licensed to teach Pre-K to Grade 3 in New Mexico, as well as an option to become nationally-certified family life educators.


ECED 1110 [FCS 101]. Child Growth, Development, and Learning. (3)

ECED 1115 [FCS 103]. Health, Safety, and Nutrition. (2)

ECED 1120 [FCS 115]. Guiding Young Children. (3)

ECED 1125 [FCS 220]. Assessment of Children and Evaluation of Programs. (3)

ECED 1130 [FCS 111]. Family and Community Collaboration. (3)

ECED 2110 [FCS 230]. Professionalism. (2)

ECED 2115 [FCS 202]. Introduction to Language, Literacy, and Reading [Introduction to Reading, Language and Literacy]. (3)

ECED 2120 [FCS 117]. Curriculum Development through Play: Birth through Age 4 (PreK) [Curriculum Development through Play: Birth through Age 4]. (3)

ECED 2121 [FCS 117L]. Curriculum Development through Play: Birth through Age 4 (PreK) Practicum [Practicum: Birth through Age 4]. (2)

ECED 2130 [FCS 217]. Curriculum Development and Implementation: Age 3 (PreK) through Grade 3 [Curriculum Development and Implementation: Age 3 through Grade 3]. (3)

ECED 2131 [FCS 217L]. Curriculum Development and Implementation: Age 3 (PreK) through Grade 3 Practicum [Practicum: Age 3 to Grade 3]. (2)

FCS 2240 [FCS 203]. Infant Toddler Growth and Development: Prenatal to Age 3 [Infant Growth and Development]. (3)

FCS 102. Carpe Noctem: Sleep, Health, and the Family. (3)

FCS 302. Emergent Literacy: Birth through Pre-K. (3)

FCS 304. Growth and Development in Middle Childhood. (3)

FCS 305. Research and Evaluation in Family and Child Studies. (3)

FCS 310. Friends and Intimate Relationships. (3)

FCS 311. Family, Language and Culture. (3)

FCS 312. Parent-Child Interactions. (3)

FCS 313. Family Theories. (3)

FCS 315. Adolescent Development in the Family. (3)

FCS 316. Early Childhood Pedagogy and Curriculum. (3)

FCS 321. Young Children and Diverse Abilities. (3)

FCS 341. Ecological Aspects of Housing. (3)

FCS 343. Family Management Theories. (3)

FCS 344. Consumer Decisions. (3)

FCS 391 / 591. Problems. (1-6 to a maximum of 6 Δ; 1-3 to a maximum of 12 Δ)

FCS 395. Field Experience. (1-6 to a maximum of 6 Δ)

FCS 401. Research in Child Growth, Development and Learning. (3)

FCS 402. Teaching and Learning Reading and Writing. (3)

FCS 403. Growth and Development of the Preschool Child. (3)

FCS 405. Advanced Caregiving for Infants and Toddlers. (3)

FCS 406. Teaching and Learning Math and Science. (4)

FCS 407L. Preschool Child Laboratory. (1)

FCS 408. Teaching and Learning in Social Studies, Fine Arts and Movement. (3)

FCS *411. Marriage and Family Life Education. (3)

FCS 412. Fathering. (3)

FCS 416. Adult Development in the Family. (3)

FCS 417L. Teaching and Learning Practicum. (2)

FCS 440. Student Teaching Seminar. (3)

FCS 440L. Student Teaching Laboratory. (9)

FCS 443. Application of Family Management Theories. (3)

FCS 481. Public Policy and Advocacy in Family and Child Studies. (3)

FCS *484. The Sociocultural Context of Families. (3)

FCS 493 / 593. Topics. (1-3, no limit Δ; 1-3, no limit Δ)

FCS 497. Reading and Research in Honors I. (2)

FCS 498. Reading and Research in Honors II. (2)

FCS 499. Honors Thesis. (2)

FCS 501. Parent Education. (3)

FCS 502. Developmental Issues in Families: Early Childhood. (3)

FCS 503. Seminar in Human Growth and Development. (3)

FCS 504. Developmental Issues in Families: Middle Childhood and Adolescence. (3)

FCS 508. Developmental Issues in Families: Adulthood and Aging. (3)

FCS 513. Current Issues in Family and Child Studies. (3, no limit Δ)

FCS 514. Fatherhood. (3)

FCS 515. Young Children Moving Into Literacy. (3)

FCS 516. Advanced Study of Early Childhood Curriculum. (3)

FCS 517. Family Interaction Theories. (3)

FCS 543. Managing Family Resources. (3)

FCS 546. Family Systems Theories. (3)

FCS 547. Global Perspectives in Early Childhood Education. (3)

FCS 570. Research Methods in Family and Child Studies. (3)

FCS 576. Teaching and Learning Through Play. (3)

FCS 581. Seminar in Legal, Ethical and Policy Issues in Family and Child Studies. (3)

FCS 584. Multicultural Issues: Working with Families. (3)

FCS 591 / 391. Problems. (1-3 to a maximum of 12 Δ; 1-6 to a maximum of 6 Δ)

FCS 593 / 493. Topics. (1-3, no limit Δ; 1-3, no limit Δ)

FCS 595. Advanced Field Experiences. (3)

FCS 596. Graduate Research Seminar. (3)

FCS 598. Directed Readings in Family and Child Studies. (3-6 to a maximum of 6 Δ)

FCS 599. Master's Thesis. (1-6, no limit Δ)

FCS 610. Applied Developmental Science in Families. (3)

FCS 614. Globalization and International Families. (3)

FCS 615. Human Development in Cultural Contexts. (3)

FCS 620. Sleep and Family Processes. (3)

FCS 622. Seminar in Advanced Study of Early Childhood Education. (3)

FCS 625. Seminar in Self Regulation. (3)

FCS 670. Advanced Seminar in Theory and Research in Family and Child Studies I. (3)

FCS 671. Advanced Seminar in Theory and Research in Family and Child Studies II. (3)

FCS 699. Doctoral Dissertation. (3-12, no limit Δ)

FCST 1120 [FCS 105]. Introduction to Family and Child Studies. (3)

FCST 2130 [FCS 213]. Marriage and Family Relationships. (3)


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Office of the Registrar

MSC11 6325
1 University of New Mexico
Albuquerque, NM 87131

Phone: (505) 277-8900
Fax: (505) 277-6809

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