Undergraduate Program

Program information and application for undergraduate admission:
College of Education Center for Student Success
Travelstead Hall
(505) 277-3190

Students who have not been admitted to UNM should schedule a meeting through the Non-UNM Student Appointment Form on the College of Education Web site. Students admitted to UNM should schedule a meeting at the College of Education Center for Student Success and/or the Family and Child Studies program office.

Degree Offered

  • Bachelor of Science in Family and Child Studies (B.S.)
    Concentrations: Early Childhood Education and Development; Early Childhood Multicultural Education Licensure Pre-K to Grade 3; Human Development and Family Relations.

Students who wish to apply for the Certified Family Life Educator (CFLE) designation of the National Council on Family Relations (NCFR) must refer to the NCFR Web site for details on requirements and application. Note that a course in human sexuality is required for the CFLE application.

Bachelor of Science in Family and Child Studies

Early Childhood Education and Development Concentration

I. General Education Requirements
Area 1: Communication 9
(ENGL 1110 or 1110Y or 1110Z) and ENGL 1120.
Select one from: COMM 1130; ENGL 2120, 2210; PHIL 1120; UHON 201.
Area 2: Mathematics and Statistics 3
Select one from: MATH 1130, 1350, 2118.
Area 3: Physical and Natural Sciences 7
BIOL 1110/1110L or BIOL 1140/1140L.
Select one from: ANTH 1211/1211L, 1170/1170L, 1175/1175L; ASTR 1115/1115L; CHEM 1110, 1120C, (1215 or 131)/1215L, (1225 or 132)/1225L; ENVS 1130/1130L; GEOG 1160/1160L; GEOL 1110/1110L, 2110C; NTSC 1110, 1120, 2110; PHYS 1110, 1115/1115L, 1230/1230L, 1240/1240L, 1310/1310L, 1320/1320L; UHON 203.
Area 4: Social and Behavioral Sciences 6
Select two from: AFST 1120; AMST 1110, 1140; ANTH 1115, 1140; CCST 1110; CRP 181; ECON 2110, 2120; ENG 200; GEOG 1165; LING 2110; POLS 1140, 1120, 2110, 2120; PSYC 1110; SOCI 1110; UHON 204.
Area 5: Humanities 6
Select two from: AFST 1110; AMST 1150; CCST 2110; CLST 1110, 2110, 2120; COMP 222, 224; ENGL 1410, 2650, 2660; GEOG 1175; HIST 1110, 1120, 1150, 1160, 1170, 1180; MLNG 1110; NATV 1150; PHIL 1115, 2210, 2225; RELG 1110, 2110, 2120; UHON 121, 122, 205.
Area 6: Second Language 3
One course chosen from any lower-division non-English language offerings from Foreign Languages and Literatures, Linguistics (including Sign Language), Spanish and Portuguese, and foreign languages in other departments and programs. 
Area 7: Arts and Design
Select one from: ARCH 1120; ARTH 1120, 2110, 2120; DANC 1110; FA 284; FDMA 2110; MUSC 1120, 1130; THEA 1110; UHON 207; any 3 credit hour studio or performance course offered by the Art, Film and Digital Arts, Music, or Theatre and Dance departments.
Additional Requirement
NUTR 1110
NUTR 2110
Nutrition for Health

Human Nutrition
Subtotal 40
II. Family and Child Studies Core Courses
FCS 305 Research and Evaluation in Family and Child Studies 3
FCS 481 Public Policy and Advocacy in Family and Child Studies 3
FCS *484 The Sociocultural Context of Families 3
FCST 1120 Introduction to Family and Child Studies 3
Subtotal 12
III. Concentration Requirements
Lower-Division Concentration Core (select from):
ECED 1110 Child Growth, Development, and Learning 3
ECED 1115 Health, Safety and Nutrition 2
ECED 1120 Guiding Young Children 3
ECED 1125 Assessment of Children and Evaluation of Programs 3
ECED 1130 Family and Community Collaboration 3
ECED 2110 Professionalism 2
ECED 2115 Introduction to Language, Literacy, and Reading  3
ECED 2120 Curriculum Development through Play: Birth through Age 4 (PreK)  3
ECED 2130 Curriculum Development and Implementation: Age 3 (PreK) through Grade 3   3
ECED 2240 Infant Toddler Growth and Development: Prenatal to Age 3 3
FCS 102 Carpe Noctem: Sleep, Health, and the Family 3
FCST 2130 Marriage and Family Relationships 3
Subtotal 12
Upper-Division Concentration Core
FCS 302 Emergent Literacy: Birth through Pre-K 3
FCS 311 Family, Language and Culture 3
FCS 312 Parent-Child Interactions 3
FCS 316 Early Childhood Pedagogy and Curriculum 3
FCS 401 Research in Child Growth, Development, and Learning 3
FCS 403 Growth and Development of the Preschool Child 3
FCS 405 Advanced Caregiving for Infants and Toddlers 3
Subtotal 21
IV. Family and Child Studies Electives (select from):
FCS 304 Growth and Development in Middle Childhood 3
FCS 310 Friends and Intimate Relationships 3
FCS 313 Family Theories  3
FCS 315 Adolescent Development in the Family 3
FCS 321 Young Children and Diverse Abilities 3
FCS 341 Ecological Aspects of Housing 3
FCS 343 Family Management Theories 3
FCS 344 Consumer Decisions 3
FCS 395 Field Experience 3
FCS 407L Preschool Child Laboratory 1
FCS *411 Marriage and Family Life Education 3
FCS 412 Fathering 3
FCS 416 Adult Development in the Family 3
FCS 443 Application of Family Management Theories 3
Subtotal 24
V. Unrestricted Electives
Consult the program faculty for specific courses. 11
Subtotal 11
At least 40 credit hours of upper-division courses are required.
Degree Total

Grades of “C” or better are required in all General Education and Family and Child Studies courses used to meet the Early Childhood Education and Development concentration.

Early Childhood Multicultural Education Licensure Pre-K to Grade 3 Concentration

I. General Education Requirements
Area 1: Writing and Speaking 9
(ENGL 1110 or 1110Y or 1110Z) and ENGL 1120.
Select one from: COMM 1130; ENGL 2120, 2210
Area 2: Mathematics 6
MATH 2118 and 1350.
Area 3: Physical and Natural Sciences 8
Select two from: NTSC 1110, 1120, 2110.
Area 4: Social and Behavioral Sciences 9
Select three from: AFST 1120; AMST 1110, 1140; ANTH 1115, 1140; CCST 1110; CRP 181; ECON 2110, 2120; ENG 200; GEOG 1165; LING 2110; POLS 1140, 1120, 2110, 2120; PSYC 1110; UHON 204.
Area 5: Humanities 9
(HIST 1110 or 1120) and (HIST 1150 or 1160) and HIST 2110.
Area 6: Second Language 3
One course chosen from any lower-division non-English language offerings from Foreign Languages and Literatures, Linguistics (including Sign Language), Spanish and Portuguese, and foreign languages in other departments and programs. 
Area 7: Arts and Design 3
ARTE 2214.
Subtotal 47
II. Concentration Requirements
Lower-Division Concentration Core
ECED 1110 Child Growth, Development, and Learning 3
ECED 1115 Health, Safety and Nutrition 2
ECED 1120 Guiding Young Children 3
ECED 1125 Assessment of Children and Evaluation of Programs 3
ECED 1130 Family and Community Collaboration 2
ECED 2110 Professionalism 2
ECED 2115 Introduction to Language, Literacy, and Reading  3
ECED 2120 Curriculum Development through Play: Birth through Age 4 (PreK)  3
ECED 2121 Curriculum Development through Play: Birth through Age 4 (PreK) Practicum 2
ECED 2130 Curriculum Development and Implementation: Age 3 (PreK) through Grade 3   3
ECED 2131 Curriculum Development and Implementation: Age 3 (PreK) through Grade 3 Practicum 2
Subtotal 29
Upper-Division Concentration Core
FCS 311 Family, Language and Culture 3
FCS 321 Young Children and Diverse Abilities 3
FCS 401 Research in Child Growth, Development, and Learning 3
Subtotal 9
  Pre-K to Grade 3 Professional Courses
FCS 402 Teaching and Learning Reading and Writing 3
FCS 406 Teaching and Learning Math and Science 4
FCS 408 Teaching and Learning in Social Studies, Fine Arts and Movement 3
FCS 417L Teaching and Learning Practicum 2
FCS 440 Student Teaching Seminar 3
FCS 440L Student Teaching Lab 9
Subtotal 24
Additional Concentration Requirements
FCST 1120 Introduction to Family and Child Studies 3
EDPY 472 Classroom Assessment 3
LLSS 321 School and Society 3
LLSS 453 Theoretical and Cultural Foundations of Bilingual Education 3
Subtotal 12
At least 40 credit hours of upper-division courses are required.
Degree Total 121

Grades of “C” or better are required in all General Education and all 100- and 200-level required coursework, whereas grades of “B” or better are required for all upper-division courses used to meet the Early Childhood Multicultural Education Licensure Pre-K to Grade 3 concentration.

Human Development and Family Relations Concentration

I. General Education Requirements
Area 1: Writing and Speaking 9
(ENGL 1110 or 1110Y or 1110Z) and ENGL 1120.
Select one from: COMM 1130; ENGL 2120, 2210; PHIL 1120; UHON 201.
Area 2: Mathematics 3
MATH 1350.
Area 3: Physical and Natural Sciences 7
BIOL 1110/1110L or BIOL 1140/1140L.
Select one from: ANTH 1211/1211L, 1170/1170L, 1175/1175L; ASTR 1115/1115L; CHEM 1110, 1120C, (1215 or 131)/1215L, (1225 or 132)/1225L; ENVS 1130/1130L; GEOG 1160/1160L; GEOL 1110/1110L, 2110C; NTSC 1110, 1120, 2110; PHYS 1110, 1115/1115L, 1230/1230L, 1240/1240L, 1310/1310L, 1320/1320L; UHON 203.
Area 4: Social and Behavioral Sciences 6
Select two from: AFST 1120; AMST 1110, 1140; ANTH 1115, 1140; CCST 1110; CRP 181; ECON 2110, 2120; ENG 200; GEOG 1165; LING 2110; POLS 1140, 1120, 2110, 2120; PSYC 1110; SOCI 1110; UHON 204.
Area 5: Humanities 6
Select two from: AFST 1110; AMST 1150; CCST 2110; CLST 1110, 2110, 2120; COMP 222, 224; ENGL 1410, 2650, 2660; GEOG 1175; HIST 1110, 1120, 1150, 1160, 1170, 1180; MLNG 1110; NATV 1150; PHIL 1115, 2210, 2225; RELG 1110, 2110, 2120; UHON 121, 122, 205.
Area 6: Second Language 3
One course chosen from any lower-division non-English language offerings from Foreign Languages and Literatures, Linguistics (including Sign Language), Spanish and Portuguese, and foreign languages in other departments and programs. 
Area 7: Fine Arts 3
Select one from: ARCH 1120; ARTH 1120, 2110, 2120; DANC 1110; FA 284; FDMA 2110; MUSC 1120, 1130; THEA 1110; UHON 207; any 3 credit hour studio or performance course offered by the Art, Film and Digital Arts, Music, or Theatre and Dance departments.
Additional Requirement
NUTR 1110
NUTR 2110
Nutrition for Health

Human Nutrition
Subtotal 40
II. Family and Child Studies Core Courses
FCS 305 Research and Evaluation in Family and Child Studies 3
FCS 481 Public Policy and Advocacy in Family and Child Studies 3
FCS *484 The Sociocultural Context of Families 3
FCST 1120 Introduction to Family and Child Studies 3
Subtotal 12
III. Concentration Requirements
Concentration Core
FCS 312 Parent-Child Interactions 3
FCS 395 Field Experience 3
FCS 403 Growth and Development of the Preschool Child 3
FCS 407L Preschool Child Laboratory 1
FCST 2130 Marriage and Family Relationships 3
Subtotal 13
Family Relations (select from):
FCS 310 Friends and Intimate Relationships 3
FCS 313 Family Theories  3
FCS *411 Marriage and Family Life Education 3
FCS 412 Fathering 3
Subtotal 9
Family Resource Management (select from):
FCS 341 Ecological Aspects of Housing 3
FCS 343 Family Management Theories 3
FCS 344 Consumer Decisions 3
FCS 443 Application of Family Management Theories 3
Subtotal 6
Human Development (select from):
ECED 2240 Infant Toddler Growth and Development: Prenatal to Age 3 3
FCS 304 Growth and Development in Middle Childhood 3
FCS 315 Adolescent Development in the Family 3
FCS 416 Adult Development in the Family 3
Subtotal 9
IV. Unrestricted Electives
Consult the program faculty for specific courses. 31
Subtotal 31
At least 40 credit hours of upper-division courses are required.
Degree Total 120

Students pursuing the Human Development and Family Relations concentration must take FCS 403 and 407L concurrently.

Grades of “C” or better are required in all General Education and departmental courses used to meet the Human Development and Family Relations concentration.

To complete this concentration in B.S. in Family and Child Studies without a minor, 67 credit hours in departmental courses are required. Upon program approval, students may count up to 6 credit hours of FCS 391 towards program requirements.

Minor Study

Family and Child Studies

A minor in Family and Child Studies consists of a total of 18 credit hours.

Core courses

Family and Child Studies Core Courses
FCST 1120 Introduction to Family and Child Studies 3
FCS 305 Research and Evaluation in Family and Child Studies 3
FCS 481 Public Policy and Advocacy in Family and Child Studies 3
FCS *484 The Sociocultural Context of Families 3
Subtotal 12
Additional Courses (select from):
ECED 1125 Assessment of Children and Evaluation of Programs 3
ECED 2115 Introduction to Language, Literacy, and Reading  3
ECED 2130 Curriculum Development and Implementation: Age 3 through Grade 3 3
ECED 2240 Infant Toddler Growth and Development: Prenatal to Age 3 3
FCS 304 Growth and Development in Middle Childhood 3
FCS 310 Friends and Intimate Relationships 3
FCS 312 Parent-Child Interactions 3
FCS 313 Family Theories 3
FCS 315 Adolescent Development in the Family 3
FCS 316 Early Childhood Pedagogy and Curriculum 3
FCS 321 Young Children and Diverse Abilities 3
FCS 341 Ecological Aspects of Housing 3
FCS 343 Family Management Theories 3
FCS 344 Consumer Decisions 3
FCS 395 Field Experience 3
FCS 401 Research in Child Growth, Development, and Learning 3
FCS 403 Growth and Development of the Preschool Child 3
FCS 405 Advanced Caregiving for Infants and Toddlers 3
FCS *411 Marriage and Family Life Education 3
FCS 412 Fathering 3
FCS 416 Adult Development in the Family 3
FCS 443 Application of Family Management Theories 3
FCST 2130 Marriage and Family Relationships 3
Subtotal  6
 Total 18

Nine credit hours must be numbered above 300. Grades of "C" or better are required. This is a non-teaching minor in the College of Education, and is available for majors in all departments with approval from major advisors. If the courses are required in both the major and the minor, an equivalent number of approved credit hours shall be added to the total credit hour requirement.

Visit the Family and Child Studies Program Web site for more information and specific requirements.

Suggested Minor for B.S. in Family and Child Studies

(18-21 credit hours) 

  • Anthropology
  • Communication and Journalism
  • Economics
  • English
  • Management
  • Psychology
  • Sociology
  • Women Studies

NOTE: See minor department for specific requirements and/or information. Completion of a minor is not a requirement for the College of Education students majoring in Family and Child Studies. A student without a minor must complete a total of 57 credit hours in Family and Child Studies.

Departmental Honors

The Departmental Honors program is open to Family and Child Studies majors who have an overall GPA of at least 3.50. Students must seek advisement from a faculty member willing to serve as mentor for the honors courses and research. An Honors thesis is written during the student’s final semester. Required courses are FCS 497, 498, and 499. These courses are in addition to those required for the major and/or concentration.


ECED 1110 [FCS 101]. Child Growth, Development, and Learning. (3)

ECED 1115 [FCS 103]. Health, Safety, and Nutrition. (2)

ECED 1120 [FCS 115]. Guiding Young Children. (3)

ECED 1125 [FCS 220]. Assessment of Children and Evaluation of Programs. (3)

ECED 1130 [FCS 111]. Family and Community Collaboration. (3)

ECED 2110 [FCS 230]. Professionalism. (2)

ECED 2115 [FCS 202]. Introduction to Language, Literacy, and Reading [Introduction to Reading, Language and Literacy]. (3)

ECED 2120 [FCS 117]. Curriculum Development through Play: Birth through Age 4 (PreK) [Curriculum Development through Play: Birth through Age 4]. (3)

ECED 2121 [FCS 117L]. Curriculum Development through Play: Birth through Age 4 (PreK) Practicum [Practicum: Birth through Age 4]. (2)

ECED 2130 [FCS 217]. Curriculum Development and Implementation: Age 3 (PreK) through Grade 3 [Curriculum Development and Implementation: Age 3 through Grade 3]. (3)

ECED 2131 [FCS 217L]. Curriculum Development and Implementation: Age 3 (PreK) through Grade 3 Practicum [Practicum: Age 3 to Grade 3]. (2)

FCS 2240 [FCS 203]. Infant Toddler Growth and Development: Prenatal to Age 3 [Infant Growth and Development]. (3)

FCS 102. Carpe Noctem: Sleep, Health, and the Family. (3)

FCS 302. Emergent Literacy: Birth through Pre-K. (3)

FCS 304. Growth and Development in Middle Childhood. (3)

FCS 305. Research and Evaluation in Family and Child Studies. (3)

FCS 310. Friends and Intimate Relationships. (3)

FCS 311. Family, Language and Culture. (3)

FCS 312. Parent-Child Interactions. (3)

FCS 313. Family Theories. (3)

FCS 315. Adolescent Development in the Family. (3)

FCS 316. Early Childhood Pedagogy and Curriculum. (3)

FCS 321. Young Children and Diverse Abilities. (3)

FCS 341. Ecological Aspects of Housing. (3)

FCS 343. Family Management Theories. (3)

FCS 344. Consumer Decisions. (3)

FCS 391 / 591. Problems. (1-6 to a maximum of 6 Δ; 1-3 to a maximum of 12 Δ)

FCS 395. Field Experience. (1-6 to a maximum of 6 Δ)

FCS 401. Research in Child Growth, Development and Learning. (3)

FCS 402. Teaching and Learning Reading and Writing. (3)

FCS 403. Growth and Development of the Preschool Child. (3)

FCS 405. Advanced Caregiving for Infants and Toddlers. (3)

FCS 406. Teaching and Learning Math and Science. (4)

FCS 407L. Preschool Child Laboratory. (1)

FCS 408. Teaching and Learning in Social Studies, Fine Arts and Movement. (3)

FCS *411. Marriage and Family Life Education. (3)

FCS 412. Fathering. (3)

FCS 416. Adult Development in the Family. (3)

FCS 417L. Teaching and Learning Practicum. (2)

FCS 440. Student Teaching Seminar. (3)

FCS 440L. Student Teaching Laboratory. (9)

FCS 443. Application of Family Management Theories. (3)

FCS 481. Public Policy and Advocacy in Family and Child Studies. (3)

FCS *484. The Sociocultural Context of Families. (3)

FCS 493 / 593. Topics. (1-3, no limit Δ; 1-3, no limit Δ)

FCS 497. Reading and Research in Honors I. (2)

FCS 498. Reading and Research in Honors II. (2)

FCS 499. Honors Thesis. (2)

FCS 501. Parent Education. (3)

FCS 502. Developmental Issues in Families: Early Childhood. (3)

FCS 503. Seminar in Human Growth and Development. (3)

FCS 504. Developmental Issues in Families: Middle Childhood and Adolescence. (3)

FCS 508. Developmental Issues in Families: Adulthood and Aging. (3)

FCS 513. Current Issues in Family and Child Studies. (3, no limit Δ)

FCS 514. Fatherhood. (3)

FCS 515. Young Children Moving Into Literacy. (3)

FCS 516. Advanced Study of Early Childhood Curriculum. (3)

FCS 517. Family Interaction Theories. (3)

FCS 543. Managing Family Resources. (3)

FCS 546. Family Systems Theories. (3)

FCS 547. Global Perspectives in Early Childhood Education. (3)

FCS 570. Research Methods in Family and Child Studies. (3)

FCS 576. Teaching and Learning Through Play. (3)

FCS 581. Seminar in Legal, Ethical and Policy Issues in Family and Child Studies. (3)

FCS 584. Multicultural Issues: Working with Families. (3)

FCS 591 / 391. Problems. (1-3 to a maximum of 12 Δ; 1-6 to a maximum of 6 Δ)

FCS 593 / 493. Topics. (1-3, no limit Δ; 1-3, no limit Δ)

FCS 595. Advanced Field Experiences. (3)

FCS 596. Graduate Research Seminar. (3)

FCS 598. Directed Readings in Family and Child Studies. (3-6 to a maximum of 6 Δ)

FCS 599. Master's Thesis. (1-6, no limit Δ)

FCS 610. Applied Developmental Science in Families. (3)

FCS 614. Globalization and International Families. (3)

FCS 615. Human Development in Cultural Contexts. (3)

FCS 620. Sleep and Family Processes. (3)

FCS 622. Seminar in Advanced Study of Early Childhood Education. (3)

FCS 625. Seminar in Self Regulation. (3)

FCS 670. Advanced Seminar in Theory and Research in Family and Child Studies I. (3)

FCS 671. Advanced Seminar in Theory and Research in Family and Child Studies II. (3)

FCS 699. Doctoral Dissertation. (3-12, no limit Δ)

FCST 1120 [FCS 105]. Introduction to Family and Child Studies. (3)

FCST 2130 [FCS 213]. Marriage and Family Relationships. (3)


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